Thursday, 25 January 2024

**VALENTINE'S CRAFTING RE-RUN**PART II** Crafting With Cats Valentine's Special ~ Catnip Hearts and Kicker Toy and Come Say Hi to Young Melvyn (Melvyn's First Time on The Blog in February 2019)

Welcome to

Crafting with Cats Valentine's Special Banner ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Furbulous Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks for joining us for Part II of our supurr fun Crafting with Cats re-run. We thought we'd get a head-start on the Valentine's Crafting, as the big day is only three weeks away, so if mew want to make anything we share over the next couple of weeks, mew should have plenty of time! 

If mew missed Part I, click here to see how we made an epic heart shaped crinkle mat.

Stay tuned for more epically epic crafty fun!

If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, stop by the Crafting with Cats Page and see all our previous projects, and mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them. Plus we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.

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**Purrlease Note**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design, and we share them for purrrsonal/home use only.

  So purrlease do not copy for commercial/resale purposes.

Copyright ©BionicBasil 

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This time we're making 

Catnip Hearts and Kicker Toy Crafting with Cats @BionicBasil

What Mew Will Need:

Felt squares

Cotton fabric of your choice


Tailors chalk or similar fabric marker


Thread and Needle or Sewing machine


and we used lot's of home grown BBHQ catnip and catmint

Optional Cat ~ Parsley was today's Craft Room Snoopervisor

Here's our selection of fabric

Ooooh what purretty colours!

Making The Catnip Hearts

1. Parsley was snoopervising today's session and making sure all Health & Safety protocols were carried out.

2. Cut out a cardboard template of your chosen heart.

3.  Pick which colour felt square and trace 2 x heart outlines. 

4. Repeat No. 3 then cut out hearts and place right sides together.

5. & 6. If mew don't have a sewing machine, that's ok.  Mew can hand stitch the hearts together.  We used the sewing machine and left a good inch so we could turn the right sides out.

7. Turn right sides out and your hearts should look something like this.

8.  Get your catnip and stuff to the brim, then hand stitch the last part the of the seams together.

Making The Catnip Heart Kicker Toy

1.  Take your chosen fabric, we used this lovely cotton print. Cut a rectangle, mew can make to a size of your choice, though ours is approx 8 x 4 inches.

2.  Fold the rectangle along the long edge [in-half] and sew along the bottom and long edge, either by hand or with a sewing machine. 

3. Turn right side out and get your wadding ready.

4.  Stuff kicker toy, alternating with wadding and then catnip until full.

5.  Cut your ribbon into approx 4 inch lengths and add to top edge, tack in place if mew need to.  Stitch securely along the top edge to fully secure ribbons. 

And mew should now have something like this - some epically epic toys and a crazy cat or two, or maybe even three! MOL

Smooch was loving it!

Here's Melvyns furry first photo on the blog in 2019 - what a cutie! 

Before we go any further, we need to make a quick introduction, my young nephew Melvyn has just moved in so purrlease say hi, mew can see the furrmily resemblance can't mew? What a cheeky little chap he is! MOL 

Even crotchety Amber got stuck in too.

In total from start to finish, these 3 toys took about 25 mins to make. It would have been quicker but the P.A. couldn't see to thread the needle - PFFFFTTTT  - OLD TIMERS!

As mew can see the Valentine's toys were a total hit, the P.A. said she'd never seen so much cat drool and made a note on a post-it to use less potent nip next time - though we promptly ate said post-it note as we really like the extra potent nip! MOL 

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of today's fun Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked it and if mew decide to make your furry own Valentine's toys, we hope mew enjoy them as much as we are still enjoying ours! 

Amber will be here tomorrow with this weeks top book pick and we do hope mew can join us then.

Epic crafty purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 


We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.

Graphics created with paid licence and
mewsic used under paid licence


  1. Those look really fun and they sure are pretty. We always admire your talent!

  2. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Those are lovely, and Melvyn is still cute!

  4. That kick toy with hearts looks like so much fun. Sadly, our #1 is more than useless when it comes to crafts. Sigh...

    The Chans

  5. The PA is such a good hooman, she knows the potent nippy weed and how to sew!

  6. The PA has all my admiration. My mom never learned to use a sewing machine..she didn't have a Mom after the was 7, so...she cobbles together things with a needle and does a not-so-good-job.

  7. A big me-ow to Melvyn 😽 definitely going to try and make these ❤️ so expensive to buy brilliant idea thank you. Lovely photo of Melvyn 💓😽 xxx

  8. Oh that looks like lots of fun to make and lots of fun for the kitties to play with! 😎 Cool!

  9. Your kitties are so lucky. I recently saw a new needle with more of a slit in it to make it easier to thread. :) XO


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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!