Showing posts with label Flying Saucer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flying Saucer. Show all posts

Sunday 27 February 2022

Parsley's Close Encounter Selfie on The Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Blog Hops

The B Team Sunday Selfies @BionicBasil ®

Epic greetings supurr furiends

Welcome to another selfie selection and today our theme is:

Parsley's Close Encounter Selfie 

Parsley's Close Encounter Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies
Parsley said he'd never been to Stonehenge, so he decided on the spur of the moment on Friday to take the Time Travelling Telephone Box and pop off for a quick trip, he'd just set up the tripod and camera. And then would mew fluffing believe it, just as the camera took the picture a fluffing Flying Saucer appeared!

He decided not to hang about, as he didn't feel like he needed to make any new acquaintances while unarmed and without the entire The B Team as back-up, or worse, end up as an alien abductee.

We'll keep mew posted if any more UFO sightings occur!  

And mew can watch the spooky video on Tiktok.

We're also joining in the lovely Athena's Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Parsley's Close Encounter Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Hops

The effect was created with Befunky - Cartooniser DLX + colour changes to hue and saturation.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 7 mins 29 secs. 

Anyhoo it's time for us to go on kitty patrol around the garden and check that the P.A. has finished pruning the roses, and a few other trees and shrubs. Sadly the storms and bad weather have put this years pruning on a back burner, but hopefully we'll get caught up soon and then the big garden clean up can begin again.

  So we do hope mew have a totally terrific day and look forward to your company in the morning when we're back with a BBHQ True Story, and mew won't want to miss that! 

Wishing mew lots of snoozy snuggles

Supurr Sunday Purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence &

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ The Epic Cat Tree Glow Up Finale, Fudge & The Flying Saucer And Look What We Did To Our Cat Steps **PLUS** Haunted Happenings Update

Midweek News Round-Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil® Winter Banner

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

How are mew all doing today? It's been freezing in Mewton-Clawson the last few days, and the coal heap is getting low, and Smooch keeps getting in said coal heap and returning with rather sooty paws, what a heathen! MOL

Anyhoo, let's dive right into our news, and first up this week is our epic cat tree glow up, if mew remember last weeks post and saw how sad, miserable and rather uninspiring it looked, well it doesn't look like that now.

We asked if mew could guess what colour we were going to cover it in and here are the guesses:

The Tabbies of Trout Towne said green 

MeowMeowMans thought maybe blue

Katie Isabella guessed dark brown

World of Animals thought maybe blue or red

Great guesses guys, but sadly mew were all wrong, it's PINK! MOL MOL

The Epic Cat Tree Makeover ©BionicBasil®

Yes, pink trimmed with white fringe and the obligatory pink pom-poms, and we think it looks epic, not very man-catly but Pandora insisted it was pink and who are we to argue with that?

She loves it.

The BBHQ MidWeek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil®Pandora Loves The Cat Tree

We haven't put the ramp back from under the box because; a, when the P.A. originally built the cat tree, there was a mistake in where the holes were to fix it and it never sat properly, and b, she ran out of fabric - oh dear and as the fabric came from Hong Kong, she needs to place a big order and that won't be happening for a while as we're all fabric'd out at the moment.

There are some scraps left, so maybe she might get really innovative and do something, we'll keep mew posted.

So is it a: YES or NO for the PINK?

Winter Divider 2021

Next up in the news this week, the P.A. found a Flying Saucer cardboard scratcher that she bought us before Catmas as a present and hid it, but she hid it a little too well!

Anyhoo, the Flying Saucer appeared in the sitting room on Monday and we've been loving it.

The BBHQ MidWeek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge & Flying Saucer

Fudge was first on the scene to check it out, Smooch has slept in it and Melvyn likes it when there's catnip involved.

Winter Divider 2021

And finally this week, here's what we did to our cat steps.

This was a project from last February and we were planning on sharing it ages ago, but mew know how things go, and then times flies and it's almost a year! MOL

The video is about five and a half minutes long and shows exactly what we did, well the P.A.!

We think they turned out pretty neat, what do mew think?

Haunted Happenings Update

The P.A. will be back with more Haunted Happenings at BBHQ starting 2nd February, she's just a little swamped with lots going on at the moment.

But has she got a story for mew, so here's a little teaser; it's not only BBHQ that is haunted in Mewton-Clawson with poltergeist activity!!! OH MY COD!!!

Bet mew can't wait to hear all about it.

Winter Divider 2021

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's post, click here to catch up on Part 5 of Fast, Furry & Dangerous. 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence