Wednesday 12 February 2020

Melvyn Celebrates One Year On The Blog, The Winner of Pandora's Give Away and Untimely Power Cuts, on The Valentine's Parade 339 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

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Happy Wednesday fab pals

Welcome to our weekly news round-up, and are mew feeling all the love this week?  

Furst up it is exactly one year since Melvyn made his debut appearance on the blog!

Melvyn Celebrates One Year On The Blog

This was his furry furst pic on the blog, what a little cutie.

Melvyn's Furry Furst Pic at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 339

Happy One Year Anniversary little dude!

This was the day he arrived at BBHQ and was sitting in the catservatory when Smooch and Fudge appeared at the door.

Melvyn Furry Furst Day at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 339.JPG

We've absolutely loved getting to know Melvyn offur the last year, and he has really brought a lot of fun to The B Team dynamic.  He is supurr playful, he talks an awful lot, yes he's always got something to say and he gets on with all The B Team. 

Though he occasionally has a little issue with Parsley, which includes an ambush and a chase around the house. We think it's because Parsley is the biggest/heaviest cat at BBHQ and Melvyn is still trying to figure his place in the pecking order.  The good thing is that Parsley is a lover, not a scrapper so Melvyn neffur gets anywhere, as Parsley just removes himself from the situation and Melvyn goes and finds his ball to play with! MOL

The excitement of living in a multi-cat household, and I bet no end of our pals could tell us some really exciting stories about their multi-cat homes too! MOL

Fudge and Melvyn regularly have zoomie hour and race around the house; going up the staircase is like they're in one of those speedways aka wall of death silodromes; where the race drivers would speed horizontally around the walls of a purrpose built drum - these two have already left their paw-marks on the new paintwurk! OOPS!

But seriously, Melvyn is so lovely and he really, really loves his dad and gets snuggled on his chest effury evening for cuddles.

We feel blessed to have been able to give him his fureffur home and so lucky he chose us to be his furmily.

We love mew little dude.

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Next up...

The Winner of Pandora's Give Away

Now we know that mew're all desperate to know who the winner of Pandora's Give-Away is.

So on Monday evening, we put all the names into a hat and out came.... drum roll purrlease...

Timmy Tomcat of Tomcat Commentary by Tim

WOO HOO many Con'cat'ulations dude, we'll send mew an email in due course and we hope Einstein will model it.

Thank mew to effuryone else who entered, sorry mew couldn't all be winners, but neffur fear we'll be having another supurr cool give-away before mew know it, so stay tuned and visit often.

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And finally today...

Untimely Power Cuts

We were going to post our latest Valentine's Gus and Bella Box review yesterday but we had nothing but power cuts all-day on Monday, so that post has been rescheduled for tomorrow instead.  We could have put the generator on but the P.A. said she was still full of cold and she wasn't going outside, yes we need an automatic change-over switch - it's on the to-do list! MOL

  Apparently, the energy supplier said they were rebooting the system trying to get other peoples power on aftur Storm Ciara swept through the county on the weekend.  So the power was going on and off fur a few minutes at random times throughout the entire day.

And since the storm, it has been really cold and we actually had the furst snow of the season on Monday too, not a lot; just a light, slushy covering. But we're glad that mess has gone now, roll on spring, that's what we're thinking! MOL

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch-up links:

We'll be back tomorrow with our review, Amber will be here on Friday with another book she can't wait to share with mew all, and on Caturday will be sharing a special edition of Crafting with Cats, and we know mew won't want to miss that! 

Until then...

Best purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

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