Showing posts with label hedgehog update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hedgehog update. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ **HEDGEHOG UPDATE!!!** Fudge's Loving This Sunspot, Parsley Vamped Out, and Smooch Found A Cool Spot! **PLUS** JULY'S BANDANA COLLECTION IS HERE!

Midweek News Banner ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Furbulous Greetings Supurr Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

It's been rather warm this week at BBHQ, and the hedgehogs have been very active around the garden. We know that we haven't shared the two babies, so here they are in all their cuteness!

This is Bip Bip the Hedgehog. 

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Bip Bip The Hedgehog at the Watering Hole

And this is Nippy the Hedgehog.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Nippy The Hedgehog Heading For Snacks

They don't usually come out until it's a little darker, but they must have been hungry and thirsty. That's never anything they have to worry about at BBHQ as the bowls are always full, and there are many different watering holes around the garden,

And we have to tell mew this: never in the 25 years the P.A. has lived here has she ever seen a fox in the garden, and that's mainly because it's fenced all the way around with only small holes for the hedgehogs to come and go. However, very late on Sunday evening, the P.A. heard a noise by the summer house, and as she looked down the dark path she spied what she first thought was Fudge's doppelganger, who pops in for a visit now and again, but as the doppelganger got closer, she realised it was a juvenile fox, who suddenly froze and then slunk off into the shadows of the trees.

So BBHQ now has a little fox to go with the menagerie! MOL

The Highland Adventure continued...

On the way back to Perth along the A86 between Newtonmore and Spean Bridge, Pattack Falls is a popular tourist place to stop. Mew literally just pull in off the road, park up and walk down a little path, and mew come to this delightful stream.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Highland Adventure - Pattack Falls

It was a really warm day, and several people were paddling and kids splashing about in the crystal clear water, so photo opportunities were limited, but mew can see how pretty it is.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Highland Adventure - Pattack Falls

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Highland Adventure - Pattack Falls

Apparently, if mew go up the path in the photo below, mew would see the waterfall. Sadly, the P.A. didn't have time or the right footwear for a trek, but if mew click here, mew can see what the P.A. missed.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Highland Adventure - Pattack Falls

It was so very pretty, and the link to the website above...

...shows many photos, and now the P.A. wishes she'd trekked on! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.

Midweek News Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

First up in the news this week

Fudge's Loving This Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Loving This Sunspot

Fudge adored reclining in the catservatory the other day, and spent hours upside down soaking up the warms.

We'll have some more Sunpots of The Week next time, so we'll see who got the best spot then! MOL

Midweek News Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Next up in the news

 Parsley Vamped Out

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Parsley Vamped Out

Parsley vamped out while sitting in the window the other evening. It's funny—not funny, haha, but funny strange, as at the time, we were watching Blade II with Wesley Snipes.

Maybe Parsley was inspired! MOL

Midweek News Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Finally this week

Smooch Found A Cool Spot 

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch Found A Cool Spot

It was really warm yesterday, so Smooch headed into the BBHQ library. It always stays much cooler in there if the door is kept closed and the blinds are down.

Later, he vanished into the Valentine's Cottage for a snooze, and the P.A. couldn't find him for ages! MOL
Midweek News Divider Small ©BionicBasil® May 2023


Melvyn's Back on The Catwalk 

Which one should he model next?

Here's the brand new bandana selection for July, and this month mew've got five to choose from.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® July 2024 Bandana Collection
The options from the top left in a clockwise direction:
1. What Sign Are Mew? (Melvyn's a crabby Cancer ruled by the moon!)
2. Echinacea Dreams
3. Top Banana
4. The Cat Bug
5. Mr Sunshine

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

Midweek News Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

That's us done for today. Amber will be here on Friday with another fab book just for mew and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

The B Team's Sunday Selfie

Cats Have Problems Too

Amber's Latest Book Review

Fudge's 9th Birthday Pawty

Midweek News Stay Fluffy ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News
Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Chillin' with Smooch, Fudge's Supurr Surveillance Services PLUS Funday Morning Playtime, and Melvyn's Latest Shopping Haul - What Should He Wear First?

Midweek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Thanks for joining us today, mew know how much we love your company. We've had a busy few days at BBHQ, there's still lots going off in the garden, and we're waiting for a can of fence paint to be delivered so we can finish off the new fence panels behind the new deck. 

The P.A. has got 350 bulbs to plant which include tulips, daffs and alliums etc, then she bought two new rambling roses which are a creamy white colour and highly fragrant, so they need planting somewhere. Plus we have to sort out a lot of the larger plant pots, as things need moving and other plants need potting/planting on, so there's a lot going on.

And there's been no sign of the hedgehogs in weeks, so we're unsure what's happening with Prickles and Co, the P.A. asked her cousin next door a couple of weeks ago if he'd seen them, and he hasn't, so maybe they have found a new haven, or they've gone exploring and will turn up again soon??? We'll keep mew posted, but even if they don't return we're supurr happy that were part of their journey.

First up in the news this week

Chillin' with Smooch

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Chillin' with Smooch

Smooch can be so cute and comical in the way he sits and the positions he can get into; this was him just chillin' and taking it easy last night.

No other B Team memfur has ever sat like this on the sofa, he makes it look effortless.

And here's something that mew didn't know about Smooch:

He always gets on the TV remote, Sky TV Remote and DVD Player remote when reclining on the upstairs sofa, he likes lay across them which can't be comfy, and he does alter the volume and change channels! MOL 

We noticed Melvyn was doing the same thing on Sunday, what do mew think it means?

Next up in the news

 Fudge's Supurr Surveillance Services

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge on The Roof

Fudge is available to hire! 

No job too high, too big or too boring, email for more details and rates. 

See him in action on TIKTOK, he takes his job very seriously.

And check out Funday Morning Playtime with Fudge

This is what he does in his downtime when the serious stuff is out of the way.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Funday Morning Playtime with Fudge

He loves his catnip, and he still adores the catnip pumpkin stalk from the pumpkin pouffe we made years ago! 

Check out his latest TikTok video to see all the fun.

Finally this week

Melvyn's Latest Shopping Haul

It seems like Melvyn has a taste for online shopping.

he BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Latest Bandana Haul - Which One Should He Wear First

He's funding this new passion for fashion by selling pictures of his paws and toe beans on OnlyPaws. Apparently, it's quite lucrative and there's purrlenty of opportunity for a young smexy mancat with cute mittens to make a few extra pounds each week.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Latest Bandana Haul

Melvyn would like mew to decide which one he should model furst?

The options from left to right are:

1. Rambunctious Ravens

2. Autumn Acorns

3. Eye Be Seeing Mew

4. Raven Collar and Tie

 Let us know in the comments, and Melvyn will model it on next week's post.


BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
We'll be back next week with some more Q & A, so if mew have anything ask, we'll reply on next week's post.

That's us done for today, we will be back on Friday with the last Fluffers of the current season as Amber will be back with her book reviews the following week, and if mew missed Monday's post click here to catch up on part 5 of our epically epic pirate adventure rerun. 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up Catmas Edition - Royal Pet Portrait Artwork Paint My Furkids Collaboration, Festive Bandanas and The Pets At Home Foundation Fund Raiser **Plus Hedgehog Update**

Midweek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil® Catmas Edition

Festive Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

It's only two days to Catmas Eve, and we've been supurr busy here, the tree is up, the outside lights are glowing and we're pretty much ready. Plus if Santa Paws needs any help we've got the sled and if mew missed our epic crafting post, do go see what we made.

Now on with the festive news...

Furst up in the today.

Remember at the beginning of the month, the pawesome peeps from asked if we'd like a *digital pawtrait of the B Team, and they did a truly ameowzing job. 

They asked us if we'd like to do another collaboration, only this time they offered a Royal Pet Portrait using one of their historic pawtrait templates, well mew just know that we couldn't refuse an offer for yours truly to be a Colonel, so here's the final artwurk.

We think it's EPICALLY EPIC, just take a look at these!


We got to download the high-res images again, and we can have it put on a canvas here in the UK, but mew can also opt to have them printed/painted on a canvas too for an additional cost.

Currently, are having a flash promo of 1 pet portrait for USD$10, 3 pet portraits for USD$20 - digital files only.

Here's the direct link:

They do ship worldwide too, so if mew're looking for an epically epic pawtrait, we'd highly recommend trying them as we are delighted with ours again, totally top paw! These would make a wonderpurr Catmas gift.

Visit @paintmyfurkids on Instagram to see oodles of fabulous pawtraits, and they also do lots of different themes too, we especially love the Royal Pet Portraits and think that maybe Amber needs one next as we especially like The Queen or The Duchess.

*FYI ~ Disclosure: Even though this is a collaboration our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience/s with the product/s.

Festive Divider

Next up, as it's Catmas we did treat ourselves to some new festive bandana's from our epic pal Eric and his wonderpurr Etsy store - sadly it's closed now for the holidays, so we're glad we put our order in early.

The Midweek News Round-up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The B Teams New Festive Bandanas

We'll get some festive holiday snaps for nexts weeks news round-up.

Who do mew thnk should model them?






Let us know in the comments.

Festive Divider

Finally in the news this week.

Today we're helping @PetsAtHomeFoundation raise important funds for its Christmas appeal which supports pets in rescues, to give them a special Christmas this year, even though they'll be in rescue centres and helping them find a loving forever home.

Donations mean the world to rescue pets and donations are even more important over the festive period. If mew can donate to their Christmas appeal, mew'll help to keep thousands of #rescuepets healthy & happy. Mew can also help by heading to your local @petsathomeUK store or by donating online on their website at:

Pets At Home Foundation

The Big Sleep

Wriggles, Scooter and Zippy have finally gone into hibernation, we checked the outside security footage as we hadn't seen them in a few days to see when they last came and it was Caturday 11th Decmber as the P.A. went through several days after that and there was no sign of any of the youngsters.

We just hope they've eaten enough to get themselves through their hibernation, and we know that we did everything possible to give them the best chance.

Here's a little video of a few cute clips and we look forward to seeing them in the spring all being well.

Guys, sadly we'll have to reconvene in the New Year with the Haunted Happenings, though if mew have missed any of our real ghost stories so far, click here to catch up.

Festive Divider

Well that's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and click the link if mew missed Monday's Colouring with Cats post and our fab crystal series. 

Festive purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Part 6 of The Hedgehog Update & Scooter Bites the P.A.'s Slipper, Melvyn Makes Another Epic Rug Sculpture & More BBHQ Haunted Happenings & Paranormal Activity - The Psychic Medium Reveals How Many Spooks are at BBHQ **REAL GHOST STORIES**

Midweek News Round-Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil® Winter Banner

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Furst up in the news 

In Part 6 of the BBHQ Hedgehog update; Zippy the new hedgling appears, Scooter bite's the P.A.'s slipper while she's wearing it **hedgehog attacks human** & Wriggles doesn't like Nike Trainers, hedgehogs obviously know what they like! MOL

Mew may remember in the last update a couple of weeks ago that we mentioned a third smaller hedgling had appeared, he was just a little bit smaller than Scooter, and the three of them aka Wriggles, Scooter and Zippy now seem to appear within a few minutes of each other, though they all arrive from different directions.

Scooter comes down the path from the summerhouse, Wriggles appears from the courtyard and Zippy just appears, we're not sure of his route yet.

And if mew haven't watched the video, Scooter walks up to the P.A. and bites her slipper before heading off in search of a more nutritious snack, like a big juicy snail and then the following evening Wriggles checks out her Nike trainers and he doesn't think much of those either! MOL

It's been really windy and wet the last couple of weeks and the temperature has dropped considerably, so the P.A. hasn't been outside in the evening so much waiting for them to appear. Although we can see them from the patio doors in the sitting room, and they are still coming like clockwork every evening, so obviously they're not ready to hibernate yet. 

We will put the wildlife camera near the igloo again this week and see what it captures, and we will have another update next week.

Winter Divider 2021

Next Up In The News

Melvyn's got a new hobby; Rug Sculpture. For those that have never heard of this pursuit, it involves the intricate shaping of said rug into something completely new and in today's video mew can watch him create a pyramid, inspired by his ancestors. 

What did mew think about his latest creation? Sadly it didn't last long, maybe next time he won't listen to Fudge's unfounded criticism! MOL

Winter Divider 2021

BBHQ Haunted Happenings ~ The Psychic Medium Reveals How Many Spooks are at BBHQ 

And finally this week the P.A. is back with some more spooky tales, so get your cup of tea or coffee, sit back and relax! Muwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!! 

FYI for new readers: These are real ghost stories and true-life events which have happened to me at BBHQ, they are not made up or fictional tales for effect. 

Hello again lovely friends, in last weeks spooky instalment I shared the giant glowing orb, so if mew missed that spooktacular event, click the link to catch up.

The psychic medium spent quite a bit of time at BBHQ and after she told me about the soldiers, she went on to tell me there were approximately 27 spirits in and around the house which included several past farmers, children, so about 10 or 11 human spirits and the rest were animals.

Yes 27 ish, that freaked me out and when I took her into the sitting room, she said to me, "You see things in here don't you?" 

I nodded and replied, "Yes, I see orbs and strange light phenomena in here all the time." 

"They are three little girls about 12, 10 and 8," she said. "They come to play here."

In the middle on my sitting room floor there used to be a well, it's long since been covered over and hasn't seen the light of day since the barn was converted, I think there's a slab of concrete over it now, and the psychic thought they'd fallen in the well and perished at some point, but she said she couldn't get any further details. Whether that's correct or not, I don't know. It's very sad if true, but I could see quite easily that if one child slipped into the well, the others could have tried to save her and they all died. 

But the really odd thing was when Snowie went berserk one evening. I was sat on the sofa opposite the fire and the sofa is as close to the wall as is possible, and there's no room for anything behind. Snowie was sitting on the rug looking at something behind my right shoulder, and I watched her for a minute or so because it was really out of character for her, normally she'd just jump up and snuggle on my lap or next to me. But not this time.

As I watched her, she was fixated by something behind me, I didn't feel any bad vibes at that point, and then she started to growl, and when I say growl I mean like a vicious attack dog. She puffed up like a big, white fluffy marshmallow, her tail was huge like a bottle brush quivering straight up and she had her fangs bared, she looked feral and rabid as she snarled, growled and never took her eyes of whatever was behind me. 

Never have I ever seen a cat react like that, she even looked different, and that's when I realised it was something else, I slowly edged to the side and got off the sofa while she still went crazy at the seemingly empty space behind me. Then as suddenly as it had begun she snapped out of that ferocious stance, sat down and said "Meeeeeh!" She didn't meow like a normal cat, she made a MEH sound, and it was as though she said, "It's ok mum, it's gone now!" 

In all the time she was here, she never acted like that again, it was one of the strangest and unexplainable experiences I ever encountered with a kitty. So out of character for her, and I never knew cats could growl or even sound like that, so guttural and savage and never have any of the other cats reacted like that since, so whatever Snowie could see right behind me must have been horrific/scary/evil, that's my only explanation for her aggression, and I think she was protecting me from whatever it was.

If mew've ever seen the movie The Mummy (2001) with Brendan Fraser; when the mummy comes to take Evie and Brendan Fraser's character launches a white cat at the mummy and it retreats/disappears, that's how I liken the above event, good triumphing over evil, as bizarre as that may sound.

Not long after that incident, Snowie stopped coming upstairs, and until she died, the only time she would come upstairs was if she was carried but then she'd never stay long, it was like she had to protect or be on guard in the sitting room.

The barn has very creaky floors upstairs which I mentioned before, and the psychic told me that one of the old farmers walks along the landing, and the time I saw the black opaque shadow in the doorway when I had the flu, apparently he was just checking I was alright!  

Also, and this is fact, the barn was built prior to the farmhouse next door, and apparently, the people used to live upstairs in the barn with the animals living below, and the psychic did tell me the exact same thing, so maybe the creaking/footsteps along the landing is just the past impressions of the original family in the 1800s.

The psychic did pick up on a malevolent energy in the upstairs bedroom, the one we use as the BBHQ office and lounge now, and which is directly above the old forge, it's the room with the big beam in, which you have to duck underneath to get from one side of the room to the other, and the cats love sitting/laying/playing on it.

ginger cat laying on a beam

The huge beam is off a ship from the 1600 or 1700s, it must have come up the River Trent at some point and been offloaded nearby in the 1800s to be repurposed as a support beam, the other beams which traverse horizontally through the roof were from the same consignment, and who knows where they've been in the world or what stories they could tell or what is/was attached to them.

The psychic said that the energy was hostile and stuck inside the property and especially liked that particular room, and it was like a swirling ball of black viscous energy which made her feel quite sick, so she did a cleansing ceremony in that room and some of the weirder stuff did stop for a while, but then it started back up again and I had to call the local vicar to come to the house.

And if mew want to hear about the exorcism, let me know in the comments? 

More Bite Sized Bird TV Episode 5 is now live.

This footage was captured on our wildlife camera, so do let us know what mew think to it, as we think it does the job really well.

And we've got a Bigger Bird TV episode which is about 20 minutes long, for those of mew who love a longer episode to get your fangs or murder mittens into! MOL

Winter Divider 2021

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and click the link if mew missed Monday's Colouring with Cats post and our fab crystal series, and see our latest crystal haul from the gem show. 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence