Showing posts with label field intelligence bureau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label field intelligence bureau. Show all posts

Monday 7 February 2022


FAST FURRY & DANGEROUS Graphic ©Copyright @BionicBasil®

**2016 REVISITED** 

The B Team Files Graphic©Copyright @BionicBasil® cat blog, cat lovers, cat life, action cats, adventure cats,

Pawesome Monday greetings supurr pals

Welcome to Part VII of our epically epic and rather explosive report ~ only available here, for your eyes only in the CFR [Classified File Room], and if mew missed any reports, here are the links:


Close Shaves and Hitting Rock Bottom

'And Action!'

I could hear Parsley screaming, not like a girl but like a purrson who only had just over a minute left to live.

My heart was thumping so fast I thought it was going to burst from my chest as I angled my body again, changing direction slightly and careened down towards him, mentally willing myself to go faster as the ground loomed closer and Parsley tumbled out of control. I knew I only had seconds to save him and my throat clenched tight, my breath restricted as the cold air whooshed passed me ruffling my fur in all kinds of weird ways, and if that wasn't bad enough; the overwhelming dread of our imminent mortality which now rested in my paws made my body tingle with gut-wrenching fear from the tops of my ears to the tip of my tail.

Graphic Copyright © BionicBasil® Fast Furry & Dangerous Part 8

I know we'd had a few close shaves before but the scenario I suddenly found myself in, terrified me to my furry soul and there was no coming back from this purrticular one if it went completely south and we hit rock bottom.

Parsley was only a few feet away and I reached out for him shouting. “Grab my paws!”

His goggles had come off and he stared straight at me, his lucid green eyes glimmering bright green. “No time dude, pull your reserve chute and save yourself!” he yelled back. “Mew still have time!”

“No way dude!” I screamed at him as I managed to grab hold of his rig with the tips of my claws.

“Let me go and save yourself!” his voice was high and shrill.

Pulling him closer, I grappled to get a firm grip and I happened to glance down, then wished I hadn't.

* * *

Amber was screaming in the garden as Humphrey suddenly appeared from the secret tunnel.

“What the fluff?” he asked hurtling towards her.

“I can't look!” she cried in dismay covering her eyes with her paws.

Humphrey looked rather perplexed as his comms unit suddenly crackled. “Purredator One come in, this is Control,” Snowie said her voice fraught and tight.

“Go ahead Control, I'm back in the garden,” Humphrey answered.

“Look up!” Snowie instructed.

He did, then his eyes bugged out and his jaw gaped, he closed it and then tried to speak. “Wwwwwhat?”

“Parsley's chute failed,” was all Snowie said.

“What can we do?” he snapped.

“I don't know,” Snowie said starting to cry. “There's no time to do anything!”

“Oh my cod for all that is merciful,” Humphrey choked out. “There must be something we can do... there must be something!”

* * *

Smooch flung his helmet off and quickly pulled on the headset. Then he looked at the high-tech control panel of the Black-Bird and his heart gave a little stutter as he squeaked. “This is nothing like the chopper flight-simulator in the bunker, OH FLIPPIN' FREAKING FLUFF!”

He hit his comms unit as the rotors started to slow. “Control, I need a patch to C.J. in the hummer right now,” he shouted anxiously. “I have a code red emergency, I repeat I have a code red emergency!”

The chopper started to slip sideways through the air and he felt his stomach lurch. “CONTROL CODE RED!” he yelled into his comms panicking, it was at that precise moment he saw Parsley's terrifying plight. “CONTROL COME IN!”

A second later Snowie answered, her voice quivering. “This is Control, Smooch I'm trying to patch mew direct to the hummers radio but C.J. isn't answering.”

“This bird is going down fast and I don't know how to fly it!” Smooch said desperately.

Snowie gulped audibly, suddenly frozen to the spot as she continued to watch the monitors in the control room; everything was happening so fast and broadcasting in HD as the motion-activated camera's tracked the unfolding nightmare in real-time.

* * *

Snitch and the P.I.T.H. were poised on the outskirts of Mewton-Clawson when they saw the five fighter jets make another low pass.

“Are those missiles ready?” he growled. “We might never get another opportunity to shoot down some of Basil's allies.”

“Priming now,” Bazooka Bros #1 answered.

“Ready,” Bazooka Bros #2 said a moment later.

“Well what are mew waiting for, a flipping invitation, FIRE!” screeched Snitch.


The heat-seeking missiles launched skywards tracking the fighter jets and Snitch cackled with manic delight.

The five planes split off in evasive manoeuvres and rolled to avoid the missiles; the missiles then promptly changed their trajectory and began to close in on two of the nearest fighter jets.

The two pursued jets rolled and twisted heading higher in the sky before releasing a slew of anti-missile flares and the missiles exploded a few moments later, their targets missed.



Snitch swore like a tavern keepers daughter on a Saturday night at closing time and screeched. “FIRE AGAIN AND KEEP FIRING!”

The Bazooka Brothers had already reloaded and fired simultaneously, the missiles rocketing into the sky. They reloaded and fired again. Then again and again. The onslaught was unmerciful as missile after missile hurtled skywards and the pilots split apart again trying to evade the new threat as they manoeuvred their planes in an aerial ballet dance deploying more anti-missile flares.

Graphic Copyright © BionicBasil® Fast Furry & Dangerous Part 8

The sky was a mass of glaring red explosions as the missiles were lured by the decoy flares and detonated one after the other like the biggest firecracker mew have ever seen. Mewton-Clawson had suddenly become a war zone and the fighter pilots didn't hesitate before unleashing their very own brand on hell on the P.I.T.H.

* * *

As if my situation couldn't get any worse, I was suddenly surrounded by exploding missiles as I gripped Parsley with all my might while desperately trying to pull the ripcord on my emergency chute with my free paw. I just couldn't seem to get any purchase on the release-hook as my paws felt numb with the cold. The air around us was on fire and stank of acrid gun smoke as we continued to plummet downwards our speed increasing exponentially.

Graphic Copyright © BionicBasil® Fast Furry & Dangerous Part 8

Parsley gave me a smile and shouted. “Basil thank mew for effurything, dude mew're the bestest furiend a kitty could ever have!”

My heart squeezed to the point I thought it would implode in my chest and my mouth refused to wurk as he just smiled at me accepting his fate with a reconciled grace, as my mind screamed, 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'

* * *

The rotors on the chopper had slowed so much that the Black-Bird was just free-falling on a side-ways angle towards the field, Smooch glanced in the back to see if there was another parachute and gulped when he saw the parachute locker was bare.

The sky all around him began to explode and he did scream like a girl. “Snowie for fluff's sake, get a grip and get me C.J. stat!”

Graphic Copyright © BionicBasil® Fast Furry & Dangerous Part 8

Half a second later he heard C.J.'s voice on his comms unit. “Don't speak just listen!” he instructed calmly. “There's a big blue button right in front of mew, just hit it!”

Smooch's panicked eyes scanned the console several times before he saw it. Punching it with his paw the chopper lurched alarmingly as the rotors began to pick up speed and whirr with a rather satisfying sound.

“Now what?” Smooch asked fearfully.

“Firstly breathe, mew aren't going to crash,” C.J. advised. “That is the fail-safe button, the chopper is now flying itself.”

“What?” Smooch cried. “Do mew know how stupid that sounds?”

C.J. replied. “It is not stupid, it's just saved your life.”

“But it can't save Basil's or Parsley's!” Smooch sniffled hopelessly. “Can it?”

“That depends,” C.J. answered.

“On what?” Smooch asked sharply. “They got like 55 seconds before its Splats-Ville Arizona!”

“Mew see the big green button that says V.C.?”


“That's voice control, push it and say fly forward and once mew're in position say deploy cushion,” C.J. instructed. “Now hurry up as mew, are their last best hope.”

Smooch thumped the green button. “Turn around one eighty degrees and fly forward.” The chopper spun around and shot forwards so fast he was above the garden before he could blink. “Deploy cushion!” he yelled as the chopper passed just above Humphrey, Horice and Amber causing them to hit the deck.

“Did mew do it?” C.J. asked.

“Cushion deployed,” Smooch answered flatly, his adrenaline reserves abruptly depleted as he prayed in his mind that whatever C.J. had told him to do worked.

“Good, now turn the bird around and land it in the field, once it's on the ground say 'engine off' and push the black button,” C.J. said. “I'm still twenty-seven minutes away and I don't want to get back and hear bad news!”

“OK over and out,” Smooch replied and followed C.J.'s instructions to the letter, safely landing the chopper in the field and powering down within a few short seconds. The rotors were still whirring as he launched from the cockpit and began to run as fast as he could on three legs towards the garden, keeping his eyes on the two rapidly falling objects above.

* * *

Amber, Humphrey and Horice heard the chopper zoom above them amidst the exploding missiles and watched as what looked like a black box dropped from underneath it and landed in the garden.

The sky was alight with red, orange and yellow flames, the noise deafening as the fighter jets began to retaliate and fire at will on the P.I.T.H., causing the ground to shake and tremble beneath their paws.

“OH MY COD this is Catruit all over again!” Humphrey cried out as he grabbed Amber pulling her towards the ground. “Hit the deck Horice!”

The huge Hefflelump keeled over and crumpled on the gravel. “Aye thank ye for that Purredator One!” Horice said as he lay on his side. “That be a mighty close call.”

Humphrey got to his paws and helped Amber up. “Horice can mew use your magick ju-ju here?” he asked quickly, then right before his eyes he saw the black box open up into a giant inflatable cushion that spanned most of the lawn.

Horice stared at the giant black rubberized shock-absorber cushion and then said. “Aye me magick ju-ju does be working 'ere but it be a little hit and miss.”

Amber was trembling, tears streaming from her eyes as she wailed inconsolably watching her falling comrades.

“Horice, mew need to get that ju-ju fired up now and stop this now!” Humphrey said pointing skywards.

The giant sapphire on Horice's forehead began to glow, then pulse with an ethereal blue light, just like it had done way-back-when on the island, and in the next breath, everything stopped, like stopped completely.

** And Cut **

It's that time of the post again, when we bet mew've more questions than mew can shake your tail at!

Such as:

OMC How could mew leave us hanging like that and we've got a whole week to wait!! 

OH MY COD!!!!! OH MY COD!!!!! OH MY COD!!!!!

We can't believe what maniacs the P.I.T.H. are, what will happen now they've started a firefight?

It looks like Armageddon above your garden, can mew contain it?

Who is this Horice?

And what kind of magick ju-ju does he have?

[Mew can read all about Horice's magical powers in our Pirate Adventure at some point] 

How is it possible that he made time stop?

Will that cushion be enough to save mew and Parsley?

What are the other residents and Parish Council of Mewton-Clawson going to say about their quaint and quiet village being turned into a war zone?

Who will take responsibility for the damage caused?

Oh, and can we get a chopper with voice control, as that sounds really fun?


We're sure mew probably have many more but to be honest we can't think of any right now as I've still got to save Parsley and myself, and the P.I.T.H.-heads have started a war and OH MY COD IT'S ALL GONE WRONG!

Many thanks for joining us for our epic re-run of


Don't forget to sneak back into the CLASSIFIED FILE ROOM next Tuesday for Part IX

Until then


Epic purrs

Commander Basil 

Click here to go to the next report in Episode 9

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Copyright © 2022 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including; content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

cathrinegarnell @gmail . com

Graphics created with paid licence and 

Friday 31 December 2021


FAST FURRY & DANGEROUS Graphic ©Copyright @BionicBasil®

**2016 REVISITED** 

The B Team Files Graphic©Copyright @BionicBasil®

The B Team are on a hazardous and deadly mission to save Mewton-Clawson, can they do it?
Part I

Back in the day as a F.I.B. Agent 

[Field Intelligence Bureau]

**And Action!**

It was a cold February dawn in 2007, the frost-covered land glimmered and sparkled with a golden patina as the sun rays broke through a light mist.  My breath formed tiny white-vapour clouds as I chuntered quietly to myself about being stupid enough to be here in the middle of nowhere in this freezing weather, this early in the morning. 

I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck while I waited by an ancient oak tree; its branches were bare and covered in a powdery dusting of snow as I scanned the hedgerows and the surrounding woodland fur my contact.  Skeletal-looking trees who were standing like lone sentinels guarding their fields cast long grey shadows as I paced with much agitation and the minutes continued to tick by while I got colder and colder despite the suns continued efforts to rise.  Finally deciding that something must be wrong I put in my headset and contacted Control.

"Control, this is Agent Basil, my C.I. hasn't arrived and I'm getting worried," I said into my comms unit. "Do mew have satellite surveillance on my position?"

"This is Control, copy that Agent Basil, we're checking your local now," a voice replied in a rather efficient manner.

A few moments later my comms crackled and the voice said, "Agent Basil we're zooming in on your position now..."

"Copy that," I replied as I paced around the tree again, the icy ground crunching loudly with each step.

"It would seem that mew have several unknowns surrounding your current local," there was a brief pause. "Our thermal cameras are picking up eight unknowns and your C.I. is nowhere to be seen."

I pondered this fur a second. "Can mew zoom in on my guests and give me an indication of who they are?"

"Yes sir, switching to normal vision now... zooming in now!"  the voice said.

"Good," I answered, a little anxious as to whom else would be out here, at his unholy hour in the middle of nowhere when I just happen to have a scheduled meeting with my best C.I.

My comms unit crackled again. "Agent Basil, mew need to abort, I repeat mew need to abort the mission NOW!"

*   *   *

Present day

"Basil! Basil! Basil!" Smoochie almost screamed as he hurtled into the control room in the [now not secret] bunker. He was breathless and looked most flustered as he slid to an ungainly halt next to me.

"Smooch, dude, what on earth's the matter?" I asked.

"Heli... heli... heli..." he spluttered trying to catch his breath.

"Heli what?"


I stared at his upset expression with much perplexity. 

"There's a... F.I.B. helicopter... landing down... the field... Basil!" his voice trembled and he started to get really agitated.

"Little dude, take a breath," I said gently. "Now start at the beginning."

Smooch gulped several big breaths to no avail before he continued.

"Me and Parsley... down field... heard chopper... looked up... saw F.I.B. logo... began to descend... towards field," he said trying to catch his panicked breath. "Coming to... get mew... Basil?"

Realizing what he meant, I stared wide-eyed at him.  "Coming to get me, fur what?" I asked uncertainly. "Smooch mew know I retired a long time ago, I'm done with that life."

"But what if..." Smoochie choked the wurds out.

"Smooch there's no what-ifs, especially if mew and the rest of the hoard aren't included, mew know that!" I said firmly. "Comprende?"

Smoochie nodded and his tense grimace relaxed slightly.

Snowie was sitting quietly at the comms desk, listening intently but making no comment until several lights on the desk began to flash.

Bunker Background Images used with paid license from

"Basil, Parsley is on channel one," she said efficiently.

"Put him on loudspeaker," I said gently.

"Control come in, this is Parsley!"

"Parsley, we hear mew, what's your boggle dude?" I asked.

"I'm down the field and there's this dude dude, he says he knows mew... offur."

"Ask him his name."

"Copy that," Parsley answered before replying a few moments later. "Dude he says his name is C.J. Catkin."

Without realising I took a really sharp breath, the air made a swooshing noise as my lungs filled.  I exhaled furry slowly suddenly aware that Snowie and Smoochie were watching me with keen regard.

"Who the flip is C.J. Catkin?" Snowie asked abruptly breaking my mental revelry. 

I paused then said, "Parsley tell C.J. he has to wait by the chopper, furst we need an emergency meeting in the bunker.  Snowie get the team in here asap!"

Bunker Background Images  used with paid license from

Minutes later we were all assembled in the control room.

Parsley held up his phone with a picture on its screen, "Do mew know this dude, dude?" he asked.
The B Team Classified Files  @BionicBasil®
I glanced at it briefly and then nodded, "Yes I know him!"

Six expectant faces stared at me, waiting for an explanation.  I took a slow deliberate breath as I organised the jumbled memories in my mind that had flooded in and ravelled my brain up tighter than a ball of wool in a catnip frenzy the moment I saw his picture.

"Back in 2007 I was wurking on a case, C.J. was a newbie at F.I.B. control but we wurked well together on many cases as he advanced through the Bureau, anyhoo I digress... this purrticular case was huge and another agency, The PITH or Private Intelligence Task-Force Headquarters were also investigating," I paused as I collected my thoughts. "Early one morning I was supposed to meet my best C.I. aka criminal informant fur the intel that would finally bring down a huge crime syndicate that traded in exotic animals."

Humphrey's hackles rose and he hissed angrily. "Did mew get those vile suckers Basil?"

I nodded and sighed. "Yes Humphrey I got them but the cost was high."

My six fursibs understood and nodded solemnly.

"That morning my C.I. neffur showed yet there were eight PITH Agents ready to ambush me!  Now to this day, I don't know how they found out about our meeting but they had nefarious intentions fur sure," taking a breath I continued. "Luckily fur me C.J. was at HQ in the comms room and without him alerting me to their presence that day who knows what would have happened."

"How did mew get away from them?" Smooch asked.

"Luckily I was trying out a new device called an i-MACK or Invisibility Mack, one push of a button and the wearer is rendered completely invisible and undetectable by any type of device including infrared, it was a great design and it wurked a treat that day enabling me to get intel from the PITH Agents without them having a clue!" I chuckled as I remembered how angry they were at my incredible escape. "I found out they were actually trying to stop me from closing down the criminal element as those eight agents were durty, corrupt muther-fluffers and they were on the payroll of the crime syndicate and didn't want their payday coming to a close, so that morning they had plans fur me plus they'd already found my C.I. and disposed of him that's why he neffur showed to the meeting!"

Horrified gasps sounded all around me.

"But where are those PITH agents now?" Amber asked.

I shook my head and shrugged, "As far I as I know they were squirrelled away to the top-secret maximum security facility located under The Tower of London, which I called; The Dungeon, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.  I will say this though, it was a most heinous and distressing place to be!"

"So why has this C.J. dude appeared today?" Parsley asked.

I gave them a grim smile. "After I left the Bureau C.J. ended up as The Primo Director of The F.I.B. but he was still an Opurrations Manager the day I left and he said to me; 'Basil if those PITH Agents effur surface again mew're going to have a huge purroblem, but don't wurry I've got your back no matter what!'  and that's the only reason I can think that he's here today."

"Mew think those eight pith-heads are out of The Dungeon?" Humphrey asked his hackles bristling again. "Don't mew wurry Basil, were armed to the teeth and dangerous as heck and we've got your back!"

"Yeah!" Smoochie agreed. "We're fast, furry and dangerous, those pith-heads have no idea what they're dealing with dude!"

 I gave them all a tight smile, nodded gratefully and said, "Look guys I'd better go and get C.J."

"We're coming too!" six voices said in unison.

"I have to do this alone, ok?" I replied. "But mew can watch me from here, get the drone out if mew like."

*    *     *

I emerged from the bunker entrance behind the summer house and stepped out into the fresh air, it was a cloudy day but still warm.  Birds twittered in the trees, bees buzzed zipping from flower to flower and the butterflies fluttered aimlessly as if they had all day to do nothing.

I walked down the field towards the chopper and saw my old furriend waiting patiently fur my arrival.

The B Team Classified Files  @BionicBasil®

C.J. Catkin hadn't changed one bit since I'd last seen him, apurt from being a little more solid, if mew get my drift.

I waved as I approached the chopper and he jumped down to meet me.

"C.J. great to see mew," I said extending my paw in greeting. "But it's a shame it's under these purrticular circumstances."

He shook my paw and nodded solemnly. "Good to see mew too Agent Basil, it's been a long time!"

I nodded. "Indeed it has."

"I'm sorry just to drop in out of the blue but I'm sure mew know why I'm here."

I nodded again.

"Those eight PITH agents busted out of The Dungeon a few days ago and we can't find them anywhere," he said gravely. "There's not one lead either and that only leads me to conclude that they're out fur revenge and mew my old pal, are their numero uno target."

I nodded again, already aware of all the implications of his unexpected visit, then I cast my gaze towards the briefcase he was holding rather tightly.

"C.J. we'll talk in the bunker and I'll introduce mew to the rest of the team," I said leading the way.

We walked in silence until we finally reached the control room and upon entering we were met by the team, all up and at attention, like the purrfect furry, fighting squad they were.

"C.J. mew've already met Parsley, he's our newest recruit," I began as we moved along the line. "This is Smooch, Amber, Snowie, Humphrey and Angel Posie."

C.J. shook effuryones paw until he got to Posie, he gave me a 'what do I do now' glance and I grinned.

"Posie is our Cloud Opurrative, she departed fur the rainbow bridge a while back but has managed to stay an active purrticipant in the corporeal wurld in her non-corporeal form," I explained.

"Oh fur flips sake Basil, just say that I'm The Phantom and let's move on!" Posie said brusquely.

"C.J. meet The Phantom aka Posie," I laughed.

"It's furry nice to meet mew Miss Phantom and I must say mew're the furst ghost I've effur met!" C.J. mused thoughtfully. 

Posie smirked and extended her paw.  C.J. tentatively reached out and touched her ghostly paw, his slipping right through it.

"Whoa!" he breathed shaking his paw. "That felt like voltage. Like a mini taser!"

We all burst out laughing and then I explained. "Posie uses an electro-magnetic field generator to make herself visible to us, she draws the power directly from that purpose built generator, show him Posie."

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Posie ambled to a glass box which appeared as if by magic from the centre of the main control panel, inside suspended mid-air was a gold metal disc that appeared to be rotating of its own volition.  Paw extended she reached straight through the glass and touched the disc, a second later her light body glowed a vivid gold and she seemed to pulse with the golden light.  

C.J. took a sharp inhale, "Oh my cat!"

Posie withdrew her paw and appeared even more solid than she had before.

"I can touch and feel stuff when I'm fully charged," she said smugly and then chuckled as she added. "The aftur-life has posed no challenge fur me!"

"I'm furry impressed," C.J. said in amazement and then turned to me saying. "Agent Basil, The Bureau could really use some of that tech if mew're willing to share?"

I shrugged and then said. "C.J. I'm not an agent anymore, mew know that!"

He took a slow, deep breath before answering rather apologetically. "That's the reason fur my visit, I'm here to officially reinstate mew. It's in your contract, Claws 10, sub-section 89J, paragraph 15, line 7."  He pulled a copy of my contract out of the briefcase and handed it to me.

The B Team stared in disbelief and then pandemonium erupted.

** And Cut **
It's that time, when we bet mew've more questions than mew can shake your tail at!

Such as:

OMC are mew really going to let yourself be press-ganged back into The F.I.B.?

Is Posie just floating around the ether, like all the time?

Can we get an i-Mack?

What's in C.J.'s briefcase?

Does this mean mew will abandon The B Team and go back to your old life?

How dangerous are those PITH-heads?

What lengths will the PITH-heads go to in exacting their revenge?


We're sure mew have many, many more but sadly we've run out of time today!

Many thanks for joining us for our epic re-run of


Don't furget to sneak back into the CLASSIFIED FILE ROOM for Part II on Monday!

Until then


Bestest purrs

Commander Basil 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat


Copyright © 2021/22 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell  ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including; content scraping, screen shots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

cathrinegarnell @gmail . com

Graphics created with paid licence and
Bunker Background Images used with paid license from