Sunday greetings pawesome pals
They are running a campaign to find 6 purrfectly impurrfect pets to be the face of their new product line:
'The six most ‘perfectly-imperfect’ pets will be voted for by the public and hand-picked by animal fanatic and fashionista Gok Wan to become the face of FRONTLINE Pet Care launch campaign. We will also be working with animal charities to get them to enter their animals and hopefully we’ll find some cats and dogs new homes! The winners will not only become the faces of the FRONTLINE Real Pets campaign but will also win an exclusive photoshoot with Gok Wan!'
How Epic Is That? It's Epically Epic!
If mew want to enter, click to visit their Facebook Page and post your favourite picture; the competition ends 21st January so hurry, hurry, hurry!
Smooch has already got himself there, as he really likes the idea all his smoochiness reaching new heights and spreading endless joy to the wurld! MOL
Smooch has already got himself there, as he really likes the idea all his smoochiness reaching new heights and spreading endless joy to the wurld! MOL
Remember this.... from August 2014?
The Furrmous Imaginings of Smoochie
Welcome to SmoochieVille
Purrhaps ~ A small hamlet named after me
[obviously get rid of the yellow peril and smashed up pallets, we'd have to have a bit of a clean up, either that or my imagination needs a bit of work]
Smoochie Cereals
Effuryone furrmous should have their own cereals with 100% pure Catnip
The Let Me In Anywhere Pass Card
This would grant me unrestricted access to anything, anytime & anywhere!
Smoochie Movies
Movie magic starring yours truly, Smoochie Smoochums MacSmooch
Smoochie Pop Art
This one's a given, if you're furrmous, mew automatically get multi-coloured pictures
Smoochie Postage Stamps
No licking my bottom though, they'd have to be self adhesive fur sure
[I can't have anyone just licking things willynilly!]
Smoochie Trading Cards
Better than your bestest effur kitty trading card
Finally me in Times Square!
Appurrently when your face is here, mew've cracked the BIG Time [whateffur that is!]
* * *
Way to go Smooch, we hope mew get a vote or two, and now it's time fur us to hop on, so we'll wish mew all a epic Sunday and hope to see mew on the morrow when we're back with another mandala fur mew to colour and get your Om on and Zen Harmonies happening!
Happy purrs
Basil & Co xox
Basil & Co xox
Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with
Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:
Graphics created used under paid licence @www.canva.com
Smoochie graphics created @ www.glassgiant.com