Friday 3 August 2018

Let's Welcome The Dash Kitten Crew As Our New Hosts, Do Mew Want To Move To Wednesdays? and Amber Has A Mini Meltdown on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 259 ~ Hosted by Dash Kitten Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furst and foremost we have to say...





And we also have to say...

furry many thanks to Rascal & Rocco fur hosting The Pet Parade all these years, thanks guys, mew're amazing and we do hope mew enjoy your blogging break - in fact we feel like taking one ourselves!!! MOL MOL 

Oh and we'd like to know if mew would prefer The Pet Parade to be moved to Wednesdays as there's an awful lot of hops on Fridays?

Dash Kitten are running a poll today, so purrlease go vote and let's see who wants The Pet Parade to present WOW on Wednesdays [Wordless/Wordy on Wednesdays].

In other news, this happened!

Amber was snoozing in her basket on the upper landing when she heard the news of The PP's pawsible move to Wednesdays and said...

I was on the half-landing just below Amber and I replied...

"Don't mew dare tell me to take a paw!" she retorted. "Wednesdays are mine!"

"Amber, if The PP moves to Wednesday's mew'll still be in charge, and yes we all know that each and effury Wednesday from September to May belongs to mew!" I sighed wearily, it was too hot and I was; was being the oppurrative wurd, really enjoying my snooze before her outburst [see I even had post snooze dribble or PSD, that's how relaxed I was].

"Well just as long as mew understand that my book reviews are most important and I shall not be moved!" she went on.

"Amber, nopurrdy is moving mew, mew can still have your Wordy on Wednesdays and if The PP moves to 'your' day then mew'll be in charge," I said, thinking to myself; and that leaves me free to continue with my memoirs.

"Oh mew mean that I get to keep Wednesday's and be in charge of The PP too?"

"Yep, all yours!"

"Oh," she faltered and then said. "Well that's alright then!"

And so it goes, spats with cats dissipated in less than 5 minutes, and now as it's getting rather scorchio again, purrlease excuse me while I go back to snoozing on the half-landing. 

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

Fudge will be here tomorrow with his furry furst solo post, mew definitely won't want to miss that, and then we'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & The B Team xox

Go visit our pawesome hosts

to see this weeks 

Featured Favourite 


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  1. Hi all. Sounds like ye have an accord! Wednesdays really does sound a great day. Means I can get Mrs H to have the laundry washed dried and ironed on a Friday without stressing over whether we should have a go or not.....
    Toodle pips and purrs
    PS, life is far easier without a bro or sis to disturb me....

  2. Welcome to Team Dash Kitten! We'll be here whatever day you pick. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Thanks for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop. Have a purrfect day. ♥

  4. I'll be checking out your puzzle page this weekend!

  5. I am glad you were able to put Amber's mind at rest.

  6. The Tribe of Five have a half landing too and Lily and Alberto love to hang out on the window ledges there.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  7. Huh. I don't know where our comment went! Stick to your guns Amber!

  8. Well, as long as Amber are ok wif it, MOL!

  9. Qednesday is just nosing ahead Basil (nd Amber) Let's see how it goes. The Pet Parade has a host of loyal fans!

  10. I am glad that is straightened out Amber's reviews are my favorite, even more than puzzles. XO

  11. Oh can't win smetimes, but you did sort it out! Now that means Amber willhave all the stressof putting her own post up...*and* snoopervising the pet Parade! Um...Basil, did you pull one ovfur on her?? MOL!

  12. Well, we are glad to know that Amber's Wednesdays will continue on. We think they rock! :)


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!