Saturday, 19 May 2018

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? on In The Spotlight ~ Product Review featuring KITNIPBOX

Welcome to

Wunderpurr greetings fabulous furriends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the pawesome peeps at...


... who emailed us a while back and asked if we'd like to try one of their amazing monthly subscription boxes, and how could we say no to that!!!

So let's show mew what was in the box:

The P.A. wouldn't let us open the box straight away aftur it furst arrived, and she put it on the kitchen table, needless to say we knew it was fur us...

And no, Fudge didn't go find the P.A. and we sat there in a stalemate situation fur nearly 15 whole minutes [but it seemed like fureffur! MOL] until the P.A. appeared and said.

"B Team assemble, it's time to do your thing!"  

So what was in the box?

As mew can see Fudge got himself installed in the box! 

But now let's see what was really in the box...

A gorgeous bowl, purrfect fur water.

Paws 'n' Purrs Emoji Cat Crinkle Pillow

All For Paws Umbrella Dangler

Safemade Designer Cotton Catnip Mouse

Leap Cloud Wand Teaser Toy

All For Paws Raindrop Mouse

Best Pet Catnip Mouse

OH MY COD just look at all those epic toys!

What Happened Next: 

Our closing thoughts

As mew saw in the video, effurything was a huge hit, we loved effurything.

Even Crotchety Cougar Amber got in on the fun, and this is one of the best selection of toys in a subscription box we've seen and think if mew're looking to add to your toy collection mew won't go wrong with KitNipBox! 

We really like that they also support many anipal welfare organisations, so while mew're having fun mew're also helping other anipals in need and we love that ethos!

Plus they ship wurld-wide, so no matter where mew live, mew can enjoy the epicness too.

And mew can get 5% off your furst month using this code if mew want to subscribe: 


We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at KitNipBox fur giving us the oppurrtunity to try out their wunderpurr toy selection box ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit KitNipBox online:

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we're back with our usual selfie selection.

Have a fantastic Caturday

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Graphics created with paid licence and  
mewsic used under paid licence @


  1. That is a nice box of goodies- something for everyone. XO

  2. What awesome toys - and Fudge as a bonus!

    1. MOL Summer, yes we should clone Fudge fur the KitNip Boxes, then effurypurrdy could have him! MOL XOX

  3. What a wonderful bunch of loot, and the video was so cute!

    1. Hey Cleo, it was fantastic and we're so glad mew liked our little video! MOL XOX

  4. That was a cool bunch of goodies gang!

    1. Brian dude, mew so need a KitNipBox in your life buddy! MOL XOX

  5. That was a great box full of goodies! Can I put in an order for a box full of Smudge?

    1. Guys, we can send Fudge to have a vay cay with mew if mew'd like, but prepare fur fur anything when he arrives! MOL MOL XOX

  6. Wonderful items, and pawsome box ! Purrs

  7. THAT is one cool box....... And I do mean the treats inside! Fudge, you taken all the toys and got the box too! I think I might just have to invite you round to show me your mice, sometime MOL
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Hi Erin, Fudge is really furry funny isn't he? And mew know that mew're welcome anytime to visit! XOX

  8. Brilliant,super just great you guys really enjoyed your box of goodies. Think Fudge really really enjoyed all the toys and the box too. Shh I won't tell. Loved your video nice to see you all. Hugs and Purrs.x😸😻

    1. Hey Christine, Fudge had the best time effur and actually I did managed to get one of the mice stashed away! MOL MOL XOX

  9. What a fun box of cool stuff! And Fudge, we're with you. We think the box itself is the best part.

  10. That was a great video. Those toys look cool.

    1. Thanks Edie, so glad mew enjoyed it and don't furget that Jake is coming fur a bit of vay-cay soon! MOL XOX

  11. That's an awesome chock-full-of-stuff box, mew guys! And Fude, we love how you claimed that box for your own. It's undoubtedly the best part of all!

    1. Hiya guys, Fudge is hilarious, he's like our furry own comedian! MOL XOX


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