Monday, 30 April 2018

LET'S CELEBRATE! It's Smoochie's 7th Birthday Pawty & We Hit Just 500,000+ Page Views WOO HOO!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

Many apologies there's no mandala or OMMing session today, we couldn't fit it all in, so if mew need to get your OM's on aftur the pawty click here to go to last weeks post, and now let's get to today's main event.

Woo Hoo and Welcome to Smoochie's 7th Birthday Pawty & Give-Away!!!

And OH MY COD we can hardly believe it, we just hit the biggest milestone effur:-

 500,000+ page views

 What a celebration!!!

Furry many thanks to Pipo fur my fabulous birthday card, it's just beautiful

I've love it dude, thank mew furry, furry much! XOXOX

Grab a hat, I've already got mine! MOL

Get some cake!

The Nip Bar is OPEN!
Have a drink! 

Try one of of Smooch's famous Mind-Bender nip cocktails and mew could end up like this in no time at all...

We had some and just look what happened...

Yep this could really happen to mew too! MOL

Help yourselves to nibbles!

Get some pudding!


Now onto the Give-Away

The give-way is open wurld-wide** as usual, and all mew have to do is leave a comment below.  We'll do the video draw fur the winner next Sunday at 5pm, so mew have until then to enter and we'll post the winner on next Mondays Colouring with Cats!

And what's the prize, we hear mew ask?

Well, as all our pawesome regulars know, our give-aways are epically epic and we like to surprise mew with a goodie bag filled with delightful things fur mew and your hooman, so it's a win win fur effuryone. 

[**Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are!]


And before we go, could we ask mew a huge favour purrlease?  Our fab buddy

Picardo of Palm Beach Island

and his kitty pals from Facebook, have a purroblem and they need some help, can mew take a couple of minutes to go sign their petition to 

Save Smokie & His Community Cat Colony

we'd be effur so grateful if mew could.

Thanks so much guys!

We hope mew all have an EPIC time at the pawty, and if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out.

Thanks effur so much fur coming

Luffs mew all loads

Basil and The B Team

Gifs and Glitter Graphics via GIPHY 
Graphics created with paid licence and

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Who Am I Looking At? on The Sunday Selfies & This Weeks Top Selfie Tip

Supurr Sunday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another pawesomeselfie selection and today...

...our theme is:

Who Am I Looking At?

We decided to do another collage this week and as mew know taking selfies can be really hard wurk, just when mew think mew've got the purrfect shot set up, along comes a distraction! MOL

Can mew guess who or what we were each distracted by?

Answers below...

we'll give mew another few moments...

I was distracted by:  A giant bumble bee, mew know the ones; bodies so chubby mew have no idea how they get airborne.

Amber was distracted by:  Fudge leaping offur the raised bed towards her - yep that's shock on her cute little face! MOL

Fudge was distracted by:  The sound of the treat tin rattling - little pudding! MOL

Pandora was distracted by:  Smooch who went from 0 mph to supurr zoomies in less than 0.3 secs fur no reason whatsoeffur.

Smooch was distracted by:  Fudge who was hurtling towards the treat tin.

Parsley was distracted by: A huge fat pigeon who just landed on top of the fence, and he suddenly got the urge fur a tasty flying snak-pak.

This Weeks Top Selfie Tip:

This week we're going to talk about backgrounds.  Getting a great pic with a great background seems simple enough, right?  Wrong! MOL

How many pics have mew seen where mew think, what the fluff is that in the background? Yep many! MOL

So today's tip is furry simple: 

Just be mindful of what's behind or around mew, as mew could have the most pawesome pic of your fabulous self but it's ruined by what's in the background.

Fur instance, mew wouldn't want a pic of yourself surrounded by heaps of dirty clothes on the floor - yep we've actually seen that and we're now scarred fur life.  

But neffur fear, if your selfie is amazing and the background is not what mew want, use a clipping tool and do a bit of photo-shopping!

If mew want to know how, just ask and we'll tell mew next week. 

If mew have any selfie tips, let us know and we'll share them here next week.

Hope mew're all having a great weekend and we'll be back on the morrow with another gorgeous mandala fur mew to colour, and it's Smoochie's 7th Birthday Pawty, so mew know what that means? Give-Away Time!

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of supurr warm sun puddles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

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Saturday, 28 April 2018

What's in The Box at BBHQ? featuring The MiauStore Ceramic Water Fountain

Welcome to

What's In The Box BBHQ Review ©BionicBasil®

Wunderpurr greetings fabulous furriends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the fabulous peeps at...

Ceramic Cat Fountains

...who contacted us and asked if we'd like to try their latest ceramic water fountain, well young Fudge was ecstatic, as mew know he loves water!

In fact, he loves water so much we think he was a goldfish in a previous life, that and he has the same memory capacity - 3 seconds and then it's gone! MOL 

But seriously, it is most impawtant to drink plenty of water, as mew know us kitties can get CKD - Chronic Kidney Disease - and no purrdy wants that. So offuring a variety of 'watering holes' around your home is always a good thing and will encourage more daily fluid intake.  And don't furget to change normal water bowls daily as who wants to drink out of yesterdays bowl?

We also only have filtered water, as the water in our area is a little hard and tastes so much better for filtering. So do try your kitty with filtered water or bottled water if mew think they don't like regular tap water.

Now on with the review...

What was in the box?

But seriously, this is what was really in the box!

The installation:

Putting it together was furry easy, although the company recommend that mew watch their YouTube Video before you do. The P.A. who's not one fur reading instruction manuals or the like, relies on her intuitive capabilities and 9/10 she gets it right.  She did go look at the video aftur just to double-check that it was right and it was, so she needn't have bothered.

As it only came with a European plug - see pic above - we had to get our travel adapter out.  Finding that actually took longer than the unboxing and install! MOL 

Doesn't it look good?

The Test:

Fudge got his shy head-on and wouldn't let us film him - we tried 6 takes before this one, obviously they didn't make it into the final cut, and luckily Parsley was waiting patiently in the wings as he loves water fountains too!

 So as the newly installed fountain bubbled and burbled away, Parsley moved in and took offur like the purrfessional that he is!


Our closing thoughts:

We just love this, the P.A. loves it too, as there are no filters to buy like our old Catit water fountain.  

Though we suggest that mew find the right place fur your fountain furst as it is quite heavy when full, so fill up once mew've found the purrfect spot.

The company suggest that mew wash and refill effury couple of weeks, though we usually do this weekly on a Caturday.  Cleaning takes just a few minutes in some hot, soapy water, then dry, replace on the floor and fill up. And don't furget to check the water level regularly and top up as necessary.

It is not noisy and mew can't hear the pump running at all, in fact it sounds more like a regular water feature, a most relaxing vibe and as it's a nice looking bit of kit too, mew have no purroblem placing it anywhere in your home and it looking good.

So if mew're in the market fur a water fountain, we highly recommend this one, as there are no filters to buy [yes we said that already, we're just making sure mew're paying attention! MOL], clean up is a doddle and your kitties will thank mew fur it as they'll be drinking more and feeling hydrated.  Also another huge plus is this:

90-day Acceptance Guarantee: If your cat does not drink from the cat fountain, you can send it back and get a full refund.

What have mew got to lose?  And mew have a choice of colours to match your decor, mew can't get better than that!

We give the MiauStore Water Fountain 10/10, it's a really great product.

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at MiauStore fur giving us the oppurrtunity to try out their fabulous water fountain ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit MiauStore online:

Many thanks for joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & The B Team

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

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Friday, 27 April 2018

The Nip Dispensary, Slippery Frogs and Amber Doesn't Effur Need To Get A Job Again on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 245 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

What a week, Amber had a job and then quit, and it just goes to show mew how slippery frogs really are!  The Kittens said it's not them who's stealing the catnip, honestly they must think we're a bunch of dummies, even aftur I showed them the security footage of the last raid, they still denied it completely - then I got Pandora to interrogate them and believe me she doesn't mince wurds or vurds as she would say. 

Honestly I did have to smile at their blatant denial and refusal of admission, it warmed my heart tremendously as they neffur cracked under the pressure until Pandora said.

"OK PipSqueaks, if mew von't come clean I'm going to fetch the kraken!" she said rather coolly in her odd, little foreign accent. "Then purr'apps mew'll be more forthcoming vith your story, oh and he 'asn't been fed today yet!"


Well they we're singing like canaries in less time than it took to say,

I'll have a Mind Bender Nip Cocktail with a twist of lime and a cherry purrlease! 

Appurrently they have set up an online Nip Dispensary next door at the P.A.'s cousins, where they live - just as Pandora suspected.  They're using the barn as their oppurrations centre and have been shipping wurld-wide the last few weeks, I have to give them credit fur being so enterprising and not cracking under the fierce pressure that Pandora imposed on them.  They're going to make an excellent addition to The B Team when they get a bit older! MOL 

And the really good news is this, they have shared the profits with us and so Amber now has a tidy sum and doesn't have to get a job to get cash4books, as mew can imagine she's thrilled...

Plus we've cut a deal with them; that we'll supply the seed and they can grow the nip next door and Amber gets paid fur doing absolutely nothing.  Don't mew just love it when a plan comes together? MOL

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

We'll be back on the morrow with our pawesome water fountain review and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Go visit our pawesome hosts

to see this weeks 

Featured Favourite 

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