Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
**CATMAS CRAFTING RERUN** Crafting With Cats ~ Catmas Special Part 5 ~ How We Made The Epic Santa Paws Catmas Sled
Epic Festive Greetings Pawesome Pals
Thanks for joining us for a rerun of our Catmas Special Crafting with Cats segment.
If mew missed Part One of our Catmas Crafting Extravaganza; How to Make a Purrsonalised Catmas Stocking and How to Make the Bahumbug Burlap Cat ~ click here, and Part II How to Make the Epically Epic Catmas Pudding which every kitty on the planet will want. Andclick here for Part III, the supurr cute catnip toys.
And for Part IV, click here to see the most epically epic Catmas Tree in the known cosmos! MOL
If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, stop by the Crafting with Cats Page and see all our previous projects, and mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them. Plus we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.
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**A quick note before we begin**
All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design, and we share them for purrsonal/home use only.
So purrlease do not copy fur commercial/resale purrposes.
Optional Cat ~ Smooch was today's Craft Room Snoopervisor
Normally we share step-by-step instructions showing how to make things, but this time we thought we’d show mew exactly in almost real-time how the sled was created from start to finish, letting mew see how a mid-size cardboard box was transformed into a supurr festive sled for cats.
There are 6 videos in total, approximately 10 + minutes each
Melvyn did pull the tree off the back at the end of the final episode! MOL
What a fluffing heathen, anyhoo, it's all back together now as the P.A. has used a lot more glue. She thought it was secure enough, but sadly it wasn't quite fully Melvyn-Proof which he pointed out when it landed in the sleigh bed - OH DEAR!
But that little incident aside we think it turned out epically epic.
FYI - We are not allowed to use the sled without pawrental guidance, purrlease be aware of safety issues and the safety of your cat at all times if making this or any other crafting projects.
And that furiends, furry sadly brings us to the end of our last crafting rerun post, we do hope mew liked it, and if mew decide to make your furry own Santa Paws Catmas Sled, we'd love to see, so feel free to tag us on social media @BionicBasil - Instagram & Twitter or @BionicBasilCats on TikTok.
So we'll sign off on this bright and breezy Caturday as it's time to put up the BBHQ Catmas tree, and we'll be here tomorrow with a fun festive selfie!
In the meantime Keep calm and have a niptini, well it is almost Catmas! MOL
We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned. By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and stafffrom and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
I'm luving the Santa Paws sled. I want it full of treats and toys and Catmas Cheer! Melvyn was just trying out a bit of extra joy, mol. Merry Christmas to all, Precious
❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️ FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!
Your crafting creation are supurb
ReplyDeleteThat sled looks amazing! Melvyn was fascinated by the tree on the back so I am not surprised he pulled it off.
ReplyDeleteI'm luving the Santa Paws sled. I want it full of treats and toys and Catmas Cheer! Melvyn was just trying out a bit of extra joy, mol. Merry Christmas to all, Precious
ReplyDeleteFantastic Santa Paws sled! Merry 🎄 to all!
ReplyDeleteThat was most amazing and that sled is so darn cool. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely fabulous xx😽
ReplyDeleteThis really is an epic sleigh!