Showing posts with label furriends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label furriends. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Smooch the Flower Seller, It's Great To Be Back and Beeing Fabulous on The Pet Parade #312 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

The Pet Parade Summer Banner

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Well all we can say it is GREAT to be back on The Pet Parade, guys we've missed mew and we've missed our pawesome host Dash Kitten and co-host Barking from the Bayou.

Is there anything exciting that we've missed? Does anyone have any big news we need to catch up on?  as it's going to take us some time to get back up to full speed.  The P.A. is much better, she's still going fur physio and doing effurything to heal as fast as pawsible, though she still can't believe that she's struggling and so tired aftur 2 months, but so it goes - that'll teach her to fall through a ceiling!

In other news here at BBHQ, we loved taking part in Crafting For Your Shelters Week, and hope that we inspired many of mew to make something fur your local shelter, plus we've got some more supurr crafting/upcycling/recycling idea's coming soon, so keep and eye out fur those.

 In other, other news, Smooch has a new job, he's selling flowers, how cute?

Smoochie The Flower Seller at BBHQ @BionicBasil®

And finally today...

Now mew know we love our garden here at BBHQ, though obviously the P.A has been unable to do anything in the garden since her accident, but luckily this year it seems to have taken care of itself, which is quite miraculous! MOL  [Although we do have rather a large nettle patch to deal with in one area, but that can wait].

Now fur years we tried to grow echinacea; the P.A tried in several different borders around the garden without success.  Finally she decided to plant a couple in the raised beds in the courtyard and this year they've been fabulous.
Echinacea and Daisy's at BBHQ @BionicBasil®

And the bees love them...

Echinacea at BBHQ @BionicBasil® Beeing Fabulous

Echinacea at BBHQ @BionicBasil® Beeing Fabulous 1

Echinacea at BBHQ @BionicBasil® Beeing Fabulous 2

Aren't they amazing...

We don't use any chemicals, weed killers or anything 'nasty' in our garden, as we like the bees to just bee fabulous without exposing them to a cocktail of poisons... and they need all the help they can get. 

We've also noticed several new types of butterfly in the last couple of weeks too, although we've not managed to get any photo's but we'll try to before the summer is offur.

and if mew're missing our colouring posts, get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on Friday with another Fluffer post, so we do hope mew can join us then and don't furget to hop along on the Pet Parade below.

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

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Wednesday 5 June 2019

Thank Mew Fur All The BD Wishes, Melvyn's Outdoor Expedition at BBHQ and New Pages on The Pet Parade #303 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

The Pet Parade Summer Banner

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

As mew can see we've now officially moved into summer, hence the new banner, so have mew cool cats got anything exciting planned fur the jolly holly's? 

Thank mew all furry much fur all the amazing birthday wishes and fur coming to my furst pawty OTRB, mew guys made it really special, as I thought it was going to be a bit quiet but it turned out to be the noisiest pawty effur! OOPS MOL!!! 

Young Melvyn, our newest recruit hasn't been outside much since his arrival as when he does go outside he gets a little offur-excited, furgets what he's doing and ends up the Scotch pine teetering on a branch near the summit. 

Melvyn's Outdoor Expedition at BBHQ [copyright] @BionicBasil® The Pet Parade


In other news we're adding some new pages to the blog offur coming weeks, so do keep an eye out.

But furst to be added is the Crafting with Cats page, where mew'll find all the links to each of the craft projects we've previously shared.

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:
and if mew're still want more, download** our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on Friday with another Fluffers post, so we do hope mew can join us, and don't furget to hop along on the Pet Parade below.

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

Click in the widget to display the link up and add yours, we're not sure what happened this week but there is a bit of a technical glitch!??? and we can't figure out a way to make it visible - sorry :(

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

**All Download links are regularly virus checked ~ to read our T&C's click here
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Wednesday 29 May 2019

3rd Annual Kitty Memorial Show, Melvyn's Favourite Place at BBHQ and Amber's New Angry insta Account on The Pet Parade #302 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furstly we'd like to tell mew about the epically epic slide-show tribute fur all the recently, and not so recently departed rainbow kitties that our pawesome pals Peaches and Paprika created fur Memorial Day on Monday. 

So if mew haven't seen it already, just click the link below and go leave a comment.  I, Wing Commander Basil was also included, thank mew furry much ladies fur remembering me! 

Peaches & Paprika's Memorial Slide Show 

Melvyn has a new favourite place at BBHQ, the basket at the top of the stairs!

Melvyn's Favourite Place at BBHQ @BionicBasil®

Who wants to tickle that tummy? 

And finally, mew remember last weeks post, when we said a sad farewell to Grumpy Cat?  Of course mew do!  Well we were wundering who could pawsibly be a contender to rise up in the kitty echelons of fame and we discovered these rather cute but grumpy/angry/scowling kitties who mew may, or may not have heard about: 

Meet Garfi


Pompous Albert




Aftur seeing so much grumpiness we decided that Amber needed her very own instacat page, as we thought she'd fit in beautifully with the bad tempered grumpy vibe. Oh, and she doesn't know we've set her up an account yet ~ SURPRISE! 

So if mew want to follow her solo account, here it is:


Can you go and like her picture purrlease, as yesterday it only had 3 likes? And if we show her that, it'll make her even angrier! MOL

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

We'll be here on Friday with our next Fluffers post, so do stop by and join us then, in the meantime...

Keep calm, and purr on

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Wednesday 22 May 2019

Farewell Grumpy Cat, There's Still Time To Enter Our Give-Away and Pandora Causes A Massive Tailback In The Kitchen on The Pet Parade #301 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up.

It was a sad week fur cat lovers effurywhere, as Grumpy Cat the Wurld-Famous kitty furry sadly departed fur The Rainbow Bridge last week at the tender age of 7. Rainbow Bridge Image @BionicBasil®

Grumpy Cat will be missed by bazillions around the globe, though she will live on furever with all those funny memes and pics that she leaves as her legacy to us all, and we must say our favourite right now is the Game of Thrones Spoiler! MOL MOL Brilliant! 

Grumpy Cat will neffur be furgotten and that's a fact, she was truly one in a billion.

R.I.P. Tarder Sauce


In other news...

There's still time to enter our EPIC 300 GIVE-AWAY but only by a cats whisker, so if mew haven't entered already, do hop here for your chance to get your mittens on one of our epic goodie bags, but be extra quick... tick tock!

And finally in the news this week, Pandora caused a massive tailback in the kitchen at BBHQ on Monday morning.

Traffic was queuing fur what seemed like hours to get through to the sitting room, and onto the patio and into garden.

Luckily refreshments were on paw fur those nearer the front of the queue, and all cats caught in the delay were rather chilled about it all so no cat-rage or spats occurred! MOL

We'll be back on FRIYAY with some more Fluffers so do stop by to share a few laughs with us.

Until then...

Keep Calm and Purr on

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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