Goodness, what a supurr scorchio few days it's been!
It just got hotter and hotter after last week's News Round-Up, and we had planned to cut the catnip, see below, as it's ready for cutting and drying. If mew want to see how we do it at BBHQ, check out our Definitive Guide to All Things Catnip, here.
There were four babies at the beginning of July, but we think that one didn't make it in the early weeks, so sad. And maybe another one didn't make it as we've only seen the two on the left in recent days, with Mum and Dad on the right. But we could be wrong, maybe #3 is just shy and lurks in the nest a lot.
Their nest is at the other end of the carport, and the parents are still feeding them, but usually, they've left by now. In recent years, they depart around the last week of August or the first week of September, so this is unusual.
Anyhoo, this is why we haven't cropped the catnip yet, as we don't want to disturb them while they're getting ready to leave, as we hang the catnip underneath where their nest is. And the smell is quite strong, especially if its hot weather.
So the catnip will have to wait until after they've gone.
Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.
First up in the news this week
Amber on The Landing Planning Her First Book Review
For all those wondering when Amber will be back?
Her first review of the new season will be on the 6th of October. She was planning a mid-month comeback this week, but she decided she needed another couple of weeks off, as she's still got quite a few books to get through.
Next up in the news
Smooch's Clearing Out The Haunted House
Anyhoo, the other he was having a little tidy up and a clear out as somepawdy dragged the catnip Easter Eggs inside and he said it was getting purretty cramped in there! MOL
If mew haven't seen our Haunted House crafting post, check it as Halloween is just around the corner. There are lots and lots of Halloween crafts on our Crafting with Cats page if mew're looking for fun things to make for cats this spooky season.
Finally this week
Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
Melvyn really enjoyed this week's catwalk strut, and Fudge was there to photobomb him all the way.
In fact, we think he might have to start wearing the bandanas too, as every week he wants to be involved. We'll see what we can choreograph - wish us luck! MOL
Which one should he model next?
Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!
The Winner of Parsley's Birthday Giveaway
Drumroll purrlease...
And the winner drawn out of the hat* is:
Bonnie aka MiracleCat61 from Instagram
deardrbasil @ gmail . com
Thank mew to everypawdy else who entered, and don't wurry if mew didn't win this time; there will be another giveaway happening on the 18th September for Pandora's 10th Birthday.