Friday, 29 September 2017

Clement Weather, We Need Another P.A. And Baby Burds & Chicki-Dees on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #215 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade.  This week has been a rather dull affair to be quite honest, the weather has been rather clement though which did make-up fur all the slowness this week.

As mew can see from my picture I was supurr bored and the rest of The B Team felt exactly the same.  In fact we were so bored we did a complete inventory of the bunker and did a bit of extra prepping; checking food rations, water rations, fuel, our solar and wind power, ran the generator, checked our ammo and weapons, medi-kits,etc... mew know the usual things one does - always be purrpared as we Cat Scouts say! MOL

In other news, we must apologize fur not posting Part 10 of The Lat Big Jolly this week, but mew know how things get - busy busy busy - the P.A. actually needs a p.a. now...  Also we start back next week with our autumn/winter programming schedule, more wurk fun fur the P.A. oops.

***Tabbies of Trout Towne - Purrlease Keep Scrolling***

We just had to share this... The other evening while the P.A. and Dad were out ambling around the countryside again, they saw this cutest little juvenile Goldfinch, sitting atop the local egg box.  How adorable is that? [a tasty little morsel just fur one! MOL]

Dad buys our eggs from there, and here's the luffley little, happy chicki-dees safely secured fur the evening, so Mr Fox doesn't come along and eat them.

All the little chickies are rescues, so they've obviously been saved from the stewpot which the P.A. thinks is wunderful!

***Tabbies of Trout Towne - Purrlease Stop Scrolling***

And this is one of the many paths that the P.A. and Dad amble along beside the River Trent. As mew see it's completely deserted, just the way they like it! MOL  Usually there are lots of swans and ducks paddling about near the trees on the opposite bank, but that day they must have been paddling elsewhere.

*    *    *

Don't furget if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Funny Faces & Flipping The Burd

The Last Big Jolly ~ Public Service Announcement

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

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Thursday, 28 September 2017

Pet Peeves with Parsley #6 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? When mew're at a photo-shoot and this happens - TIE WARS!

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

This week it was my turn to get all peevish.  Mew see there I was, just me and the P.A. [just the way I like it.]  I'd just had my obligatory daily brush and the P.A. suggested that we do a little impromptu photo-shoot with me in my rather fetching blue stripy tie.  I said, "What a great idea, there's no-one around so what could possibly go wrong!"

I spoke too soon!

So aftur being rudely interrupted by the ginormous inter-dimensional floof aka Fudge, we moved to the landing to try again and Smooch appeared wanting to know, where his tie was!

Then this happened....


So pawesome furriends, who makes the best CAT-a-log Tie Model? 

Of course I think it's me, but Smooch, Fudge and Basil are all bickering now about who's The Next Top Model! MOL

Purrlease leave your vote below and mew can decide who's the main dude here...

*    *    *

And don't furget to post your own gripes and boggles...

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Pawesome greetings fabulous furriends

As we've been supurr, mega busy offur the last few days** sadly this week Part 10 of The Last Big Jolly will have to wait until next Tuesday.

**Well actually it's all the P.A.'s fault this time - she's been really swamped at wurk and stuff... in fact she hasn't even posted on our Instacat profile fur 6 days and has barely looked in on Facebook page either and Twitter has been pawsitively tweetless too!
We do apologize fur this heinous interruption to our programming schedule, so in the meantime to soothe those jangled nerves aftur last weeks epically epic, tense and even possibly thrilling episode, just press play on the soothing elevator mewsic below. 

We even recommend shaking purrtend maracas [unless mew have real ones - even better] in time with the mewsic...

Amber is still finding it most, and I repeat MOST therapeutic! 

[sometimes, I really, really, truly, honestly wunder about my fursibs *shakes head in complete dismay!*]

Once again purrlease accept our sincerest apologies fur possibly ruining your entire week thus far and just so that mew know, this weeks episode was legendary too and we were so looking forward to sharing it with mew, but never fear, it will be here next week instead.  

Epic purrs

Basil & Co  XOX

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Funny Faces, Flippin' The Burd & Reaching New Heights with Fudge on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another supurr selfie selection and this week, Fudge is front row and centre with his

Funny Faces, Flippin' The Burd & Reaching New Heights

1. This one is purretty self explanatory! MOL

2. Go away I'm busy

3. Mew know I'm the purrfect model

4.  Like seriously dudes there was the biggest owl up here effur!

5. Can I go to wurk with mew today P.A.? 

6. Ninja mode engaged dudes, did I pass the test?

In picture 5 he was actually in the P.A.'s bag and in picture 4 he got stuck up the tree fur an hour.  In picture 6 he was trapped on the roof and couldn't get down, Smoochie had to go up the tree three times to show him how to get back down, finally he did, then the next day he did exactly the same - oops! MOL

Here's wishing mew a fabulous Sunday, and we hope to see mew again on Tuesday fur Part X of The Last Big Jolly when hopefully we'll get back to ticking off some more destinations from The Bucket List! MOL

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

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Friday, 22 September 2017

$1500 Scholarship Still Up Fur Grabs ~ Southwell Turns Woolly & Humphrey's Got Crabs on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #214 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another Friday on the Pet Parade and our weekly round-up.  As we've been Meowing Like Pirates all week, we thought today we'd share a collage from last year...

 ...and yes Humphrey did have crabs! MOL MOL #truestory But seriously we do make mighty fine pirates ARRRRRRRRRRR!

Quickly before we furget, mew may remember a few weeks ago that we shared a pawesome competition from Tuft+Paw to design a cat bed, well they've extended the the closing date to the 31st of October, so mew still have bags of time to enter fur a chance to win a $1500 scholarship.

Just click the link to be taken back to the original post with all the details, and share the competition as much as mew like.

Moving on... in Local News, just up the road from our sleepy little village is the beautiful and historic market town of Southwell - there's lots of debate on how to pronounce the name, with one camp saying; south-well and the other camp saying; suth-ull, either is actually fine but it's interesting when mew meet someone who pronounces it differently. It's like North and South, the saga! MOL 

But anyhoo we digressed there fur a moment, so the other day Dad was there and took these pics, apparently Southwell has gone all WOOLLY...

How cute is this?

And this too?

They're effurywhere! MOL 

The Alzheimer's Society and the Young Archaeologists' Club

 ...came up with a fabulous fund raiser where all the street bollards, benches and other street furniture have been given a woolly make-offur - they've been woolly-fied! MOL  

There was even a knitted elephant and a Mini car cover on parade the other day too, but sadly we missed it.  Click the links and go take a peek.

Good luck with the fund raiser and thanks to all the supurr talented knitters who made Southwell look tres magnifique, mew guys are pawesome!  

*    *    *

Don't furget if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Meow It Like Mew Mean It!

Meow Like A Pirate Day

The Last Big Jolly ~ Part 9
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code
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Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. Host: @RascalandRocco  4. Co-host: Bionic Basil on Instagram  7. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
2. Host: Rascal and Rocco on instagram  5. Co-host: MK Clinton on Twitter   8. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  
3. Co-host: @BionicBasil  6. Co-host: MK Clinton on Instagram  9. Dash Kitten  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Pet Peeves with Parsley #5 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? ~ Mine's Bigger Than Yours! MOL

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

This week it was Amber's turn to get all peevish.  As mew know Fudge has the biggest, floofiest tail any of us have effur seen with Pandora's plume coming in at second place.

Anyhoo, when Fudge goes outside, which is not often as he's a complete liability in the real wurld, but when he does go outside we've noticed that his tail gets even floofier, like a third bigger again.

So the other day when he was outside, parading his ginormous floof tail fur all to see, he struts passed Amber and says, "Mine's bigger than yours!" MOL MOL

Amber had this to say...

So there mew have it, Amber's peeve of the week!

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Tuesday, 19 September 2017

MEOW LIKE A PIRATE DAY ~ Captain Basil Blackheart & The Crew of The Crimson Revenge Sail Again!

Ahoy there me hearties, welcome to ye on this mostly auspicious day, and in honour of this rare event we be thinking it be fitting to share with thee a truly extraordinary adventure that befell on us on this day exactly two years ago... are ye ready to relive the pirate adventure of a lifetime?

Hold onto ye hats matey's as this is one adventure mew'll neffur furget as long as ye live arrrrrrrrr!

Featuring our latest bonkers time travelling pirate adventure

The Extraordinary Voyages of  Cap'n Basil Blackheart and his Motley Crew 


The Crimson Revenge

Aharrrrrrr me hearties and wunderpurr greetings 

Here we be again on another truly unbelievable adventure, this time on the high seas.

I know it must seem quite impossible some of bizarre things which happen to us, [on a furry frequent basis] but paw on heart and let lightning strike me down if I effur tell an untruth... this is a; 'as it happens' or a 'squirrels eye-view' or a 'fly in the soup' whoops sorry, I meant to say 'fly on the wall documentary'  kinda vibe.

Join us as we share the facts of what happened on that fateful Sunday night, as we sailed back home from Speedy's Pawesome Pirate Party

So hold ye fast matey's, as we be in fur a wild ride tonight



Part I ~ The Whirlpool

"And Action!"

It was a chilly September evening, the breeze was biting and the sun was supurr low, just peaking above the horizon saying a fond farewell to another glorious day.  We'd just set sail on our ship, The Crimson Revenge with a course plotted back home after a rather wild and wunderpurr weekend at Speedy's place fur his Annual Pirate Party.  Let's just what happened at Speedy's stays at Speedy's! MOL

"Parsley, wake up the glow-flies in the lanterns!" I called.

"Aye Cap'n," Parsley replied as darkness descended on us like an inky black shroud.

"Smooch, anything on the horizon?" I yelled towards the crows nest.

Smooch popped up, his night vision telescope scanning the blackness ahead. "No Cap'n, all clear!" he called back.

I leaned against the ships wheel and took a deep breath of the invigorating salty air, there's nothing like it fur freshness [well, snowy, icy air up a mountain comes close after being chased by a hoard of Zombie Yeti's, but that's another story fur another time].   Anyhoo as I stood there, each one of the glow lanterns burst into life after Parsley had given them a rather severe shaking.

"Good job young Parsley!" I said as the deck was washed with a pale bluish hue. "Humphrey?  Humphrey?"

Snowie nudged me. "He's strapped in a hammock below deck sleeping off the nip rum and all the party food, Pilchard is with him," she said with a shake of her head. "He'll be out fur hours, but the funny thing is he looks like a kitty chrysalis, I wunder if he'll be nicer when he emerges from his cocoon!" 

We burst out laughing. "I doubt it furry much," I replied. "He'll be as grumpy as effur!"

Amber lifted her eye-patch and glared at me. "How come I can't go and get in a hammock?"

I paused briefly, looking at the state of her. "Because mew, One Eye Amber were so off your chops mew couldn't even crawl up the gang plank and then mew fell into the water," I answered curtly. "I think mew are quite sober after that little impromptu icy dip, and just look at the state of your fur. I think mew should go take a bath pronto, savvy..."

Amber harrumphed rather loudly and stomped off, disappearing behind the main mast fur a quick clean up.

Posie began to sing softly, her voice was melodic and soothing as it wafted gently on the breeze while we sailed on in the dark.

We had been sailing fur approximately forty one minutes and fifteen seconds when the sea started to become rather choppy.  White foamy spray splashed offur the deck and the ship began to lurch rather alarmingly.

"Smooch, what the flip is happening?" I yelled above the increasing noise of the rising waves.

A few seconds passed, and I gripped the ships wheel tighter as a strong current took hold. 

As I was fighting with the wheel Smooch answered.

"Sorry Cap'n I had to attach my safety straps furst," he shouted loudly from the crows nest. "The good news is, they're holding me in place..."

"What's the bad news then?" I yelled back as forked lightning streaked across the sky in ways I'd neffur seen before.

He paused again. "The bad news is really bad news," he shouted.

Snowie was helping me hold the ships wheel as we were battered with the icy sea spray while the lightning flashed and thunder boomed all around us.

"Kindly relieve us from this suspense, tell us what the bad news is!" I almost shrieked to make myself heard above the din.

"We're being dragged into a whirlpool with a massive water-funnel and there's nothing we can do about it!" Smooch had to scream above the effur increasing noise.

I paused fur a second while I let this humongous bad news sink in, then I shouted as loudly as I could.

"Effurypurrdy strap yourselves to anything that's not going to move, NOW!"

I threw a length of rope at Snowie and then, using another length of rope I lashed myself to the ballustrading, then I gripped the ships wheel with all my might, if this whirlpool was taking us down then I was going down as a propurr captain; at the helm.


I jammed my hat on extra tight, and wiped the the salty sea spray from my eyes as we continued on a course I had no control over and in storm conditions I neffur knew were possible.

The ship pitched and rolled, the wood creaking and groaning with the immense pressure as we were sucked faster and faster into the spiralling vortex. Relentless waves crashed across the deck while lightning erupted from the central vortex in jagged, fractured forks.  I just prayed to any god that may have been listening that my crew were fastened tightly to something as the angle we were now on; sideways on and looking straight down into the gaping maw of the deadly unknown, because if they weren't securely tied to something they were surely going to be lost fureffer. 

The pitching and rolling became increasingly violent as we descended the through the cyclic centrifuge in tighter and tighter circles as the huge funnel of water loomed up above us like a giant coiling snake hell bent on smashing us and The Crimson Revenge to smithereens. 

The only thing going through my mind was that this was some really, really, monumentally freaky natural phenomenom and the chances that we were going to survive it, well let me just say I wasn't holding my breath!

I was abruptly brought back from my momentary mind-scape by my crews terrified high-pitched screams as we reached what could only be described as the mouth of hell, and then there was nothing but blackness.

"And Cut!"


Guy's, we're sorry to leave mew in all in acute, harrowing suspense, but mew know that's how we roll! MOL

Also, I bet mew've got endless questions, such as:

How come The Crimson Revenge didn't get turned into toothpicks?

What about Kitty Chrysalis Humphrey below decks?

Where are all the crew?

And did they all get time to strap themselves to something secure?

What about Smooch in the crows-nest, surely that mast couldn't still be intact?

That whirlpool/water-funnel/storm is truly frightening, devastating, destructive, etc... can mew really survive it?


If mew have any questions feel free as to ask!

*    *    *

So stop by next Tuesday fur the continuing tension and to see if we survive this cataclysmic weather phenomenom...nom...nom!

[Obviously we did! MOL]

But mew don't have to wait that long anymore... here's the links fur effury episode just in case mew missed out on this epically epic journey! MOL

And then if that's not enough piratey pirate stuff fur mew, here's the links to our exclusive

Pirate Q&A ~The Secrets of The Voyages of Captain Basil Revealed

And if that's not enough excitement fur mew...


The Last Big Jolly

We're sorry it's going to be a day late, but The Nether Void would freeze offur before we'd effur miss out on this epically epic day! MOL 

Hearty purrs and salty sea-spray head rubs

Cap'n Basil & the Crew of The Crimson Revenge XOX

**Pirate ship image used under paid Pizap Licence

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