Wednesday 20 December 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #53 featuring The Blogging Cats Weekly Planner fur 2018 & Thank Mew ALL!

Welcome To  

Christmas at Wordy on Wednesday with Amber @BionicBasil

With me, Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr festive greetings pawesome furiends

*waves paw*

I do hope that mew're all having a great week and are OM-ing the stress away as we're on the final count-down to Catmas.  If mew need any help managing your stress levels, don't furget mew can stop by Mondays post anytime and do our little breathing exercise.

I also need to say a huge thank mew fur all the beautiful Catmas cards that have arrived here at BionicBasil HQ from all corners of the wurld; I give special thanks to The Crotchety Cougars Club, Cat Scouts and of course to all our amazing blogging buddies from far and wide.

As without mew, there would be no Bionic Basil Blog, so it is most impawtant that WE say a massive

Thank Mew 

to all our loyal readers, commenters, supporters and followers, mew're the greatest and know that we will put our best paws forward in 2018 to continue; to uplift, to inspire, to create and do our furry bestest to entertain mew each week.  And if there's anything mew'd like us to share let us know or if mew have any cool kitty idea's that mew'd like to see us make on our Crafting with Cats segment do shout out!

Also, we'll be sharing our Catmas card post next week, so don't miss that, and on that note, I think it's time we move on to this weeks book pick.

This week I'm sharing the most pawesome and ultimate year planner that a blogging kitty could effur need.

Blogging Cats Weekly Planner 2018


Paula A. Greg & Ann Adamus


available to buy from LULU

So here's how it went down at BB HQ

and BTW...

"The lady doth protest too much!" said Basil.

*    *    *

Ahem.. OOPS... sorry, didn't know that last bit was going live! 

Anyhoo lets stop the screaming match, and I'll tell mew all about how truly exceptional this planner is:

I bought ours a few weeks ago, so I've had plenty of time to paw through effury page and read effury wurd.  It's a 100 pages of pawesomeness that mew seriously need in your life if mew're a blogging kitty.  It doesn't matter if mew blog-a-lot or blog-a-little, this planner is fur mew.

Inside at the beginning of each month mew get to meet and greet some of your favourite bloggers who are sharing tips, idea's and all things cat - how great is that? So utterly great!

Then on effury other page there's pictures of our amazing blogging buddies, and actually some we haven't met yet - though we will definitely be changing that in the New Year.

We are actually featured straight aftur the hilarious and just before the terrific on Halloween week, YAY fur Halloween week! 

All in all, Aunty Paula and Aunty Ann made the most pawesome planner mew could effur wish fur, get one, mew won't be disappointed.

Paperback: 100 really useful pages 

Publisher: Sweet Purrfections 2017

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

The Blogging Cats Weekly Planner

Five Paws is The Best Rating Effur!

I do hope mew enjoy this planner if mew decide to get one fur the New Year... 

...and if mew've got it already, what do mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget that I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber x

Graphics created used under paid licence and


  1. We agree 100 purr-cent, Amber! The Blogging Cats Weekly Planner 2018 is AWESOME!

    P.S. You two made us MOL with your conversation today. :)

    1. Isn't just so fab!!! MOL but I'm still not FAT! purrs Amber xox

  2. Amber, you're fluffy not fat. Basil will be on Santa's naughty list this year. šŸ˜‰

    1. Thank mew furry much Edie, I am furry fluffy! MOL purrs Amber xox

  3. Fabulous review ! We agree, that planner is pawsome ! Purrs

    1. Hiya Swiss cats, aren't we so lucky to have such talents furriends! purrs Amber xox

  4. Kitties, kitties! Remember, you are FLUFFY!

    1. Thank mew guys, and mew're so right - Fluffy is the NEW fluffy! MOL purrs Amber xox

  5. MOL, I can see that argument running and running. One thing for sure is you ALL look wonderful and the PA can be very proud of the whole team for being so together.... at least on the same page MOL
    Toodle pips

    1. Hi Erin, oh we always together on the same page, though some are in different realities obviously! MOL purrs Amber


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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!