Monday 14 May 2018

Colouring with Cats #65 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & What Happened To Fudge? & Don't Furget About The Mutant Mouse!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

Can mew believe we're actually on time today!!! [Wunders will neffur cease! MOL]

  Oh and Fudge our resident Foodie wundered what it would be like to be a Purrito yesterday... yep it's true, we have proof...

OMC what a heathen! MOL

And then he was telling me all about his mouse hunting expedition the other evening.

"Dude I'm telling mew that mouse was THIS BIG!" said Fudge excitedly. "He was hanging around the garden and acting all suspicious!"

"Really?" I asked, one eyebrow raised. "He was almost a big as mew?"

Fudge nodded most earnestly. "Basil he was HUGE dude, in fact I ran into the bunker to get my AA12 and some paw grenades but by the time I got back he was gone!"

"So what mew're telling me is this..." I began slowly. "We've got Mutant Mice, is that right?"

Fudge nodded. "Basil, I'm telling mew that rodent was hardcore, muscles on top of muscles, like he had a serious gym addiction..."

"Oh heck," I mewsed thoughtfully. "Mew don't think he's got hold of Parsley's special Purredator Protein Powder... jeez that could be really bad!"

Just at that moment Parsley arrived aftur a rather sweaty wurkout in the gym. "Dudes!" he said with a big grin. "Finally I've got myself a wurkout buddy who can lift nearly as much as me, plus he makes a great spotter!"

Fudge and I exchanged glances.  "He doesn't happen to be about this big," Fudge opened his arms wide. "Got durty grey fur and squeaks a lot?"

"Oh so mew've met Maurice already then?" Parsley beamed. "What a dude, and mew can't believe what great guy he is, plus he's a fully qualified Purrsonal Trainer, so I've employed him!" 

At that point I decided I needed to go get my OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening... 

"Smooch just OM with me buddy, we'll talk about it later!" I replied.

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, so just press play, close your eyes and follow his instructions.

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do!

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.
Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version... a rather jazzy pink affair today.

Coloured in on the iPad.

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    * 

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on the morrow when we're sharing a sponsored post featuring a water-less pet shampoo!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. Ooh! A square Mandala!
    Fudge looked so rolled up...MOL! He really had you going spinning, didn't he, Basil!

    1. MOL yep a square one this week, just to add a little diversity to the programme! MOL Fudge is such a heathen! XOX

  2. I see your tail refused to be part of the Purrito, Fudge. I hope Parsley doesn't regret having Maurice as his personal trainer. Never trust a rodent!

    1. Guys his tail was too big and needed another blanket all of its own to be a purrito! MOL Yep I'm wondering if Maurice is a plant, time will tell won't it? XOX

  3. We always feel better when we see the wonderful yous!

  4. I love purritos! Parsley, I would watch out for that mouse personal trainer, I'm not sure I would trust a mouse that can bench press a bus. ;)

    1. Thanks Edie, and yes that mouse, there's defo something NQR fur sure! MOL XOX

  5. dood....we canna heer de sound { R pea sea } but gotta say ewe makez
    an epic purrito!! N sppeekin oh epic....thiz weekz mandala iz...N maurice iz
    lile epic mouz size ~~~~~~~ WHOA.......noe onez gonna mezz with hiM...we
    dunno...due ya reel lee wanna hire him....well, just in caze one oh hiz
    cuzinz waz sum onez.....lunch !! :) ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks Tabbies, it was a Fudge'a'licious purrito fur sure! MOL I didn't want to hire but Parsley had other idea's... oops! MOL XOX

  6. Clearly that mouse is going to be way too tough to eat, though could well be handy in a rumble MOL
    Toodle pips and Monday OM's

    1. Erin, I think a princess should have a bodyguard purrhaps I can send him to the palace? MOL XOX

  7. You always make me laugh thank you so your all so gorgeous. Hugs and Purrs.

  8. Fudge you make the cutest purrito especially with that floofy tail😘

  9. Beautiful mandala. Forgetting about that giant mouse is going to take a lot of om'ing. :) XO

  10. Hmmm ... I think Basil and Smooch were having a conference about a certain man cat with a vaguely pornographic tail. Maybe they wouldn't mind if he ended up in an actual burrito?! Hey, if any cat could manage that, it would be Fudge!

    1. MOL Bear, I think mew could be right... sssshhhhhhhh!!! MOL XOX

  11. Yikes! That's one mouse we wouldn't want to meet.

    1. Guys how do mew think I felt when I saw him?!!!! EEEK!!! MOL XOX

  12. I nearly made it to the end and got my OM when I saw that mouse.



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