Showing posts with label Casting call For Cats &K9's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casting call For Cats &K9's. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Kittyland the Brand New Album by The Harry Tangos ~ Raising Money for Cats, Casting Call For Cats and K9's ~ Do Mew Want To Be On TV, Plus New Pet Lost and Found App on The Pet Parade 367 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

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The Summer Pet Parade  @BionicBasil® 2020
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Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up, and oh my goodness have we got lots of news for mew guys this week from all around the wurld!

Furst up we're headed to beautiful California, USA and...

Kittyland the Brand New Album by The Harry Tangos ~ Raising Money for Cats!

Kittyland Album Cover Copyright The Harry Tangos

(and other fur babies)
     Covid-19 changed our society and created a wave of homeless pets that desperately need human companions. The Harry Tangos is a family band from Davis, California, seeking to help a cooperating non-profit by raising money through sales of its hilariously absurd songs about four majestic and beautiful cats!  Consisting of four members who adore their fur babies, the Kidd family wishes to help other fur babies during this heartbreaking situation by selling their album, Kittyland!

The Tangos pledge 50% of all income received from sales of their songs from Kittyland! (7 songs total), to a non-profit organization best equipped to address this crisis. 
Visit them here:


Captain Kidd
The Captain was selected by Dali to be her hooman. The Captain loves to write and record music with the Harry Tangos, cuddle with Dali, and watch movies which are so bad, they’re rad!
Mama Creow
Mama Creow was selected by Frosty to be his hooman. Mama Creow loves to praise and worry over Frosty all day while giving him treats, as well as cycling through Davis, California, and helping raise money for UC Davis!
Zu was selected by Orson to be his hooman.  Zu loves to bake, cook, play guitar, cuddle with the cats, and loves the theatre.
Kittygirl was selected by Shawn Kwan to be his hooman. Kittygirl loves to sing, dance, and completely smother Kwan in love. She dubbed Kwan the “Blanket Master” and undoubtedly commands the deepest loyalty from him.


We have listened to their album and have to say it's epic, the whole crew are just ameowzing, we laughed and laughed as it's just so much fun. There's a great electronic vibe and all the band memfurs have very distinctive vocals, we can safely say mew will have neffur heard anything like it before!

 We can just imagine this band on stage, it would be a total riot! MOL MOL

In fact, we're inviting them to sing at Parsley's birthday party at the end of the month! 

Rock on dudes and dudettes, The Harry Tangos are the best! 

Good Luck with raising funds guys! 

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And, now we're back in the UK for...

Casting Call For Cats and K9's

Do Mew Want To Be On TV?

If mew're in the UK and have a K9 sibling/s that mew just don't get along with and need some expert help to sort our your boggle, this could be right up your alley!

5 Star TV are looking for cats and K9s to be part of their new series, and here are a few more deets...  

Cats & Dogs At War

Across the land there is a war as old as society itself - Cats Vs Dogs.   
But what happens when the battle between felines and canines makes family life a living hell?

In every episode of Cats & Dogs at war, 2 animal behavioural experts will take on the challenge of trying to bring some harmony back into the homes of pet owners who are desperate for their feline and canine to call a truce.

Using the latest tricks and innovations, the experts will attempt to teach the family how to improve the behaviour of their 4 legged friends before returning to the family a few weeks later to see if pet peace has been found.

5 Star TV Poster Ad Copyright Gobstopper.TV Cats and Dogs at War

To apply, please email, or fill in our application form here

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Let's return to the USA for...

New Pet Lost and Found App

And finally this week we're sharing a small guest post from the peeps at Pet Video Verify, who have a new app to help reunite lost pets with the owners.

Today lost and found pets are a big issue. Many pet owners have high anxiety that their pet is going to get lost. They should be worried, the statistics are that many pets do get lost, it is estimated that 1 in 3pets will get lost some time in their lifetime. If you don’t act quickly and have systems in place, you may never see the pet again. Pet Video Verify is developing applications that help you put systems in place that help manage your pets better with its mobile app.

Pet Video Verify identification system is trying to revolutionize how lost pets are found and returned to the owner. In the current version of the mobile application, the pet owner looks over the pet for special attributes and takes measurements, then they video the pet including the special attributes and measurements, you can see an example of a pet video identification on our website. When all these special attributes and measurements are put together, virtually any pet can be identified. A video of your pet is a lot better way to identify them because with a video you can get all parts of the pet’s body.

In the future, we are going to include electronic measurements of the pet in the video!
With Pet Video Verify, you can now make money finding lost pets! When a Pet Video Verify user list a pet lost, they have to select a reward amount of either $50, $100, $200, $400, $800, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000,$5,000, or $10,000. When you find the lost pet and it is a confirmed return by both parties, you get 85%of the reward amount. For example, if the reward amount is $5000 and the owner confirms you returned the pet, you get $4250 sent to your PayPal account! The Video Identification Matching System helps the user return the found pet by taking measurements of the found pet and inputting the measurements into Pet Video Verify. The user then gets a list of lost pets and a percentage of measurements that match, then the user can view the video identification to make sure it is a correct match, return the pet, and get their reward! A win-win scenario for all involved!

Visit the Pet Video Verify website: Click Here

Download The Mobile App For iPhone And Android Devices!

Summer Pet Parade Bunting ©BionicBasil®

**FYI ~ None of these news items have affiliated links or are sponsored ~ We have NOT received any remuneration for sharing them**

[We are not responsible for any external blog links - purrlease see our 'Links to Other Websites Policy']

Summer Pet Parade Bunting ©BionicBasil®

Wow, there was so much other news to share today that we didn't get to share anything from BBHQ, but not to wurry, we're sure that next week we'll be able to get mew all caught up! 

Summer Pet Parade Beach Graphic ©BionicBasil®

We'll be back on Friday with some more fluffers so we do hope mew can join us then, and don't furget to hop around the wurld with us on the Pet Parade below.

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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