Showing posts with label Taste Test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taste Test. Show all posts

Saturday 18 March 2023

What's in The Box? Featuring Tippaws Cat Food with BBHQ Expert Taste Testers - Fudge, Melvyn and Smooch

Welcome to

What's In The Box with The B Team ©BionicBasil®.jpg

Supurr Caturday greetings fabulous furiends

Today we're sharing a *sponsored post with mew from the ameowzing peeps at:

Image Copyright Tippaws
Image Copyright Tippaws

Tippaws are a brand new cat food company that just launched a few weeks ago, and we were delighted when they asked if we'd like to test their tasty offerings, so do read on to see how we got on!

What's In The Box with The B Team ©BionicBasil®Divider

So let's show mew what was in the box.

See the full unboxing in the video below.

Are mew ready to see the contents, of course mew are!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Tippaws Dry Cat Food

And here's the delicious noms that were hiding inside.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Tippaws Dry Cat Food

Plus as a little extra bonus the epic Tippaws Team sent us two extra sample packets to try. 

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Tippaws Dry Cat Food - sample bags

Doesn't it look good?

What's In The Box with The B Team ©BionicBasil®Divider

Watch the video

See how we got on with our unboxing and the taste testing!

Or watch on YouTube by clicking the link.

Mew must excuse Smooch in the video, he looks like a little urchin today, as he'd been outside and got wet, and his fur looks a bit wild! MOL

**If mew haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, please do as we'd love it if mew did!** 

What's In The Box with The B Team ©BionicBasil®Divider

What Did We Think Of Tippaws?

Well, we've been scoffing, oops sorry eating it for the last couple of weeks and we are really enjoying it, as mew could see in our video above.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Tippaws Dry Cat Food - Smooch and Melvyn Nomming

What we really like is that it's 70% animal protein with added vitamins and minerals plus it has plant protein too. It is naturally hypoallergenic and has prebiotics for gut health. It's also wheat, gluten and dairy free. So all in all it's a supurr balanced, healthy kibble aka dry food.

Tippaws also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if mew buy it and your kitty doesn't like it, mew've got absolutely nothing to lose, which we think is a solid testament to how sure Tippaws are in their premium product.

If mew'd like to learn more about the kitties who inspired Tippaws, click here to read their story and see their charitable work.

We purrsonally think Tippaws is a pawsome dry food, and will definitely be ordering from them in the future. 

In our humble opinion...

Tippaws is Totally Top Paw! 

What's In The Box with The B Team ©BionicBasil®Divider

Many thanks to Rachel plus kitties, Gus and Maisie at Tippaws for giving us the oppurrtunity to taste test their delicious cat food ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit Tippaws online:

Many thanks for joining us today, and don't forget to stop by tomorrow when we will be back with The Sunday Selfies for Mother's Day and a really fun photo. Plus if mew missed Amber's St Patrick's Day book review and a supurr flattering (not) photo of Melvyn, click here.

In the meantime, don't forget to always...
Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Follow Us @BionicBasil® at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence
Music used under license from Artist: Reveille ~ Track: Movin’

Saturday 11 February 2023

What's In The Box at BBHQ? Featuring The Fuzzball All-in-One Food Subscription Service for Cats

Welcome to

What's in the Box Banner 2023 ©BionicBasil®

Supurr greetings fabulous furiends

Today we're sharing one of our **sponsored posts with mew from the fabulous peeps at...

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Logo - Image Copyright Fuzzball
 Image Copyright Fuzzball

Who asked us if we'd like to try their brand new all-in-one subscription food box for cats, and who could resist an offer like that? MOL

What's in the Box Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® cat silhouettes jumping into boxes

So let's show mew what was in the box.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food

Our resident foodie, Fudge was on paw to snoopervise all aspects of today's review, and he couldn't wait to see what was in the box!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food - full contents

Look at all this ameowzing food, and we got a bag of tofu cat litter too, which we'll review next week, as today we're solely focused on the NOMS!

Mew see those tall blue boxes above, just look at the contents below.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food - Tinned Food

And we can't wait to show mew the full unboxing and taste testing of the dry food, wet food and the treats in the video below.

Watch the video

See how we got on with our unboxing and the taste testing!

Watch direct on youtube by clicking here.

If mew haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, please do as we'd love it if mew did! 

What Did We Think To Fuzzball?

Obviously, mew guys know that we always go and do our research about anything we share at BBHQ, so here's a few facts about Fuzzball:

The company was inspired by a British Blue called Alfie. He's quite a cheeky chap! MOL

Now Alfie wanted a better cat food, one that was free from added salts, sugars and fillers.

So Fuzzball was created to offer a tailor-made monthly subscription service delivered to your door, and all the products are 100% natural with high quality, high protein ingredients without sugars, salts, fillers or grains. 

The all-in-one meal subscription is tailored to your kitty and their lifestyle, in the correct portions required to maintain optimum health and condition.

We really like the entire premise of the company, and as mew know, it is vitally impawtant to get the right nutrition. 

If mew want to know more, just head to their website at


Anyhoo, let's tell mew what we thought to the food.

If mew watched the video, which we hope mew did, because we think it's a really pawesome video, mew'll see how much we enjoyed everything.

We started with the dry food, and all three flavours were a total hit. Did mew see Fudge, he's an eating machine?! MOL

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food - Dry Food Taste Test

Then we progressed onto the tinned food, and that was just incredible.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food - Fudge Taste Testing Tuna and Salmon Food

We've since tried more of the flavours, and there is nothing left in the dish after, so that tells mew how good it is. Smooch's favourite flavour is the chicken.

The treats are also delicious, they are freeze dried chicken or salmon in little cubes. 

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Fuzzball Subscription Cat Food - Freeze Dried Salmon - Chicken Treats

These treats are epic, Fudge and Melvyn's favourite is the chicken treat, while Parsley and Smooch love the salmon. Amber liked both equally, and Pandora just batted them around the floor and got really excited. 

Our regular readers will know that Pandora has never eaten any type of treat since she arrived at BBHQ, she is quite unique in that respect.

Anyhoo, we can say without doubt everything we tried from Fuzzball was epically epic and totally top paw, and if mew're looking for an all-in-one subscription service Fuzzball have got mew covered!

We give Fuzzball a ten-paw rating for flavour, ingredients, taste and presentation. A wonderpurr experience all round.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Ten Paw Rating

We'll share the tofu cat litter next week, and let mew know our thoughts on that after a little more testing.

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Fuzzball for giving us the oppurrtunity to try their ameowzing cat food ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit Fuzzball online:

Many thanks for joining us today, and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we will be back with our regular Sunday Seflies post.

Until then...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

**FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence
Music License - Artist: Funday ~ Track: Trampoline Summer

Monday 23 May 2022

**A FLASHBACK TO 2014 WITH WING COMMANDER BASIL** The Smooch Report - Can I Taste Purrlease?

Welcome to

The Smooch Report Banner  ©BionicBasil®.jpg

Monday greetings my epic furriends

This post originally aired way, way, way back on March the 3rd 2014. 

Like wow, that is so incredibly old! MOL 

Anyhoo, we were looking for another post the other day and stumbled across this one which tells the story of Smooch and his siblings arrival at the P.A.'s work and thought it might be nice to share again with readers who might not have seen it the first time around.

For all our new readers this is just for context; when the blog first started ten years ago, I Basil, was the only kitty who really used to be here. My fur-sibs popped along every now and again but mainly it was just me, myself and I. Not that I was being selfish or anything, it was just the way it was! MOL

So when reading today's flashback, mew will gather that we were in the throes of beginning to expand everyone's airtime, so it wasn't just Basil Time all the time.

Smooch's Origins

As mew will remember from last Friday's post, it was agreed that my fur-siblings get a little more blog time and Smooch in purrticualr was furry adamant that another Smooch Report was needed asap. So to appease my baby brofur before he goes all mental on me and licks me into oblivion, here is another installment of:

The Smooch Report

Many of mew already know Smoochie, but fur those that don't here's a little re-cap.

Smoochie was part of a feral furrmily living at my P.A.'s workplace. There was a mummy cat and her 6 kittens. They just appeared one day in May 2011, and the P.A. started to feed them all.  

When they were all old enough, each one in turn, was caught and taken to the vet to be neutered and the mummy cat too, (the P.A. believes in being responsible). Anyway, I digress, so the 6 kittens were called: Tiger Lily, Midnight, Ringo, Baby, Starlight and Smoochie. Mummy cat was called Pixie.

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Cat Clowder

1. Starlight  2. Baby  3. Tiger Lily  4. Pixie  5. Ringo  6. Midnight  7. Smoochie

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Cat Clowder

The P.A. spent many hours while she was at work taming this furry horde with the help of bucket loads of Dreamies and long feather wands. She managed to hand feed all of them, and they liked her so much that they even ate the wormer pills straight from her fingers like they were treats!  (This does not happen at our house, effur!! We get stuff squirted on our necks because we won't eat the pills no matter how they are disguised!!)

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Cat Clowder
Poppy is another feral who's been on site for 15 years

Sadly,  Starlight and Ringo went wandering across the busy main road, and I hate to say this, but they went to the Rainbow Bridge - both in less than 2 weeks of each other. The P.A. was so furry furry upset. Then Smooch also tried to cross this road; he made it back, but he'd been hit by a vehicle, and his back right leg was badly broken. Anyhoo, the P.A. and Dad managed to catch him, get a pet carrier and rush him to the vet. His leg was broken so badly it had to be removed.  

After the operation, he was taken back to the workplace as there was an empty dog run/kennel and he needed to be kept contained while he healed. Smooch was kept in the run fur a few weeks, and the P.A. and Dad socialized him further; he wasn't alone as his other siblings were there all the time, only on the other side of the wire.   

After his leg was healed, the P.A. and Dad brought him home and integrated him into The b Team as they knew if he stayed at their workplace, he'd probably try and cross the road again and next time he wouldn't be so lucky.

So that's how Smooch came to live at BBHQ. The other furbabies are still at work and seem happy enough to roam around the gardens and the fields away from the road - thank goodness. The P.A. tells them all the time to: 'Stay off the road'

Anyways, Smoochis the most loving, furriendly, kind and sweet kitty mew could effur meet. He is also furry, furry affectionate, and this is where this week's title comes from because every time I come inside after being out to play, he has to taste me!

Can I Taste Purrlease? 

The other evening I had just come in from another field excursion and flopped on the kitchen table. Smooch who only goes out under strict supervision virtually pounces on me the moment I get in the door, so I thought being on the table would give me a bit of a reprieve. How wrong I was!

The tasting assault began with my back foot

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

Then it moved up to my neck

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

On to my head

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

At this point I got up - I think my face says it all!

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

I moved along the table, but Smooch is relentless in his quest fur outdoor flavours

The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

I think this expression speaks volumes


The Smooch Report ©BionicBasil® Basil and Smooch

It's not that I mind so much, but it's ALL THE TIME, and I am a ManCat, don't get me wrong, having someone to clean the parts your own tongue can't reach is a huge bonus, but being randomly taste tested after every outdoor excursion is something else. 

I love my baby brofur, but sometimes I wish he taste test one of the others instead, howeffur, as I'm the only one who likes to venture out every day, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon!!! MOL

**2022 Update** 

If mew'd like a propurr update on the garage cats let us know in the comments and we'll do a new post as mew can imagine things have changed in eight years, but we will say this; Pixie, Smooch's mum is still there, she moved in the house with Nanny and Grampaw.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence