Sunday 15 July 2018

The Art of Stealth on The Sunday Selfies

Supurr Sunday greetings fabulous furriends and

welcome to another selfie selection, today our theme is:

 The Art of Stealth

Yep, we're doing it right! MOL

We do hope mew're all having an absolutely smashing weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another fun Crafting with Cats post, so if mew're looking to make something supurr fun this week, join us and find out exactly what we're making!

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of relaxing sun puddles and cool breezes

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created with paid licence &


  1. Dudes, that collection are they selfies as I cant see anyone? Anyways, mol, it is epic, even Amber had us fooled and Mrs H thought she was a tortoise! MOL
    Toodle pips and camo purrs

  2. Have a super duper Sunday!

    Noodle and crew

  3. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  4. Wonderful selfies ! Have a great day ! Purrs

  5. Cool selfies! I could barely find some of you!

  6. Pawsome stealth pics!!
    Yes, you are all doing it right!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  7. Wow, we could barely see you guys. Good job of being stealthy.

  8. Great stealthy selfies!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Nice sleuthing selfies. I love how you always have a theme. I look forward to the craft tomorrow. XO

  10. Stealthy selfies are fun, and mew guys did a great job of them!

  11. Maybe we should ask Leah to run a poll on a move for the Parade? WhatYa Thunk?

    As for stealth selfies - TOTALLY EPIC!!!!

    The Dash Kitten Crew


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