Showing posts with label This Weeks Top Selfie Tip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label This Weeks Top Selfie Tip. Show all posts

Sunday 20 May 2018

Really Random Selfies on The Sunday Selfies & Valentine Gave Us This!

Supurr Sunday greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Really Random Selfies

As mew can purrobably tell, it was effury cat fur him or herself this week, and so we thought what the fluff let's just go fur it! MOL


Our pawesome pal Valentine furry kindly gave us this FAB AWARD last week and we're thrilled, we haven't have a blog award in what seems like fureffur.  So many, many thanks Valentine dude fur nominating us!  

Versatile Blogger Award Rules

  1. Give thanks to the blog/blogger that nominated you/gave you the award.
  2. Include a linky to their blog.
  3. Select 15 blog/bloggers that you discovered recently or those you follow regularly that you think are just so pawsome!
  4. Nominate those 15 for a Versatile Blogger Award. Provide a linky to their site if you can. (You can share one of the badges here with your nominees or create one of your own.
  5. Lastly, tell your nominator 7 things about yourself.

Our 15 Nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award

We noticed that a lot of our fabulous furriends have already been nominated, and purrhaps many of our selection have been nominated already too, so many apologies and purrlease disregard if this is the case! MOL

The list is in no purrticular order, just really random like today's selfies, yep we're keeping the random theme throughout! 

But if mew don't want to be bothered with it all that's purrfectly ok, just ignore this and carry as normal! MOL

7 Things About Us –  The B Team

  1. We're all mad, in fact we're completely bonkers
  2. We love military vehicles and guns and stuff  
  3. We have a secret bunker under the house and garden full of  #2
  4. We really like catnip, like really, a lot
  5. But we don't really like going to vet, at all
  6. We love all our blogging buddies more than we could effur say
  7. And finally, we feel really blessed to have made so many wunderpurr friends on our blogging journey

The Pet Blog'o'sphere is the BEST!

We sincerely hope mew're all having a supurr, great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour.

Wishing mew a supurr, sun-puddle filled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &

Sunday 13 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day & Smoochie's Thoughtful Selfies on The Sunday Selfies

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Smoochie's Thoughtful Selfies

The last one is our favourite today! 

Even though the U.K. Mother's Day is celebrated in March, we feel that as our biggest audience is in the fabulous USA we can get to celebrate it twice! WOOO HOOO!  

... to the P.A. [again] and to all your amazing moms who are celebrating today!

Our fab pal Sir Snowy has made a lovely video to celebrate, here take a look...

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour.

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles and bacon butties

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence

Sunday 6 May 2018

Incognito Selfies on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Incognito Selfies

Why are mew incognito today, we hear mew ask?

Well supuur pawesome furriends, it would appear that there was a sneaky pawparazzi purrson who gate-crashed Smooch's Pawty the other night and decided to take some rather colourful pics of us all have a really epically epic time - appurrently we got a little out of paw about 3am and decided to give the village sign posts a little make-offur - hmmmmm do any of mew guys remember exactly what happened? [OOPS! MOL]

So we've all donned disguises while the heat blows offur!

Though I'm not sure what Fudge was thinking with his Liquid Nip! MOL What a heathen!

And here's hoping Parsley has a legit reason fur impurrsonating a Purrlice Officer!

This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

Let's talk about using apps to add filters to enhance your selfies.

Mew may have taken the most pawesome selfie but feel that it lacks a bit of oomph, why not try adding filters and props to your pics to add another fun dimension.

We use many different apps, but our favs fur the iPhone are: Prisma and Funstastic, and on the PC we really like Pizap fur it's simple and easy to use features, though mew do need to pay if mew want to unlock all the features.

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour, yes we'll be definitely getting our OMs on tomorrow, and we certainly need it!

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &

Sunday 29 April 2018

Who Am I Looking At? on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another pawesomeselfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Who Am I Looking At?

We decided to do another collage this week and as mew know taking selfies can be really hard wurk, just when mew think mew've got the purrfect shot set up, along comes a distraction! MOL

Can mew guess who or what we were each distracted by?

Answers below...

we'll give mew another few moments...

I was distracted by:  A giant bumble bee, mew know the ones; bodies so chubby mew have no idea how they get airborne.

Amber was distracted by:  Fudge leaping offur the raised bed towards her - yep that's shock on her cute little face! MOL

Fudge was distracted by:  The sound of the treat tin rattling - little pudding! MOL

Pandora was distracted by:  Smooch who went from 0 mph to supurr zoomies in less than 0.3 secs fur no reason whatsoeffur.

Smooch was distracted by:  Fudge who was hurtling towards the treat tin.

Parsley was distracted by: A huge fat pigeon who just landed on top of the fence, and he suddenly got the urge fur a tasty flying snak-pak.

This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

This week we're going to talk about backgrounds.  Getting a great pic with a great background seems simple enough, right?  Wrong! MOL

How many pics have mew seen where mew think, what the fluff is that in the background? Yep many! MOL

So today's tip is furry simple: 

Just be mindful of what's behind or around mew, as mew could have the most pawesome pic of your fabulous self but it's ruined by what's in the background.

Fur instance, mew wouldn't want a pic of yourself surrounded by heaps of dirty clothes on the floor - yep we've actually seen that and we're now scarred fur life.  

But neffur fear, if your selfie is amazing and the background is not what mew want, use a clipping tool and do a bit of photo-shopping!

If mew want to know how, just ask and we'll tell mew next week. 

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour, and it's Smoochie's 7th Birthday Pawty, so mew know what that means? Give-Away Time!

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of supurr warm sun puddles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence and

Sunday 22 April 2018

Whateffur Floats Your Boat on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Whateffur Floats Your Boat

This week we couldn't decide who was going to do solo selfies, so at the 11th hour and 59th minute we decided to each take a pic and do a collage as we haven't had one fur a while.

And the brief was; whateffur floats your boat, so we all went our sepurrate ways around the garden and then this happened.

Managing to get myself installed on the bench by the summer house before anypurrdy else, I got comfy and from there I could see what effuryone else was doing. 

I watched as The B Team spread out looking fur a 'purrfect pic spot' and that's when I realized something was up.

Pandora was checking the catmint, as the kittens keep coming from next door to 'borrow' some, and she said. "Basil I think they 'av set up an online shop fur selling our primo product, vhat are mew going to do about it?" 

Amber inspected the primroses by the path and she said. "Basil did mew know that those naughty kittens keep coming in the garden and flattening the flowers with their heathen behaviour?" 

Smooch who was checking out another flower bed and some freshly dug soil said, "Basil the kittens have been digging up the garden, and now my favourite dirt bath has been defiled!"

Fudge who was still in the courtyard by the catservatory said, "Hey the little blighters have borrowed some of the extra strength, blow your fur off catnip, are they selling that too?" 

And finally Parsley said as he gazed into the pond. "My COD I look handsome today!" 

And my reply to all of that was...


This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

This week international meowdel and supurr star feline, Summer from the fabulous blog Sparkle Cat has a fab tip to share which continues on from last weeks 'no flash tip'.

I never use flash for selfies, of course! Sometimes my human uses flash as fill outside (last week's bikini shot was one), or inside, a strobe with a modeling light, which doesn't create those lasers. But those are advanced techniques. And the strobe took getting used to - my first experience with it (with a pro photographer), I kept flinching and blinking.
Thanks fur sharing Summer, we'll be checking out those options too!

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour.

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &

Sunday 15 April 2018

Up Close & Purrsonal With Pandora on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and Pandora is here with her Selfie Selection, titled:

Up Close & Purrsonal With Pandora

Finally let's get some zoom happening! 

YAY fur getting up close with Pandora! MOL MOL

This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

So far we've spoke about lighting, close-ups, using apps to make pics better, taking a selfie with paws, and last week using different angles to take more interesting pics, so this week we're going to talk about using the flash.

Well, let's say this, it's so much better NOT to use the flash unless mew want laser eyes, which is not a good look on any discerning kitty looking to take a nice selfie.

We suggest using alternative sources of light instead - see above - put all the lights on in your house and use an app - see above - to brighten if necessary.

We have banned the use of using a flash in our pics as it tends to wash effurything out and really who wants blinding with that offensive weapon!??? Not us! MOL

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another glorious mandala fur mew to colour.

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &