Saturday, 27 October 2018

Crafting With Cats ~ Part X ~ Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

Welcome to

Crafting With Cats Banner ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Spooky Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks for joining us for our special Halloween Edition of Crafting with Cats. Mew know we have so much fun making all this stuff and we hope mew enjoy seeing it!

If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, here are the links:

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**Purrlease Note**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design.

Copyright ©BionicBasil® 

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This time we made some spooktacular catnip pumpkins, and of course we needed a pawesome Spooky Haunted House backdrop for them!

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

But before we dive in and show mew how we made it, we have to say

**This is a photo stage set** 

It is NOT an effuryday playhouse fur cats, and we wouldn't effur leave any kitties unattended with it, just in case they got a little too excited offur all the fun things.

What We Used:

Catnip Pumpkins

Felt squares - we used orange, yellow, green and brown 

Embroidery Thread and Needle


and lot's of homegrown BB HQ catnip and catmint

For The House

A large cardboard box - we used an amazon pantry box as they're supurr sturdy

Non-toxic paint

Non-toxic glue

Paint brushes

House Decor

Spooky accessories - this is what we used:

We got a wicked selection of spooky items from our local B & M Store:

Mini Pumpkin Lights [battery opurrated] ~ A Packet of Glow in the Dark Skelebobs ~ A Packet of Spiders and Bats ~ The Net Fabric For The Roof

The other items we used were sourced from stock within our craft room

7 x 5 mm wooden dowels - painted white

Grey felt for the curtains

Paw print ribbon to tie the curtains open

Green fake fur fabric

Wadding to put inside the floor of the box

Pom poms for window/door surrounds and door furniture

Elastic thread


The trees were part of a castle set we made early last year

Fudge was today's Craft Room Snoopervisor

The Spooky Haunted House

Under construction...

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set
Pics/text: upper left to upper right, lower left to lower right

1.  we used this box
2. then we carefully cut out large access in the side
3. and repeated for windows and front door on the front
4. Fudge making his preliminary inspection

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

5. obtain Full Feline Paw Print of Approval before continuing
6. arrange box lid into purrleasing roof shape and glue - repeat other side
7. our roof has a flat piece of cardboard glued on the top of the roof, but if mew like to look at the stars leave it open 
8. find cardboard strip and play with it fur at least 27.342 seconds

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

9. it looked a little boring at this point, so we used a small cardboard box to make the chimneys
10. mega authentic wonky chimney's in situ
11 + 12 we painted the roof grey

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

The entire house got whitewashed with the front and side doors getting a wood paint effect.

So there's your basic house, ready fur anything!

Now It's Catnip Pumpkin Time

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

1. cut out a felt circle - this one is 8.5" diameter
2.  take a length of embroidery thread and securely knot end
3. thread the needle and use a simple running stitch all the way around the outer edge
4. begin to pull stitches

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

5. homegrown organic catnip and catmint
6. just because we thought mew'd like to see the product again
7. take a little wadding/stuffing and lightly line the pumpkin
8. add catnip

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

9. add catmint, then more catnip and then more catmint until full

10. place a small piece of wadding/stuffing in top of the pumpkin, pull stitches tight and sew up

11. cut out leaf shapes

12. sew leaves to pumpkin

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

13. at this point, we decided that we needed more catnip pumpkins, so we made 3 more in different sizes using 2 different colours

14. finished catnip pumpkins ready fur action

And this is how our spooky house came out using the items above.

So our question to mew is this:


We think it turned out purretty neat, and the really good thing is; we can take all the Halloween items off and use the basic house again fur our Catmas Crafting with Cats post.

Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set
Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set
Crafting With Cats  Part X ©BionicBasil® Catnip Pumpkin Toys and The Spooky Haunted House Photo Set

Smooch and Fudge even got dressed up! MOL

Smooch said, "Dude the grass is definitely greener here!" 

[we think he found some catnip!]

Take a peek at the video:

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our tenth Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked it and feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics or ideas on our Facebook page at:

If there's anything mew'd like us to make, leave a comment and we'll do our best.  

We'll be back on tomorrow with our supurr spooky Halloween Selfie Selection!

Until then...

Bestest crafty purrs

 The B Team xox

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from the use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.

Graphics created with paid licence and
mewsic used under paid licence


  1. What a swell house!
    As you would say, its *epic*! MOL!
    Love those pumpkin kitty nip toys, too:)

  2. That is totally amazing and purrfect for Halloween!

  3. Do you know how lucky you guys are to have a mom that is crafty? That's the best house ever!

    1. Hi Lola, thanks so much, glad mew like it and yes, we are supurr lucky kitties that the P.A. can make us cool stuff! MOL XOX

  4. This was just amazing to see the step by step work that you did making this Halloween house. Fudge did a great job inspecting it first so it was up to code. The kitties look like they love it also. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

    1. Hi guys, so glad mew liked the tutorial, though we were a little miffed that the P.A. didn't number the tutorial pics, normally she does - that 'errant mind-slippage' thing - she suffers from must have caused the glitch! MOL XOX

  5. Cool! This is epic! I bet it will last linger than the one I bought at Target that Sammy and Trouble knocked down. XO

    1. hey guys, oh my yes indeedy it will certainly last longer than a store bought one - get one of those amazon pantry boxes, they're the best fur this kind of thing! MOL XOX

  6. Appaws ! Appaws ! What a great spooky house ! The catnip pumpkins seem potent, MOL ! Purrs

    1. Thanks Swiss Cats, so glad mew like it and yes, the catnip pumpkins were mightily potent indeed - home grown - mew can't beat it! MOL XOX

  7. O mi cod O mi cod! Bravo to you and the house and the video and and...the pumpkins. They were SO adorable, those pumpkins! Fudge was so beside himself he could not settle on one pumpkin, so held on to at least 2 at once and I think he was trying for 3! That is the best spooky house we ever saw. How did you say you did the lights? We want one NOW! But we bet you cats might be destroying it as we speak (er, as we meow!)

    1. Hi Peaches and Paprika, so glad mew like it ladies and yes Fudge didn't know which pumpkin to get next! MOL The mini pumpkin lights are battery oppurated and the P.A. got them from a bargain store in town. Though we just checked and mew can buy similar on, though they are a lot more than we paid here, ours cost £2.99 - have a look online but if mew'd like us to send mew some, just holler! MOL XOX

  8. Wow! What a pawsome haunted house. And those pumpkins need to be played with.

    1. Thanks Island Cats, and mew are so right, those pumpkins need batting around fur sure! MOL XOX

  9. OMC! Your human is so talented! That's a pawsome haunted house!

  10. That is the bestest haunted house ever, mew guys!

  11. Our kitties are saying “we want this right this minute” and have their mouths wide open in awe! This is so quirky, whimsical, brilliant and just so hauntingly pawsome. I wish I had time to do this haunted house but I think I’ll start with the catnip pumpkins! Thanks so much for your epically epic tutorials!

    1. Hey Chirpy Cats, OMC mew're gonna have to get your supurr creative mom to make mew one, like stat! Ask her to find the time, mew have needs that need to be met!!! MOL MOL XOX

  12. This is without a doubt the most epic Halloween house ever! I am ridiculously impressed. ♥

    1. Awwww thanks guys, it did turn out better than we expected! MOL XOX

  13. Dudes, that s one seriously brilliant house ever, maybe even longer! Absolutely everything is just perfect, from the eerie lighting to the enchanted spooky wood, and the naughty staff member nailed to the door! I have to say I think you trained the PA very well indeed. How is she with tower blocks and country chalets?
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. MOL Erin, mew are so funny! Yes we do train our staff thoroughly, and we'll have to check if the P.A. is a certified builder and has all the necessary credentials fur building the tower blocks and chalets! MOL XOX

  14. Oh, Smooch, looks like you nipped all over...I also can't handle my head when it is nipped ...MOL :D You all did a great job on all of the Halloween stuff, very creative, spooky and nipped. Pawkisses for a Spooky Helloween to all of you👻🎃🐾😽💞

  15. Wow, that was a lot of work and it turned out fabulous. Or is that purrfect. So crafty and clever.

    Thanks for linking up to Wordless Wednesday.

    Hope you had a purrfect Halloween. My best to your peeps. ♥


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