Friday, 1 December 2017

Catmas Cards, Secret Santa and The Annual Snow Debate on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #224 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade, and as mew can see we've morphed from a lovely autumn banner into the cooler winter one and mew know what that means? Only 24 days to Catmas - WOOO HOOO!!!

This week we've been supurr busy getting all our Blogging Buddy Catmas Cards sent out, they went yesterday and now we're sorting out our Secret Santa parcel to send to one of our pawesome blogging buddy's, which will be leaving on Monday.   

Most of the Crotchety Cougars should have received Amber's special Catmas card by now or if not, it's not far away, as those were sent last week, so all things considered we're getting there.

We're just preparing the Cat Scout cards, and hopefully that should be all done and dusted by next week too!

In other news we had our... yesterday afternoon we got our furry furst flurry of the season and at the moment, the votes are:-

2 = definitely no

1 = definitely yes

1 = maybe

1 = talking about feathers ???

and my vote is... what do mew think my vote is? MOL

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Special Guest Post

Sunday Selfies ~ Getting My Glow On

Colouring with Cats #43
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST Rascal and Rocco on Pinterest  5. Co-host: MK Clinton on Twitter  9. image-in-ing - weekly photo linky  
2. HOST Rascal and Rocco on Instagram  6. Co-host: MK Clinton on Pinterest  10. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
3. Co-host: @BionicBasil   7. Nerissa's Life on Facebook  11. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  
4. Co-host: Bionic Basil  8. The Meow Place on Pinterest  

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  1. Hmmm...I think you will vote NO!!! Just like Me! I, Marvelous do NOT want snow!

  2. When I met snow, I didn't like it much... too cold, even with a sweater on!

    1. Hi Summer, oh snow is ok to look at for a few minutes - furry purretty - but aftur that it's cold, wet and blah! MOL XOX

  3. guys are getting cold enough for snow? I think the last answer is, "Do we keep fish in snow?"

    Shoko and Kali

    1. Hey Shoko & Kali, yep and we've got some more headed our way tomorrow. Do we keep fish in snow? yes if the fridge has broken!!! MOL XOX

  4. Oh, handsome Fudge ... your response doesn't exactly help your contention that you're not a bit dim-witted. Feathers?!?! REALLY?!?! It's always more fun when a cat can go out and explore without freezing his behind off!

    1. Hiya MK, BC & EM, poor Fudge and his feathers!! MOL MOL Next he'll be wanting snowshoes! MOL XOX

  5. The only thing good about snow is that we don't have to be out in it...we only look at it from the inside.

    1. Hey Wally, Ernie & Zoey, oh mew guys stay indoors fur sure! MOL XOX

  6. You are all adorable. I don't mind snow, but just a little :)

    1. Thanks guys, and yes a light smattering is ok...fur like ten minutes!! MOL XOX

  7. No snow. My dog wants a lot of snow.

  8. Dad's forcing me to say no to snow. Doesn't make a lick of difference to me since I'm in here all the time.

  9. No snow, it's too cold on the toesies! Having said that though, Eric and Flynn used to love exploring on the very few occasions it snowed.
    Your card has arrived, thank you. I have made a start, overseas first then UK. Hopefully get them finished over the weekend.

    1. Hiya Angels Flynn & Eric, & Mum, so glad mew got our card - woo hoo fur Royal Mail! MOL XOX

  10. Our internet broke before our post published Thurs night so we missed actually joining the pet parade. We're back now and the weekend looks a lot brighter with internet. Have a great weekend.

    1. Oh no Funny Farmers, there's nothing wurse than a broken interwebs connection, so happy mew've got it fixed now! WOO HOO!!! XOX

  11. No, no, snow!
    The people here don't know how to drive in it and there are crashes and booms all day and night.
    Have a fantastic weekend...

    Noodle and crew

    1. NOODLE SAYS NO TO SNOW!!!! Woo Hooo dude way to go, and the peeps drive exactly the same here, crazy freakers!!! MOL XOX

  12. We think you may be voting "no," just like us, Basil!

  13. Snow = NO! And we are getting some on Thursday...too can come Christmas Eve for catmosphere, then it can go if...we *can* hope and dream! MOL!

    1. Hey Pipo, we are saying NO TO SNOW dude, and yes a smattering fur Catmas then go away!!! MOL XOX


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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!