Happy Monday Paweseome Pals
Welcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog today.
And here's an epically epic throwback from June 2007, and oh my cod, the deodor and Scotch pine trees were tiny, they must have only gone in that year.
Grampaw gave them to the P.A. and who knew way back then, what monsters they would grow into!!! MOL
I have five words... "We need a bigger garden!" MOL
Here's the Answer Key to last time's sudoku puzzle #54
Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?
Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle.
Here's this week's wordsearch. I've made one with lots of astronomical words to find, just to mix things up a little! MOL
Just click right-click to save and/or print the wordsearch.
And here's this week's jigsaw puzzle, featuring me obviously in a supurr arty pic.
It took me 8 mins 22 secs... How did you do?
I hope mew enjoy today's puzzles, and The B Team will be back on Wednesday with the Midweek News Round-up. If mew missed yesterday's Sunday Selfie click here and to catch up on Fridays Epic Fluffers.
Keep calm, and puzzle on
Epic purrs
Epic purrs
Professor Basil
Jigsaw Puzzle www.jigsawplanet.com Sudoku & wordsearch created with paid licence www.crosscompiler.com
Other graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com & www.befunky.com