Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Parsley's 4th Birthday ~ PAWTY TIME & GIVE-AWAY!

glitter maker

Today is Parsley's 4th Birthday and to mark the occasion we thought we'd have a little celebration and effurypurrdy is welcome to the

Now onto the Give-Away

Furstly as young Parsley is the one with all the cash at our place, we told him that he had to supply the goodies fur the give-away! MOL

There are 3 x surprise goodie bags up fur grabs with a supurr selection of stuff 

And all mew need to do to enter is LEAVE A COMMENT below and we'll pick a winner out on the 10th of September - obviously we'll put effurypurdys name on a card and into a hat then Parsley will do the draw.  

Just so mew know the goodie-bags do include a genuine, yes mew heard me right - a genuine KRAKEN tentacle, as we know how much mew all love Krakens!

Dive in, grab a hat and eat some cake!

Official pre-drinks furmilly picture

The Nip Bar is OPEN

All drinks are created by Humphrey the Master Mixer, mew can have anything at all providing its got nip in it! MOL

Unofficial post-drinks furmilly picture!

The sweetie buffet is rather delish, so take anything mew fancy!

The main buffet speaks fur itself, purrlease help yourself!

We've got the bestest DJ to get some funky grooves happening fur mew again...

 Sir MiniMix-Alot

"DJ, where's the bassline?" I asked.

"Basil, get ready fur some real hardcore bass!" Sir MiniMix-Alot replied.

Guys, we so hope mew have a blast and feel free to stay as long as mew like, and fur those that may need a mid-pawty-nap, we've made in quiet zone in the crystal room so mew can get some zen harmonies and chillaxing happening.

Pawty on furriends


Basil & Co xox

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Text   Glitter Text
No attribute for kitty on the mixing deck

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #5 ~ Getting All Arty-Farty With Our Photo's ~ Part Deux

Welcome to our fifth Flashback post.

Today we are still on the arty-farty posts, this one is from June 16th 2014, so one again we're not travelling too far today!

Are mew ready to jump in the time dilation vortex and go back....?

Woo hoo, that was wild... not to swirly either! MOL

Welcome to another Installment of 

The Monday Meow

Welcome to another glorious week on the blog.  On last weeks post we all went to the 'Dark Side' with our Film Noir style photo's ~ if mew missed them click here: Film Noir

This week on our arty-farty photo shoot we decided to go all old fashioned with the Cinema Scope style.

Exploring the Glory Days... 

Introducing our Cinema Scope style shots







Thanks for joining us today and just so mew know we are working on another bloopers post for mew next week!

Happy Monday

Bestest purrs


Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Text 

Monday, 29 August 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #4 ~ Getting All Arty-Farty With Our Photo's!

Welcome to our fourth Flashback post.

Today we on the arty farty posts, this one is from June 9th 2014, so again we're not travelling too far today!

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL

Welcome to another Installment of 

The Monday Meow

This week we're getting all arty-farty with our photo's... Mew may be aware that there are many supurr snazzy jazzy ways to spruce up your digital images, well this week we thought we'd share a moody, mysterious, atmospheric set with mew.  

Exploring the dark side... 

Introducing our Film Noir style shots







The P.A. is loving them all, but then she would as that's her job, but which one is your favourite?

Hope mew have a terrific Monday and we'll be back with the Pink Flamingo Saga on Wednesday, if mew missed last weeks post, click here to catch up on all the strange happenings!

Bestest moody purrs

Basil and Co XOX

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Text 

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sunday Selfies #107 Tickle My Tummy and Tease Me! & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Sunday salutations pawesome furriends

It's another uber lazy Sunday on the blog as mew can tell. There's not much happening at all so we thought we'd get all that soft, fluffy tummy fur on display just fur mew... mew know mew want to touch it... go on feel the sumptious softness, we know mew can't resist! MOL

Our theme today, obviously is:

Tickle My Tummy and Tease Me!

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter graphics