Sunday, 6 May 2018

Incognito Selfies on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Incognito Selfies

Why are mew incognito today, we hear mew ask?

Well supuur pawesome furriends, it would appear that there was a sneaky pawparazzi purrson who gate-crashed Smooch's Pawty the other night and decided to take some rather colourful pics of us all have a really epically epic time - appurrently we got a little out of paw about 3am and decided to give the village sign posts a little make-offur - hmmmmm do any of mew guys remember exactly what happened? [OOPS! MOL]

So we've all donned disguises while the heat blows offur!

Though I'm not sure what Fudge was thinking with his Liquid Nip! MOL What a heathen!

And here's hoping Parsley has a legit reason fur impurrsonating a Purrlice Officer!

This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

Let's talk about using apps to add filters to enhance your selfies.

Mew may have taken the most pawesome selfie but feel that it lacks a bit of oomph, why not try adding filters and props to your pics to add another fun dimension.

We use many different apps, but our favs fur the iPhone are: Prisma and Funstastic, and on the PC we really like Pizap fur it's simple and easy to use features, though mew do need to pay if mew want to unlock all the features.

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour, yes we'll be definitely getting our OMs on tomorrow, and we certainly need it!

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &


  1. We don’t even recognize you guys!

    1. MOL Thanks dudes, hopefully the authorities won't either! MOL XOX

  2. Love your selfies this week!

  3. Excellent disguises guys, but I think maybe you'll be safe, just as long as nobody points the sign posts back your way. MOL
    Toodlepips & Purrs

    1. Hey Erin, I recall that mew did a rather cute kitty graffiti tag on the bunker door, thanks fur that! MOL XOX

  4. I am sure those disguises will fool everyone and keep you all out of trouble!

  5. If you hadn't added the names I swear I would not have known any of you...and that is the truth...through my nipped out mind...MOL!

  6. I thought I was at the wrong blog. Those are some great disguises. Fudge, you might want to cover up those cans of liquid nip though. I think there's a law against public inebriation. ;)

    1. MOOL Edie, thanks so much and yep Fudge was being rather reckless fur sure! MOL XOX

  7. Awesome disguises, mew guys! Fudge, you cracked us up with that liquid nip apparatus. :)

  8. Brilliant great disguises.Love them all so cool.

  9. Those are great selfies. XO

  10. Those are really cool selfies ! Purrs


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