Showing posts with label chapter 18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chapter 18. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 March 2024


Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Adventure Story

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Tuesday Tails Banner ©BionicBasil®

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Claws of Terror is an action-packed and immersive adventure that takes mew on a journey through a world of danger and excitement. The story draws mew in with vivid and detailed descriptions of the intense battles and spine-tingling encounters, making mew feel as though mew are right there with The B Team, fighting for survival.


If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure click the link below:

Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three    Chapter Four    Chapter Five

Chapter Six    Chapter Seven    Chapter Eight     Chapter Nine     Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven     Chapter Twelve     Chapter Thirteen     Chapter Fourteen     Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen     Chapter Seventeen

Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Halloween Adventure - Divider 

Chapter Eighteen

The Rotten Fetid Barbecue!

Why is it, just when mew think, everything is going to be ok? That it all turns to fluff in a paw-basket in less time than it takes to say, Fluff me, I never saw that one coming?

Vera roared and became incensed as she spat a barrage of fire at the two figures lying on the narrow lane. The flames were so hot that Posie, Pandora, Miss Warts and Mogs retreated further into the graveyard. The screaming was gut-wrenching as the inferno increased.

The last remaining Red Wing Raptors pounced on her from behind, and the army of zombie cats staggered towards the lane and encircled the prone burning figures.

Vera launched upward and twisted in the air, knocking the savage raptors to the floor. They landed on top of the shufflers, scattering them everywhere, like bowling pins. Vera swooped upwards again and then descended with such force that the ground quaked as she squashed many of the shufflers with her huge claws. Leaping into the air again, she hovered just above the fray, and flames covered the entire lane.

The smell was rank, like a burning, rotten flesh barbecue. Pandora gagged as the stomach-churning aroma filled the graveyard.

Posie peered through the mist as she watched Vera unleash a barrage of molten lava on the zombie cats and vaporised them, their bodies bursting apart and the remaining dust particles exploding.

Funghorn Furkle screamed as the molten lava covered him from the waist down and he watched in horror as his limbs melted. His screaming didn’t stop until Vera spewed more of the molten fire all over him, silencing him forever.

The robed figure was trying to crawl away as the lava bubbled and rolled towards him. He shrieked, “I am Klagnut Bumfuzzel, and I refuse to be beaten by you!” Trying to stretch out his charred arm, he pointed the magical wand at Vera and began to chant. The crystal tipped glowed red as he harnessed the last of his power, and just as the necromancer was about to finish the spell, Vera spewed a massive dollop of molten lava on him.

Posie whooped in triumph. “Way to go Vera!”

The last few Red Wing Raptors made a last charge towards Vera as she unleashed another barrage of flaming intensity until they were nothing more than a molten puddle of silvery liquid steaming on the ground. The huge white, hybrid dragon roared in victory, and soared into the air, returning into a buzzing swarm of nano-particles as she swooped back towards BBHQ through the mist, her mission complete.

Posie, Pandora, Miss Warts, and Mogs wasted no time, and jumped over the wall, racing across the field after the departing swarm.


          Sitting next to the fire, unable to sleep, my brain was buzzing with so many thoughts as they hacked their way through my mind, like a blunt machete cutting through the jungle. And I couldn’t figure out why. Why the necromantic cult would strike on our home ground? Why they would think that they could effortlessly wipe us all out? Why they thought they had the upper paw in all of this? It made little sense, and then it hit me.

Humphrey came and sat next to me, as everyone else was sleeping and soft snores filled the cave.

“Basil,” he said. “None of this computes. It doesn’t make sense on any level.”

I looked at him and nodded. “I think I’ve just worked it out.”

He gave me a knowing glance. “It was a distraction.”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “And while I’ve been deeply worried about what’s been happening at BBHQ, I know Vera will have done her best.”

“Posie will have made sure that Pandora, Miss Warts and Mogs were ok, and I know those three have enough magical powers between them to be fine, but…”

“But necromancer magic is different, right?”

“Yep!” he said.

“I know they will be fine,” I replied. “But I’m still pondering the possibilities of why the distraction… oh no…”

“What?” Humphrey asked.

“It was a test,” I said with utter certainty. “A test to see if we survived and if we did, the Red Evil would come in her non-corporeal form to try to harness the souls of… well, Pandora and Melvyn.”

“As those two combined are probably the most powerful magical entities for the light in our dimension.”

I nodded, and my stomach lurched sideways as I realised that the Mogwarts attacks were nothing more than another distraction to get us there, and when that failed, they came to BBHQ.

Glancing around the cave, I saw Melvyn snuggled next to Amber and Snowie; he was so little, and I bristled with anger at the thought of some ancient evil wanting to extract his soul and harness his power. And the same for Pandora, she’d also been through so much before she found her way to BBHQ, and there was no way I was going to let some old, power mad hag hurt my family.

Turing to Humphrey, I said. “She’s headed to Mewton-Clawson. She’s coming to harvest souls, and we need to get back there and stop her once and for all.”


          Pandora jumped over the broken gates at BBHQ followed by Miss Wart, Mogs and Posie. Avoiding the hardening, silvery slick on the lawn, they raced towards the bunker entrance, clambering over the remains of the summerhouse as Vera in her nano-particle form swirled above the foggy garden still buzzing with anger.

Punching the code into the door, it opened and they headed inside. The corridor was in total disarray, and the smell of death permeated the air. The emergency lighting was casting all kinds of weird shadows among the chaos.

Mogs hissed, and his hackles rose as something limped towards us through the debris.

Pandora’s paws glowed as she harnessed her power and stepped forward, carefully peering into the gloom.

“Don’t shoot!” A voice said. “It’s me, Winston!”

“Winston, what are mew doing up here?” Pandora asked cautiously. “I thought mew were locked in on Level Eight with Horice and the magical menagerie?”

Mogs stepped next to Pandora and softly rested a paw on her shoulder. Her mind immediately received the telepathic message.

“That is not Winston, that is death!”


          Watching Meow-Da sleep, I fidgeted with anxiety, as I knew we had to get back to BBHQ. The M-Unit were in deep conversation near the cave entrance. Smoke sat on his own near the fire pit looking defeated and dejected. He was processing how his life was going to be going forward, and I approached him.

“Dude,” I said quietly.

He glanced at me, tears filling his eyes before he dropped his gaze towards the floor.

Snowie came to sit next to him, putting a paw on his arm. “It’s going to be ok,” she soothed. “It’ll be alright, won’t it, Basil?”

Crouching down, I said. “Smoke, I know mew’re hurting, and I know mew feel abandoned, but know this, mew have a home and family with us at BBHQ.”

He shook his head. “I don’t deserve a home after what I’ve done.”

Bomber came and sat next to Snowie; he looked calmer as he said to Smoke. “I understand mew didn’t have a choice, that mew were forced into that mission. I get that, but why didn’t mew tell us? Maybe we could have done something to save your sister?”

Smoke tried to speak, but his voice cracked, and he shook with grief.

I looked at Bomber and said. “I think he was too afraid to admit anything.”

The grey Maine Coon nodded as tears splashed onto the sandy floor.

“He was scared that mew would turn on him and cast him out,” I continued. “And he had nowhere to go, and no family left, and I guess he thought that mew’d never find out and he’d take that dark secret to the grave.”

Ice and Shadow, hearing my words, came to stand next to me as Bomber said. “I get that now, and we are so sorry your sister was killed.”

Shadow said. “Smoke, mew have saved my life more times that I can count, and I’m sorry that I got angry with mew.”

Ice nodded and added. “Me too dude, and we are so sorry about your sister.”

“I’m so sorry I never told mew guys,” Smoke choked out the words. “I never wanted to spy on mew or your boss, but my sister…”

Snowie and I moved out of the way as Bomber, Ice and Shadow sat together in front of Smoke and the four of them talked among themselves.

“I hope they can forgive each other,” Snowie murmured to me.

“Me too," I replied softly. “Those guys have been through so much together, and I’d hate to see them fall out permanently.”

I heard a huge yawn and spun around to see Meow-Da stretching. He coughed several times and then looked at me. “Time to go.”

“Meow-Da, we are ready!”

I looked around at my team; Fudge, Parsley and Smooch stepped forward. Amber picked up Melvyn, who was still snoozing, and she said. “Let’s go home.”

“What do we need to do?” I asked Meow-Da.

“Young Kitten, he knows,” Meow-Da said pointing his cabbage stalk walking stick at Melvyn.

Melvyn suddenly woke up, his eyes were the size of dinner plates as dread leached out of his pores.

“Uncle Basil, that thing, she’s at BBHQ!” he squeaked. “Pandora is in terrible danger. We need to get home now!”


Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Halloween Adventure - Divider

Guys, mew know how we roll, so many apologies to cut it right there, but we will say, fluff me, and fluffing fluff, it’s just so bonkers!!! MOL 

Jumpin' juniper berries, is The Red Evil aka Crimson Ubel really at BBHQ?

How is Melvyn going to get us home?


Will this be the last battle?

If you would like to read Chapter 19, let us know in the comments, as OH MY CAT, this is getting wilder each week. In fact, the P.A. has decided to stay in bed until this saga ends, as it’s all just too much! MOL

  Remember, this story is for mew, and mew decide if it continues.

Don’t forget to check out yesterday’s Colouring with Cats post if mew missed it, and we’ll be back tomorrow with some more Midweek News.

In the meantime...

Tuesday Tails Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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Copyright © 2024 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell  ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialised publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including; content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

cathrinegarnell @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, names of businesses are fictitious and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 

Except for The B Team as they’re REALLY REAL!


Graphics created with paid licence   

Tuesday 8 September 2020

**Surprise Rerun** ~ Summer BlockBuster 2018 ~ The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapter 18

Welcome to

Tuesday Tales

Tuesday Tails Summer BlockBuster 2018 - The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapters 10 ~ 11

this is going to be one crazy-insane rescue oppurration!!!

The Clockwurk Labyrinth 

If mew missed the thrilling start of our latest adventure, here are the catch-up links...

And now here's the penultimate chapter...

Chapter 18 

Clash of the Creatures 

      “Jeez, what does it take to put this fugly fluffer down!” I yelled as I raced towards my team. 

“BASIL!” “BASIL!” “BASIL!” “BASIL!” familiar voices cried. 

As I rounded a partly collapsed column I saw my old team and my heart squeezed; mew know that really fuzzy full-fluff feeling. Mad Cat Malone, Gwendoline Furrzmore, Chuffer McGraw and Solitaire were brandishing spears at a new foe that had just breached a hole through the amphitheatre perimeter wall. 

The relief that flooded through effury cell of my body was incredible and I yelled with a huge grin on my face. “Dudes I think mew’re gonna need bigger guns!” 

Sliding to a halt next to them I reached into my tactical vest and pulled out a couple of pawfuls of weapons and ammo, dropping them to the ground I used the ray gun and zapped the heap making them full-sized. “Weapons ready!” I hollered throwing ear-defenders at them as I leapt in front lifting my uzi’s towards the biggest rat I’d effur seen, and to make matters wurse it looked a wee-bit rabid. It was an unholy sight and wrong on so many levels and all I could think was, how the fluff am I going to take that behemoth down! 

Its malevolent eyes glowed with orange fire, its fangs were nearly as long as my tail and dripping with a foamy-venom. Leather armour covered black-bristly fur, and its razor-sharp talons punctured the ground as it ran towards me. Just when I thought it couldn't get any wurse, it did as another monstrous rat appeared right behind it. 

Oh heck! I thought as I unleashed two full clips into the furst rat and began to reload. 

My old team began to fire at will as the second rat kept to the shadows and began to skulk around the edge of the outer wall.  I tracked it and shouted to Chuffer Macgraw. “Chuffer dude the second bogey is flanking us at  2 o’clock.” 

Chuffer looking like he could barely hold the AA12’s shouted. “On it Commander!” as he scooted passed me opening fire. Solitaire followed while Mad Cat and G.D. aka Gwendoline unleashed merry hell on the furst bogey. 

Unloading another two clips in the furst rat, I spun to see what was happening with The Old One as I reloaded. 

Smooch, Parsley and Humphrey were closing in as The Old One staggered unsteadily to his feet, Smooch had his RPG armed and ready, and launched a grenade. **BOOM!** it hit The Old One dead centre again. Parsley followed suit. **BOOM** dead centre again but The Old One lurched to the side, faltered briefly and then stood up again and grinned. 

“Holy muther of fluff!” I roared as I saw The Old One's maw settle in that malicious ear-to-ear grin.  

Humphrey drew his Katana, the deadly Sword of Angels was glowing with a dazzling white light as Pandora shouted something in her odd, little foreign accent. “Levitatum Draxius!”  and a huge stone block flew at The Old One.  

I saw Diggs and Winston in the midst of the action, six troll guards had appeared in the fray and Winston, who was always a fan of the AR15 was using one with a 30 shot mag drum. Diggs was using a pump-action shotgun as they let loose like their lives depended on it, which it did. 

Amber had climbed atop a half-fallen column and was using her 308 snipers rifle, firing at any hostile that moved, she screamed. “Basil on your six, get down!”  I dropped to the ground like a stone and the bullet whizzed passed me. “All clear on your six dude!” she yelled taking aim and firing at the second giant rabid rat skirting the perimeter with G.D. and Mad Cat following. The bullet hit it in the eye and it fell, twitching and emitting heinous squeaking-shrieks. Mad Cat and G.D. approached with the utmost caution and unloaded their clips almost at point-blank range until the twitching and the shrieking stopped.  

“Bogey down!” Mad Cat yelled above the gunfire, as he and G.D. went to help Solitaire and Chuffer.  I was hurtling towards Fudge who had a really wild look in his eyes, and yes, he was still wearing his pom pom bag.  “Fudge dude, get down!” I screamed as I pulled my Glock from its holster and shot a slimy-green 6 legged mutant-toad that was about to ambush him.  He hit the deck just as I fired still running towards him. The creature made a strange gurgling sound and dropped to the ground with thwump. 

“Fudge, Fudge are mew ok?” I asked as I pulled him up. His big green eyes were like saucers as he stared at me in disbelief.  

“Basil!” was all he said as he threw his paws around my neck and gripped me like he’d never let go. 

The battle was raging around us and in that moment I saw The Old One throw the huge block straight towards Pandora. I gulped as she just stood there, defiant and stalwart as she lifted her paw and gestured to the left. The block flew left and landed on another troll guard platoon. “HOOAH!” she whooped, Winston and Diggs joined in her revelry “HOOAH!” they yelled as the block landed with a squelching thwump.  

"Fudge dude, are mew ok?” I asked my youngest team memfur. He was trembling as he replied softly. “Basil I knew mew’d come, I knew mew’d come to get me... I’m so sorry I bought that fluffing eveel clock... I'm so sorry Basil!” he cried. 

“Dude,” I whispered gratefully. “If mew hadn’t bought that clock I would have neffur known the truth about my old FIB Team.” I paused fur a second taking in the battle raging around us.  

Amber was picking off the new hostiles who were literally fighting to get into the amphitheatre through the ever-increasing hole. “Basil I need more ammo!” she yelled. "I'm down to my last rounds!"

“On it!” I yelled. “Fudge here take these.” I passed him my uzi’s and several clips and fished in my pockets fur more weapons. “And dude the pom pom bag suits mew!”  

Zapping my new arsenal to full size I threw a bag of ammo towards Amber and she caught it, reloading like a purrfessional and the onslaught began again as creatures in their droves fought their way in and towards us. 

The Old One was shooting fiery blood-red orbs, death-magick at Smooch, Humphrey and Parsley who ducked and dodged the deathly red motes with ease. Humphrey was getting closer and closer to the eveel muther-fluffer as I battled my way towards him shooting anything that got in my way.   

A purple blob creature rolled into my path, it was crackling with energy and it spat at me, the goo landing on my tactical vest. I could smell burning fur as I glanced down and saw a hole and a bald patch of skin, that made me really angry as it was a brand-new vest; the freaky blob had acid spit. I emptied a full clip into it but the bullets did nothing.  “Awwww man mew’re really hissing me off now!” I growled as it spat at me again. I ducked to the right and the acid spit landed on the ground sizzling. Think quick, what can I use? I thought and don’t ask me why but I pulled out the ray gun, flicked the switch fur the miniaturising setting and blasted the blob. It squealed like a pig in a slaughterhouse as it shrank to the size of a garden pea and then I did the only thing I could. I dropped the nearest rock on it, well mew didn't think I was going to tread on it did mew? EEEWWWW, and headed fur Humphrey

The smell of cordite filled my nostrils and acrid gun-smoke drifted like a thick smog between the last remaining standing columns. So many creatures had now entered the maze and I knew we were going to be over-run in minutes. 

“Camomile!” I hollered, just as the Wild Hunt sounded their battle horn in the far distance. 

The Nisse popped out of thin-air next to me. “Yes Basil?” she trilled. 

“If we kill The Old One, will that stop the creatures?” I yelled above the din. 

She shook her head, “No Basil, it won’t stop them, they are here to defend and help him.” 

“How can we kill The Old One then?” I asked shooting a shambling zombie humanoid that was just about to take a chunk out of Diggs. “Shuffler down, Winston on your six dude incoming zombie shufflers!” 

“How the heck do we kill The Old One then?” I asked her again, taking a pop at some crazy winged-menace that was swooping offur the wall towards us, the orange leathery pterodactyl-esque creature crashed to the ground. 

“His only weakness is his arrogance,” she replied, then **POP** she just vanished. 

Well, that wasn't cryptic at all, I thought and sped towards Humphrey.  

“Humphrey I’m on your six dude, we need to take the freaker down stat,” I yelled as the hunting horn sounded again.  

It was in that moment The Old One saw me and he snarled. “This is your doing!” he raised his gnarled hand and fired the death magick at me, I twisted but one of the motes clipped my right flank before dispersing into nothing. 

Smooch and Parsley were doing their weird sign-paw language and then I heard through my comms set. “Basil draw his attention I have an idea!” Parsley said. 

I waved at them and replied. “Shouldn’t be an issue!" and I opened fire, riddling The Old One with bullets. He lunged towards me finally stepping away from the huge block protecting his back. 

Somersaulting offur a pile of debris I lured The Old One away from the shelter he’d been using and out into the open where the fight was just becoming insane; my old team were starting to struggle as all manner of hostiles were trying to get into the now crumbling arena.  Amber was surrounded by zombie shufflers trying to clamber up the column she was purrched atop, and Winston and Diggs were cut off and cornered by five winged-vampire monkeys.  

I reached a clearing and emitted a scream I didn’t know I was capable of.  The walls and ground began to shake again and the last remaining columns toppled in a huge dust cloud. 

Shrieks, howls and wails filled the air and The Old One waved his hands and all the creatures stopped fighting instantly. And backed away from my comrades and began to line up around the edge of the broken amphitheatre. 

Moments later my old team, my new team and a posse of creatures who were surrounding Fudge came to my side. 

“This doesn’t bode well,” Smooch said guns up and pointed towards the hostiles as more emerged and filtered around the edge. 

“Mew’re not kidding!” Amber shot back as she landed next to me. 

Parsley’s 6” steel claws snapped out and he said. “Dudes, this is gonna get real messy!” 

I saw Humphrey looking at his sword and then at me; it was as if he was listening to a voice far, far, far away. “Humphrey dude, what’s up?”    

We were surrounded by the team as Humphrey offered me his sword and said. “Finish it Basil.” 

I took the fabled weapon with much reverence, I could feel the buzz of energy as I held in my paw, yet the glowing light was strangely absent. I gave Humphrey the nod. “Guys, by all indications I have to go do this alone, mew stay here and if anyone of the creature-features makes a move, put ‘em down and put 'em down hard.” 

Smooch had emptied the contents of his pockets on the ground as Parsley zapped them to full size and he picked up 5 flame throwers handing them to my old team, he passed Diggs an RPG and a bag full of grenades. 

Pandora sidled up to me and whispered. “Basil, mew must strike him through the ‘eart vith the blade of the angels, I can ‘elp.”    

I winked in acknowledgement as my now huge team, geared up fur the fight of our lives.  Fudge appeared next to me and put his paw on my arm gently. “Basil, mew can do this, I know mew can!” he said as he loaded his AA12s with 20 round drum-magazines. And yes, he was still wearing the pom pom bag, so I said. “Dude what’s with the new fashion accessory?” 

“He grinned at me and said. “Basil these are some of the creatures I rescued just before mew got here, they’re coming back to BBHQ with us, is that ok?” 

I looked at one of the fluffy pink critters, who chirruped rather sweetly and I shrugged. “Sure, no wurries dude, just check that they don’t turn into something hideous which will want to eat us, we'll discuss it more later but right now I need to go face-off with that muther-fluffing freaker... watch my six dudes.” 

As I stepped forward one of the pink pom poms jumped on my shoulder, and we went resolutely without fear or uncertainty to face the eveel Old One; Cat & Suicidal Pom Pom versus Crazy Powerful Ancient Being.

And I knew one way or another, this would be the final showdown.


See Mew Next Tuesday Fur The Final Thrilling Chapter


The Clockwurk Labyrinth

This is 

 Commander Basil and The B Team
Offur and Out

click here to go to chapter 19

Graphics created with paid licence

Thursday 1 November 2018

Tuesday Tales on Thursday ~ Summer BlockBuster 2018 ~ The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapter 18

Welcome to

Tuesday Tales

on Thursday

Tuesday Tails Summer BlockBuster 2018 - The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapters 10 ~ 11

this is going to be one crazy-insane rescue oppurration!!!

The Clockwurk Labyrinth 

If mew missed the thrilling start of our latest adventure, here are the catch up links...

And now here's the penultimate chapter...

Chapter 18 

Clash of the Creatures 

      “Jeez, what does it take to put this fugly fluffer down!” I yelled as I raced towards my team. 

“BASIL!” “BASIL!” “BASIL!” “BASIL!” familiar voices cried. 

As I rounded a partly collasped column I saw my old team and my heart squeezed; mew know that really fuzzy full-fluff feeling.  Mad Cat Malone, Gwendoline Furrzmore, Chuffer McGraw and Solitaire were brandishing spears at a new foe that had just breached a hole through the amphitheatre perimeter wall. 

The relief that flooded through effury cell of my body was incredible and I yelled with a huge grin on my face. “Dudes I think mew’re gonna need bigger guns!” 

Sliding to a halt next to them I reached into my tactical vest and pulled out a couple of pawfuls of weapons and ammo, dropping them to the ground I used the ray gun and zapped the heap making them full sized. “Weapons ready!” I hollered throwing ear-defenders at them as I leapt in front lifting my uzi’s towards the biggest rat I’d effur seen, and to make matters wurse it looked a wee-bit rabid. It was an unholy sight and wrong on so many levels and all I could think was, how the fluff am I going to take that behemoth down! 

Its malevolent eyes glowed with orange fire, its fangs were nearly as long as my tail and dripping with a foamy-venom. Leather armour covered black-bristly fur, and its razor-sharp talons punctured the ground as it ran towards me. Just when I thought it couldn't get any wurse, it did as another monstrous rat appeared behind it. 

Oh heck! I thought as I unleashed two full clips into the furst rat and began to reload. 

My old team began to fire at will as the second rat kept to the shadows and began to skulk around the edge of the outer wall.  I tracked it and shouted to Chuffer Macgraw. “Chuffer dude the second bogey is flanking us at  2 o’clock.” 

Chuffer looking like he could barely hold the AA12’s shouted. “On it Commander!” as he scooted passed me opening fire. Solitaire followed while Mad Cat and G.D. aka Gwendoline unleashed merry hell on the furst bogey. 

Unloading another two clips in the the furst rat, I spun to see what was happening with The Old One as I reloaded. 

Smooch, Parsley and Humphrey were closing in as The Old One staggered unsteadily to his feet, Smooch had his RPG armed and ready, and launched a grenade. **BOOM!** it hit The Old One dead centre again. Parsley followed suit. **BOOM** dead centre again but The Old One lurched to the side, faltered briefly and then stood up again and grinned. 

“Holy muther of fluff!” I roared as I saw The Old Ones maw settle in that malicious ear-to-ear grin.  

Humphrey drew his Katana, the deadly Sword of Angels was glowing with a dazzling white light as Pandora shouted something in her odd, little foreign accent. “Levitatum Draxius!”  and a huge stone block flew at The Old One.  

I saw Diggs and Winston in the midst of the action, six troll guards had appeared in the fray and Winston, who was always a fan of the AR15 was using one with a 30 shot mag. Diggs was using a pump action shotgun as they let loose like like their lives depended on it, which it did. 

Amber had climbed atop a half fallen column and was using her 308 snipers rifle, firing at any hostile that moved, she screamed. “Basil on your six, get down!”  I dropped to the ground like a stone and the bullet whizzed passed me. “All clear on your six dude!” she yelled taking aim and firing at the second giant rabid rat skirting the perimeter with G.D. and Mad Cat following.  The bullet hit it in the eye and it fell, twitching and emitting heinous squeaking-shrieks. Mad Cat and G.D. approached with the utmost caution and unloaded their clips almost at point-blank range until the twitching and the shrieking stopped.  

“Bogey down!” Mad Cat yelled above the gunfire, as he and G.D. went to help Solitaire and Chuffer.  I was hurtling towards Fudge who had a really wild look in his eyes, and yes, he was still wearing his pom pom bag.  “Fudge dude, get down!” I screamed as I pulled my glock from its holster and shot a slimy-green 6 legged mutant-toad that was about to ambush him.  He hit the deck just as I fired still running towards him. The creature made a strange gurgling sound and just dropped to the ground with thwump. 

“Fudge, Fudge are mew ok?” I asked as I pulled him up. His big green eyes were like saucers as he stared at me in disbelief.  

“Basil!” was all he said as he threw his paws around my neck and gripped me like he’d neffur let go. 

The battle was raging around us and in that moment I saw The Old One throw the huge block straight towards Pandora. I gulped as she just stood there, defiant and stalwart as she lifted her paw and gestured to the left. The block flew left and landed on another troll guard platoon. “HOOAH!” she whooped, Winston and Diggs joined in her revelry “HOOAH!” they yelled as the block landed.  

"Fudge dude, are mew ok?” I asked my youngest team memfur. He was trembling as he replied softly. “Basil I knew mew’d come, I knew mew’d come get me... I’m so sorry I bought that fluffing eveel clock... I'm so sorry Basil!” he cried. 

“Dude,” I whispered gratefully. “If mew hadn’t bought that clock I would have neffur known the truth about my old FIB Team.” I paused fur a second taking in the battle raging around us.  

Amber was picking off the new hostiles who were literally fighting to get into the amphitheatre through the effur increasing hole. “Basil I need more ammo!” she yelled. "I'm down to my last rounds!"

“On it!” I yelled. “Fudge here take these.” I passed him my uzi’s and several clips and fished in my pockets fur more weapons. “And dude the pom pom bag suits mew!”  

Zapping my new arsenal to full size I threw a bag of ammo towards Amber and she caught it, reloading like a purrfessional and the onslaught began again as creatures in their droves fought their way in. 

The Old One was shooting fiery blood-red orbs, death-magick at Smooch, Humphrey and Parsley who ducked and dodged the deathly red motes with ease.  Humphrey was getting closer and closer to the eveel muther-fluffer as I battled my way towards him shooting anything that got in my way.   

A purple blob creature rolled into my path, it was crackling with energy and it spat at me, the goo landing on my tactical vest. I could smell burning fur as I glanced down and saw a hole and a bald patch of skin, that made me really angry as it was a brand-new vest; the freaky blob had acid spit. I emptied a full clip into it but the bullets did nothing.  “Awwww man mew’re really hissing me off now!” I growled as it spat at me again. I ducked to the right and the acid spit landed on the ground sizzling. Think quick, what can I use? I thought and don’t ask me why but I pulled out the ray gun, flicked the switch fur the miniaturising setting and blasted the blob. It squealed like a pig in a slaughterhouse as it shrank to the size of a garden pea and then I did the only thing I could. I dropped the nearest rock on it, [well mew didn't think I was going to tread on it did mew? EEEWWWW] and headed fur Humphrey

The smell of cordite filled my nostrils and acrid gun-smoke drifted like a thick smog between the last remaining standing columns. So many creatures had now entered the maze and I knew we were going to be offur-run in minutes. 

“Camomile!” I hollered, just as the Wild Hunt sounded their battle horn in the far distance. 

The Nisse popped out of thin-air next to me. “Yes Basil?” she trilled. 

“If we kill The Old One, will that stop the creatures?” I yelled above the din. 

She shook her head, “No Basil, it won’t stop them, they are here to defend and help him.” 

“How can we kill The Old One then?” I asked shooting a shambling zombie humanoid that was just about to take a chunk out of Diggs. “Shuffler down, Winston on your six dude incoming zombie shufflers!” 

“How the heck do we kill The Old One then?” I asked her again, taking a pop a some crazy winged menace that was swooping offur the wall towards us, the orange leathery pterodactyl-esque creature crashed to the ground. 

“His only weakness is his arrogance,” she replied, then **POP** she just vanished. 

Well that wasn't cryptic at all, I thought and sped towards Humphrey.  

“Humphrey I’m on your six dude, we need to take the freaker down stat,” I yelled as the hunting horn sounded again.  

It was in that moment The Old One saw me and he snarled. “This is your doing!” he raised his gnarled hand and fired the death magick at me, I twisted but one of the motes clipped my right flank before dispersing into nothing. 

Smooch and Parsley were doing their weird sign-paw language and then I heard through my comms set. “Basil draw his attention I have an idea!” Parsley said. 

I waved at them and replied. “Shouldn’t be an issue!" and I opened fire riddling The Old One with bullets. He lunged towards me finally stepping away from the huge block  protecting his back. 

Somersaulting offur a pile of debris I lured The Old One away from the shelter he’d been using and out into the open where the fight was just becoming insane; my old team were starting to struggle as all manner of hostiles were trying to get into the now crumbling arena.  Amber was surrounded by zombie shufflers trying to clamber up the column she was purrched atop, and Winston and Diggs were cut off and cornered by five winged-vampire monkeys.  

I reached a clearing and emitted a scream I didn’t know I was capable of.  The walls and ground began to shake again and the last remaining columns toppled in a huge dust cloud. 

Shrieks, howls and wails filled the air and The Old One waved his hands and all the creatures stopped fighting instantly. And backed away from my comrades and began to line up around the edge of the broken amphitheatre. 

Moments later my old team, my new team and a posse of creatures who were surrounding Fudge came to my side. 

“This doesn’t bode well,” Smooch said guns up and pointed towards the hostiles as more emerged and filtered around the edge. 

“Mew’re not kidding!” Amber shot back as she landed next to me. 

Parsley’s 6” steel claws snapped out and he said. “Dudes, this is gonna get real messy!” 

I saw Humphrey looking at his sword and then at me; it was as if he was listening to a voice far, far, far away. “Humphrey dude, what’s up?”    

We were surrounded by the team as Humphrey offered me his sword and said. “Finish it Basil.” 

I took the fabled weapon with much reverence, I could feel the buzz of energy as I held in my paw, yet the glowing light was strangely absent. I gave Humphrey the nod. “Guys, by all indications I have to go do this alone, mew stay here and if anyone of the creature-features makes a move, put ‘em down and put 'em down hard.” 

Smooch had emptied the contents of his pockets on the ground as Parsley zapped them to full size and he picked up 5 flame throwers handing them to my old team, he passed Diggs an RPG and a bag full of grenades. 

Pandora sidled up to me and whispered. “Basil, mew must strike him through the ‘eart vith the blade of the angels, I can ‘elp.”    

I winked in acknowledgement as my now huge team, geared up fur the fight of our lives.  Fudge appeared next to me and put his paw on my arm gently. “Basil, mew can do this, I know mew can!” he said as he loaded his AA12s with 20 round drum-magazines. And yes, he was still wearing the pom pom bag, so I said. “Dude what’s with the new fashion accessory?” 

“He grinned at me and said. “Basil these are some of the creatures I rescued just before mew got here, they’re coming back to BB HQ with us, is that ok?” 

I looked at one of the fluffy pink critters, who chirruped rather sweetly and I shrugged. “Sure, no wurries dude, just check that they don’t turn into something hideous which will want to eat us, we'll discuss it it more later but right now I need to go face-off with that muther-fluffing freaker... watch my six dudes.” 

As I stepped forward one of the pink pom poms jumped on my shoulder, and we went resolutely without fear or uncertainty to face the eveel Old One; Cat & Suicidal Pom Pom versus Crazy Powerful Ancient Being.

And I knew one way or another, this would be the final showdown.



See Mew Next Tuesday Fur The Final Thrilling Chapter


The Clockwurk Labyrinth

This is 

 Commander Basil and The B Team
Offur and Out

Graphics created with paid licence