Sunday, 10 December 2017

Taking It Easy and Staying Out of the Snow on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection, we do hope mew've all been having a totally fabulous weekend, ours has been great other than the snow. 

 And fur those that didn't see Fridays post, I have good news aftur my vet visit.

The vet was best purrleased with me, effurything was all fine and the P.A. was just being a little offur-zealous as she thought I'd lost weight, but the scales at the vet said I was still 500 grams heavier than at my last visit in July.  So panic offur and my life can continue on as per normal! MOL

...our theme is:

Taking It Easy and Staying Out of the Snow

As mew can see we are not that thrilled to be stuck inside on the weekend, but hey there's always other days to go outside!

Here's wishing mew all a totally terrific day, and we'll be back tomorrow with our next fab mandala fur mew to colour, until then...

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Glitter Text


  1. You guys are just like me today. I keep checking and that white stuff aint melting.... nor does it taste like milk... or cheese... or anything else useful MOL Great that you're up and running and pilling on that weight, Basil, just dont over do on the mice else you'll be on those diet mice like me...
    Toodle pip and purrs

    1. Hey Erin, thank goodness it's all gone now and now it doesn't take like cream either, most disappointing, and thanks fur the good wishes! XOX

  2. Good choice to stay inside if the outside is covered with that cold and white stuff, mew guys!

    And conCATS again on the good check up at the vet, Basil. We are so happy for mew!

    1. Hi Guys, thanks furry much I am feeling oodles better! MOL XOX

  3. I'm glad you checked out well at your vet visit, Basil!

  4. We're glad you had good results at your check-up. Beautiful selfies ! Purrs

  5. Basil, that is GREAT news! You know those mums...they just worry the heck about us. :) Stay warm!!

    1. Hiya Wally, Ernie and Zoey, yep those moms do wurry so much and dude we're not getting any younger, though we will live fureffur in blog wurld! MOL XOX

  6. I'm glad you didn't lose any weight. Were you able to get special foods and treats while your Mom thought you had?

    1. Thanks so much Edie, no I have a special renal diet food and gastro food by Canin, I do get the odd treat but nothing too fancy as it could spark the pancreatitis again! XOX

  7. Beautiful Selfies!
    And I am so glad that it was the vet's mistake and you are purrfect!

  8. Nice selfies and I am very happy that your vet trip went well. XO

  9. Basil you are an amazing kitty! So glad to know you are well:) Phew!

    And we love those selfies inside! Snow is cold, wet and not welcome too much here either...and we are under a storm warning for the 13th. Petcretary might have to put her going out to do errands on hold...sigh...

    1. Hey Pipo, thank dude I'm feeling fine! MOL Yep snow is so offur-rated fur sure, and OMC stay safe guys with that storm headed your way, we'll purray it by-passes mew! XOX


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