Monday 4 December 2017

Colouring with Cats #44 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & Om-ing On My Catnip Advent Calendar

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

And how are mew feeling on this fine winter morning?

We've had a mega chillaxed couple of days, which may sound dreadfully boring, we did have effury intention of putting the Catmas tree lights outside, but then we realized we didn't have enough so that was put on hold until we can get some more this week.  

And Fudge is a great source of entertainment fur those weekends when mew need a few laughs but can't be bothered to get the tank out of the bunker to go find any! MOL

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do, and especially me as I was actually Om-ing on my catnip advent calendar! MOL

*    *    *

If mew have missed any of the previous mandala's and feel the need to binge colour, here's the links:

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further adieu here's this weeks mandala.

Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version...

Coloured with metallic and glitter gel pens.

*    *    *

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    *

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew tomorrow fur part XV of The Last Big Jolly, the grand finale of this years epically epic adventure.

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox


  1. I always feel better after starting my day off with some "OM-ing" !!!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Oh Teddy there's nothing like starting the day with a real good OM-ing sesh! MOL XOX

  2. Fudge haz his own house mouse? I'm so fweakin jealous! And you gotz an advent nip calendar? I wanna hang out at your house. We get nuthin like that at our house.

    1. Yes Herms, he does have a purrsonal mouse valet, though not fully trained hence the cheap wages! Oh do come offur dude and hang out, we'd love to see mew! MOL XOX

  3. dood !!!!!! wooooooooo....we likez thiz one !!!! veree spring time all most; it ree mindz uz oh a window in oh thoz stained glazz !!!! total lee awesum ☺☺♥♥

    1. Hiya Tabbies, I think the P.A. is gonna colour this one again as she liked it that much! MOL XOX

  4. Don't let that mouse get the better of you, Fudge!

    1. The mouse has been sacked Island Cats, Fudge just told me that the mouse wan't wurth paying fur in cheese! MOL XOX

  5. Awwww - so cute!

    Thanks for linking up at

  6. Very pretty mandala. You are so lucky to have a kitty advent calendar, they don't sell them in the US so I had to make one. XO

    1. Oh wow really, mew guys can't get calendars fur kitties... ah but the homemade ones are better because the treats are always your favourites! MOL XOX

  7. Pictures of you (and Fudge's vaguely pornographic tail) always make us feel better. Siblings are always good for entertainment ;) Love this week's mandala - can't wait to see what colors I come up with!

    1. Hi MK, BC & EM, so glad that Fudges tails brings so much joy, and oh wow mew must show us your finished mandala, we want to see it fur sure!!!!!!! XOX

  8. Fudge made me giggle too! That's as good as breathing into a zen mode:)

    Lovely jewel tones on that Mandala!

    1. Pipo mew are so right about laughing being a fabulous tonic! MOL XOX


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