Showing posts with label sparkly cat collars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sparkly cat collars. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Welcome to Our Mid-Week News Round-Up The Pet Parade & Today's Headlines are ~ Walking By The River, Who's Wearing Parsley's New Collar And A New Shipment of Cat Grass Arrived At BBHQ

The Pet Parade ©BionicBasil® Winter Banner

Supurr Wednesday greetings furiends

Welcome to our weekly news round-up and furst up this week is; just look at that view...

Walking By The River Near BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388

Dad and the P.A. went for a walk by the river on Sunday as it was a glorious day, though cold but sunny.

Walking By The River Near BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388

And the conditions were purrfect to take these lovely pics.

Normally this path is full of peeps with oodles of K9's out for a walk. There is a gorgeous pub too which serves great food, which is about 100 yards/metres down the path and mew can even rent boats too. So dad and the P.A. were supurr surprised to find it empty, as in previous lockdowns there were lots more folk. 

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news this week.

The P.A. is designing indoor-only cat collars with quick-release clasps for our Kwerky Cat boutique. And yes, it will open this year all being well as soon as this covid thing has finished/is better, but in the meantime, she's making all kinds of stuff and here's one of her latest designs, the Supurr Glitzy Name Collar.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Who's Wearing Parsley's New Collar  ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388

Melvyn was furst on the scene as he's a total collar connoisseur, and he said, "Whaddaya mean it doesn't say Melvyn, of course it says Melvyn on it, it's mine!"

Who's Wearing Parsley's New Collar  ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388

Then Parsley appeared and said, "Dude, that's my new collar."

There was a bit of kerfuffle, but it was all smoothed offur when Melvyn found out the P.A. is waiting for some more collar tape to arrive, which actually should be today, anyhoo here's Parsley wearing his collar and Melvyn will be modelling his next week, so don't miss that.

Who's Wearing Parsley's New Collar  ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388 b

Doesn't it look fabulous on him? Sadly the light doesn't do the sparkly letters justice, they are really twinkly, especially in sunlight.

We'll let mew know when they're for sale, and mew can have your own supurr sparkly collar too if mew want one.

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

And finally in the news this week, our latest ready-grown cat grass pots arrived from our fab pals at**

A New Shipment of Cat Grass Arrived ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 388

The P.A. found it quite difficult last winter to grow our greens, some grass pots were ok and others not so much. So this winter aftur we reviewed My Cat Grass last August, the P.A. said she was going to subscribe just for the winter months and then in the spring, summer and autumn she'll go back to growing for us.

Fudge was furst to get his greens aftur they were placed on the windowsill aftur opening. Just look at all the greeny goodness, and we love our greens here! MOL

If mew missed our previous post about the benefits of cat grass, go check it out, as we know mew'll love it.

**this is not a sponsored or affiliate link.
Winter Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch-up links:

Amber will be here on Friday with another fantastic book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by the library, tea and nip cookies will be served, and we hope to see mew then! 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

Now let's HOP on... 
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