Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Saturday, 9 September 2023
Basil Remembrance Day ~ 5th Angelversary ~ Come Sit A Spell With Me And Let's Reminisce A Little
Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge Spies Something On The Roof, Parsley getting A Few November Warms and Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A
It's just been one of those months when things keep fluffing up, first it was the arson attack (See Q&A below for an update), next it was the broadband connection, and then this morning (Monday) a new two-poster ramp was being fitted in the workshop, well almost, as the surveyor missed a crucial part in the report. The concrete slab needed to be 160mm and it's only 120mm. Seriously guys mew couldn't write it!
Anyhoo, we're going to see if we can change the two-poster ramp to a four-poster ramp if the concrete depth is sufficient, although it should be as a four-poster has been bolted there for the last couple of decades. We're just waiting to hear back now. But we really wanted another two-poster, but so it goes.
And as for the broadband connection, upon checking the fault this morning, the date has moved to the 29th of November, so that's a bit better than the original estimate of December 9th. Although, there has been no work since last Tuesday at the point of the problem. So it looks like it will be mended when it's mended. It's really rather slack of BT as it's not just Mewton-Clawson that on the blink, Fuskerton next door is also on the fritz including the post office, so all in all it's an utter cluster fluff.
First up in the news
Fudge Spies Something On The Roof
It was quite warm on Caturday, and Fudge decided to go on a little roof inspection.
So that means the roofing ladder will have to come out soon.
Next up in the news
Parsley getting A Few November Warms
Finally this week
Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
The Glow Bugs bandana won by a majority on the last post, so here's Melvyn in all his modelling glory! MOL
Each video has different mewsic; which one do mew like best?
Check out the latest Cat Walk in his TikTok video or in his Instagram video.
He's even started posting to YouTube; he's hoping some fancy cat meowdelling agency is going to sign him up! MOL
Which one should he model next?
Memories of Eric and Flynn said on Amber's post:
If you have anything like Airband in your area you should think about changing to them. They don't use phone lines but receivers instead
That's us done for today; do join us tomorrow for a quickie Thanksgiving post and if mew don't have time, Happy Thanksgiving and we hope your day is truly epic!
Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's post, featuring our epic house panther Angel Humphrey, click here to catch up on all the gossip!
Epic purrs
Friday, 9 September 2022
Basil Remembrance Day ~ 4th Angelversary ~ Come Sit A Spell With Me And Let's Reminisce A Little
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Basil Remembrance Day ~ 3rd Angelversary ~ Come Sit A Spell With Me And Let's Reminisce A Little
Friday, 26 March 2021
**NEW** Friday Fill-ins and **RERUN** Welcome To Our 8 Things About... Post And Today It's All About Melvyn

Basil & The B Team