The Mewton-Clawson Cat Carol Ambush Squad

Every year, we go around Mewton-Clawson on our Annual Carol Singing gig as part of the:
Mewton-Clawson Cat Carol Ambush Squad
And during said carolling, we collect money for less fortunate cats. We have found that some residents are erring on the BAHUMBUG vibe this festive season, which we can understand in this current fiscal climate.
However, we are rather resilient in our efforts to fundraise and often ambush residents when they least expect it, and more than likely have not got a pre-planned escape route.
I know, I know, but sometimes despurrate times call for despurrate measures, hence the meautiful Catmas Tree, which also serves as cover while we move around the village in stealth.
So if mew ever see a Catmas Tree mysteriously wandering around near mew, we can confirm it will be another Chapter of The Catmas Carol Ambush Squad, raising funds for good causes.
Oh, and if mew're wondering why Parsley isn't singing, he's just getting ready for his solo.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 7 mins 46 secs.