Showing posts with label mini trampoline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini trampoline. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Pandora Tries Trampolining, We Tried The Cat Litter Box Odour Eliminator and Melvyn Wears The Next Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A

Midweek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

It has cooled down a lot at BBHQ over the last few days which has been nice, and we've been working on the new raised garden beds. Though it's still been too breezy to start the gloss on the telephone box, we're hoping for a non-breezy weekend! MOL

First up in the news this week

Pandora Tries Trampolining

The Midweek News Round Up©BionicBasil® Pandora Tries Trampolining

The P.A. has a small fitness room/gym at BBHQ and often Pandora will keep her company while she's working out, only yesterday she actually got on the mini trampoline and stopped the P.A. from going jogging! MOL

She said, "Jog on meowmy, this is mine now!"

Next up in the news

We Tried The Cat Litter Box Odour Eliminator

A couple of weeks ago the epic peeps from Moodify Pet asked us if we'd like to try their Cat Litter Box Odour Eliminator* and of course we did, as who doesn't want a fresh smell in the litter box room?

The Midweek News Round Up©BionicBasil® Fudge Checks Out the Cat Litter Box Odour Eliminator

So anyhoo they furry kindly sent us a three-month supply, and here's Fudge checking it all out as I think when he saw the packets he was imagining that there were yummy cat treats inside! MOL

Check out our Instagram video to see what it looks like and where we hung it.

We really liked this odour eliminator pendant, it has a supurr fresh, lemony zest aroma. And it was just what we needed for the catservatory litterbox, as when it gets warmer during the summer months the litter box can start to hum somewhat, even with only one widdle in it, it can be quite offensive - mentioning no names Smooch - anyhoo this little pendant really does do what it says on the packet, we have no more nasty niffs in the catservatory, it's an absolute game changer for that space.

Each pendant lasts two weeks, and then mew just hang up a new one.

We give the Cat Litter Box Odour Eliminator 10 out of 10 paws! 

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Finally this week

Melvyn Wears The Next Top Pick Bandana

Two weeks ago, Melvyn wore the yellow Funky Cat bandana, last week he wore the number two pick which was the Space design. So today he is modelling the Stars design.

The Midweek News Round Up©BionicBasil® Melvyns Star Bandana

Doesn't he look supurr cute?

Check out his latest video on TikTok. Or his reel on Instagram, when he's caught red-pawed using the chair arm as a scratch post - the P.A. wondered who's murder mittens had been assaulting the chair - now she knows! MOL

Also if mew're in the market for a new bandana, visit Eric's Empawrium and use our Ambassador discount code to get 15% off any purrchase: Bionic15


BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away, and we'll answer on next week's post.

Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.

Andreesaid on the Midweek news a couple of weeks ago:

It must take hours to make intricate banners like you do. 

It does take ages to make the banners, though a lot of the time we do a bit here and bit there rather than try to complete it all in one sitting. 


meowmeowmanssaid on the Midweek news last week: 

Smooch, YOU'RE also a phantom plant squasher? Who knew? 

Smooch has obviously been watching Parsley, and as there are two identical pots, they've probably been doing synchronised snoozing while nesting! And he does like to keep adding to his Phantom status! MOL


We have cooled down to normal summer temperatures now with a high of 20. Thunderstorms were forecast for the first three days this week but never materialised. Yesterday was heavy rain which caused a lot of flooding.

Oh wow, that flooding was like a raging torrent in places, we couldn't believe some of the video clips we saw.

 Luckily, we only got steady rain here for about 24 hours, and it didn't cause any issues thank cod!


Eastside Cats said on the Midweek news last week: 

Thank you for responding to my question: I have friends on the Isle of Wight, but didn't get a chance to visit them when I was in London a few years ago. Next trip to the UK will have to be 2-3 weeks long, so I can hit all of the places I want to, including Wales, Scotland, The Lake District, and every art museum in London...just to name a few. There are at least two railroad stations with attendant cats too; those are a MUST SEE.

And do try to visit the Crich Tram Museum, it's really epic. Mew can ride all the old trams and relive a bit of nostalgia. 


I'd love to see how your garden corner progresses! I am sure that soon it will be lovely! Hope your plants grow well.

We've been busy, the raised beds are built, they need a little bit of levelling on the uneven ground, and then planting can begin. We'll be sharing the update on our next gardening with cats rerun.


Pandora sure looks all scrunched up! Trying to do a pedicure??

MOL now we never thought of that scenario! 


We also asked from the Friday Fluffers post which one of these scenarios was the mood spoiler for Amber?

a. somepawdy didn't return a library book on time.

b. she's just received an email to say her latest consignment of books has been delayed by two days.

c. Parsley's found out she's hacked his crypto wallet, and she has been on a spending spree.

The answer was a. it was a late return! MOL

That's us done for today, we will be back on Friday with another batch of bloopers, and if mew missed Monday's post, click to catch up on our latest Cat Hazards post and get a free A4 printable of safe cut flowers.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

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