Wednesday, 5 February 2025

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge's Supurr Floof - Look At My Tail, Smooch Loves His Basket, Parsley - Draw Me Like One of The French Cats, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

Midweek News Valentine's Banner 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

How's your week going? 

And OMC, it's Valentine's Month, so if mew're wondering, yes, we are sharing the love all month. Can't mew tell??? MOL

It's also The P.A.'s birthday today. So, Happy Birthday to The P.A.!

The weather has been cold, but there have been a few instances of sunshine; see Smooch below. This week, we are planting some bare-root roses. Mew may remember last year when we planted a rather special one called Raspberry Ripple. Well, the P.A. got two more of that variety and two new ripple ones called Oranges and Lemons, so we're supurr excited to see how they bloom. 

Quite a few jobs are happening in the BBHQ garden at the moment, including getting some catnip seeds planted before the month is out! MOL  

Anyhoo, let's look at what the heathens have been up to this week.

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First up in the news 

Fudge's Supurr Floof - Look At My Tail

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Supurr Floof - Look At My Tail

Fudge was inspecting the catnip pot in the courtyard, and he was very sad to report that after several bountiful years, this plant had finally given up the ghost. Hence, the reason for getting the catnip seeds started early this year.

Well, it wouldn't be BBHQ with copious amounts of catnip growing everywhere; plus, where would all the village cats go to have an epically epic time? MOL

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Next up in the news

 Smooch Loves His Basket

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch Loves His Basket

Smooch was enjoying his basket under the gazebo the other morning. The sun was shining, the birds were tweeting, and all was supurr fluffy at BBHQ!

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In other news...

 Parsley ~ Draw Me Like One of The French Cats

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Parsley - Draw Me Like One of The French Cats

If mew remember last year, on one of the Photo Fails posts, Fudge, Amber and Pandora took up the challenge of:

Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

And the other evening, we were quite surprised to find Parsley in the same pose! MOL

Although, Parsley is using a different terminology, which is: 

Draw Me Like One of The French Cats

Same difference, dude! MOL

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And finally, this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Melvyn's modelling the #4 pick this week, as voted for by mew!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Red Hearts with Red Tassels Bandana

It was a bit chaotic on the catwalk this week, but not as much as other times! MOL

We got another mysterious postcard from the Bahamas again, so we are pretty certain that W.D.G. is wintering there! MOL

Check out his videos on your preferred social media channel:

Which one is your favourite this week? 

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Which one should he model next?

Here's the Valenitne's Bandana Selection.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® February 2024 Bandana Collection - Valentine's Day

The February Valentine's Collection:

1. Multi-coloured hearts with lilac fringing

2. Red hearts with red fringing

3.  White hearts with glitter ribbon

4. Red heart with red tassels

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

That's us done for today. Amber will be back on Friday with another meowvellous book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

 Fudge's Selfie

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Twelve in Melvyn's epically epic supurr exciting origin story:

Wishing mew a pawesome day, and remember to always...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 
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Graphics created with paid licence  


  1. Seriously, Fudge! That's some kind of modeling!
    I vote for #1.

  2. Raspberry, Lemon, and Orange Ripples sound like they will make for a deliciously beautiful garden. :)

    Looking good, floofy Fudge, basket botg Smooch, and tres magnifique Parsely! Melvyn, that bandana looks amazing on you. How about "multi-coloured hearts with lilac fringing" next?

    Hugs, and happy birthday to your awesome P.A.!


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