Showing posts with label new book cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new book cover. Show all posts

Friday 20 July 2018

Still No Rain, Can Mew Help With The New Book Blurb? & Smooch Finally Gets His Own Post on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 257 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Mew may remember last week that we were all geared up fur doing our speshal rain dance ceremony, well we did get some rain but only a fine drizzle fur about 15 minutes on Monday evening.  So aftur much deliberation on where we went wrong we've decided to try again this weekend only really upping the ante - more drums, more chanting, more dancing, burning more herbs, and partaking in way more of the nip peace pipe to honour The Rain Gods, The Ancestors and whoeffur else might need a bit of honouring! 

We're not looking fur a Biblical flood or the like [our ark isn't quite ready], just a nice gentle pitter patter of rain fur a few hours.

In other news, which I'm finding purrticularly exciting; is that I'm just in the process of having the cover redone fur my original book, Basil the Bionic Cat and the furst proof is absolutely so exciting it makes my fur quiver just thinking about tit

So now I need some new and exciting book blurb fur the back cover and I was wundering if any of our pawesome furriends who have already read it, have any ideas as I need 4 or so really tempting and teasing sentences?

Mew see my dilemma, so if any of mew have any fav parts of the book do let me know and purrhaps I can devise something from your helpful suggestions. 

Thanks so much!


And finally mew may remember last Caturday on Parsley's latest Pet Peeves - link below - that Smooch really had his boggle bugged because he suddenly realised that he didn't have a post all of his furry own and we asked mew our pawesome pals and readers what kind of post Smooch should have and mew gave us some really great idea's though Marvelous Marv suggested a travel post and then Gracie & Ava aka MeowMeowMans took it one step further and suggested... 


...and then HRH Princess Erin added that it could include: sports/activities section, maybe a magazine style post? Tanks Torpedo's and the Modern Cat, that sort of thing!

So thank mew all furry much, Smooch is best purrleased that he's finally got his own post and he'll be off Smooching Around The Wurld; though it may take a while to figure out the finer details, but he will be with mew as soon as he has something supurr fun to share.

Pandora will be here tomorrow with another Fashion with Felines post and then we'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

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