Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends
Wooo hooo guys and welcome to another beautiful week on the blog, and this is our furry last Colouring with Cats post until the Autumn/Fall.
But neffur fear pawesome pals, mew know we'd never leave mew empty pawed offur the summer jolly holly's, so today we launching our 3rd FREE colouring book to keep mew entertained until we start up again. Mew've got 16 neffur seen before mandalas to keep those paws busy and mew out of mischief! MOL
But neffur fear pawesome pals, mew know we'd never leave mew empty pawed offur the summer jolly holly's, so today we launching our 3rd FREE colouring book to keep mew entertained until we start up again. Mew've got 16 neffur seen before mandalas to keep those paws busy and mew out of mischief! MOL
Here's the free download link:
Just click the above link to download and print your copy.
Fudge was the Editor in Chief fur Book #3's Purrduction and as the P.A. set out out the final gallery he came to inspect her wurk.
He was best purrleased with the P.A.'s effort and said. "I can NOM & OM at the same time!"
The P.A. was rendered speechless aftur weeks of wurk and decided to leave him too it! MOL
Oh and this week we invited our rather clucky comrades; Gertrude and Henrietta to OM with us. Now they'd neffur OMMed before so we were most impressed at their OMMing skillz.
Now mew maybe wundering who the fluff are Gertrude and Henrietta? Well they live with Nanny, the P.A.'s mum and they have a really lovely time wandering around the garden and paddock with Nanny's cats; Pixie, Twinkle, Rupert and Midnight. [Pixie is Smoochie's Mum and Midnight is his litter-mate].
Thank mew ladies fur joining us this week and we hope to see mew again furry soon fur another fabulous OMMing sesh.
Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise... which we know mew know aftur all this time, but if mew've furgotten or are a new reader, stop what mew're doing fur just a little moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, so just press play, close your eyes and follow his instructions.
Don't mew feel better already? We most certainly do! MOL

Just right click the image to save and print it...
And here's our finished version...
Coloured on the iPad and then transformed in Prisma, this week we chose a rather subtle washed-out effect, which we think is quite unusual compared with our usual vibe.
If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:
* * *
So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when mew'll neffur believe what is going off until mew see it with your furry own eyes, but I will say this, it involves a rather large sheep, most of The B Team and some most impurresive skillz! MOL
Until then
Keep Calm and Colour OM!
Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs
Basil & Co xox
Until then
Keep Calm and Colour OM!
Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs
Basil & Co xox
Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com
Editing, momming and omming, all at once, Fudge? You are so talented!
ReplyDeleteIt was so nice meeting Gertrude and Henrietta. Who knew that hens knew how to omm?
Thanks for guiding us in our breathing exercises, Smooch.
Hugs to you all! And Omm on!
Hiya Gracie and Ava, we didn't know chickens could OM either, but mew what they say, mew learn something new effurday! MOL Smooch says mew're furry welcome, OM on ladies! XOX
DeleteHow cool is that, to have some chickens come round for omming! did they stay for afternoon tea? Anyways, Fudge looks like he has a taste for mandalas, literally MOL
ReplyDeleteToodle pips
Hi Erin, well mew know we like to add a little excitement to the mix and OMMing with chickens is certainly that! MOL Oh Fudge is just nuts I've decided! MOL XOX
DeleteOmmmming chickens - well that's a first alright but how nice that all God's creatures know how to get their "OM on" ! Happy Monday to all....
ReplyDeleteLove, Teddy and Mom too
Hey Teddy & Mom too, that's definitely a furst fur sure, neffur seen anywhere else in the wurld until today! MOL XOX
DeleteThat we know too! MOL XOX
DeleteThose really are cool ommmming chickens!
ReplyDeleteHey Brian, didn't they do well!!!? MOL XOX
DeleteAlways good to breathe deeply!
ReplyDeleteGuys mew know it's true, keep calm and OM on! MOL XOX
Deleteguyz....thanx for de share on book three; thiz weekz mandala iz awesum !!
ReplyDeleteand bout Gertrude and Henrietta.......uh.............
:) ♥♥☺☺
Tabbies, dudes and Miss Dai$y, mew're so furry welcome and thank mew fur my beautiful birthday mandala, it's just epically epic and is now proudly displayed in my private office in the bunker! OOPS sorry, I missed the bit where I should have said; Tabbies keep scrolling - many apologies guys! MOL XOX
DeleteThank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/05/check-our-catbirds.html
ReplyDeleteAlways fun to join your hop Sue! XOX
DeleteNomming and Oming at the same time...now that sounds like fun.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, Nomming and Omming is the way forward according to Fudge! MOL XOX
DeleteFINALLY! Book 3! Another perfect mandala for those of use who are color-challenged. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHiya MK, BC and Em, yep we finally made book 3, only took nearly a year! MOL Enjoy and Om on guys! XOX
DeleteVery nice mandala. The chickens did a great job being zen like.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, and didn't the chickie-dees do well!? MOL XOX
DeleteI had to giggle when I read the Tabbies comment:) Yup, G & H are burds!!
ReplyDeleteI like the peaceful ambience exuding from that mandala...and I love pink, too; Well, petcretary does:)