Furbulous Greetings Supurr Furiends
Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!
It's been another wet and windy week at BBHQ, and tomorrow we're on a weather alert for 60mph winds, which we're not looking forward to at all. In fact, we're hoping that it misses us completely.
We just have to show mew this, the P.A. planted a small Deodar pine tree, way back in about 2006/7. Anyhoo it was only about 4ft or 121 cm tall, and a bit of weedy thing. The P.A. has a habit of saving things that other people would discard, and this particular tree was headed for the bonfire at the nursery, and the owner gave it to her for free, along with a couple more that are now in the BBHQ garden.
The other day she went to visit her cousin next door, and seeing the tree from a different angle she noticed this!
It is literally covered from top to bottom in pine cones, and yes these are the same type that are currently in the freezer, as that is how mew get them to germinate. Whether that's true or not, we'll let mew know as they are about ready to go in pots.
But she was really flabbergasted at the number of cones, the tree has never gone cone-crazy before at this level, and if mew tap the cones, a cloud of pollen bursts forth, not good if mew have allergies.
It's truly amazing, as it was such a weedy tree, and here it is looking utterly majestic, so much so that the P.A.'s brother asked if he could have some cones to grow some too! We're just deliberating on the cost per cone! MOL MOL (Well, we do need a new hummer!)
Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.
First up in the news this week
Smooch Milling About The Garden
Smooch was enjoying a brief spell of sunshine in the garden the other day, and this is one of his favourite places to hang out and do a spot of bird watching.
Next up in the news
Fudge Caught with His Paw in The Catnip Jar
Fudge was helping the P.A. to pick out the October bandana collection, and in the cupboard is the catnip, so she opened the jar and Fudge got right to work on the mission at paw, sampling the catnip! MOL
Check out his video on Tiktok below.

Finally this week
Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
Today Melvyn finally got to wear the meautiful Teal Stars bandana, and we think he looks epic!
He also wants to know if Precious approves of the colour?
He loved wearing this one, and modelled it in record time, in fact, we were supurr impressed that it took less than five minutes, which is a new record, so that shows mew how much he likes it! MOL
Check out Melvyn's videos on:
Which one is your favourite this week?
Which one should he model next?
Here's the brand new bandana collection for October.
Now we know there are only four Wednesdays in October, but as it is one of our favourite months of the year, Halloween! We thought we'd share the brand new, never-seen-before spooky selection on the top row, and on the second row, bandanas Melvyn has modelled before. So mew have eight choices, and if mew pick two of your favourites for next week, Melvyn will do his best to model them both! MOL
The October Collection
Top row from left to right.
1. Black Spider Webs
2. Pumpkins and Black Cats
3. Red Pumpkin Collar & Tie
4. Halloween Heart
Bottom row from left to right
1. Purple Skelebobs
2. Orange Spider Webs
3. Ravens
4. Pumpkin Cats
Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!
Check out this week's top videos:
We'll be back tomorrow with Part 5 of our epically epic Pirate Tails, and if mew've missed any of the excitement so far, see below for the catch-up links, and again on Friday, so do join us then, as mew know how much we love your company.
And if mew missed any other posts for the last week, here are the links:
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!
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