Sunday, 7 October 2018

Purrfectly Pandora on The Sunday Selfies

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today we're sharing a single selfie of gorgeous Pandora, we thought she deserved a solo post aftur her big reveal on Tueday Tails, so Miss Dora's theme is:

Purrfectly Pandora

Doesn't she look fabulous!

How's your weekend so far?  And do mew have any sun puddles, because we haven't seen any in weeks, purrlease send some our way if mew get the chance! MOL 

Just before we go and take a nap, we're going to throw a little teaser out there; guess who The P.A. and Dad saw at The Family Pet Show in Manchester yesterday?  We'll tell all on Wednesday's Pet Parade, but we will give mew a little clue, Amber is thrilled...

Wishing mew all a totally terrific day, oh and we'll be back on the morrow with a fab guest post, so hope mew can join us then. 

Bestest Sunday Purrs

The B Team xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Follow @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created & used under paid licence


  1. Wow, Pandora is purrfectly stunning!

  2. Pandora, that selfie is totally epic! So befitting of an amazing elemental such as yourself!

    1. Oh my cod guys, who would of effur thought Pandora had secret magickal powers, how epic? Epically epic fur sure! MOL XOX

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Summer, she's still learning how to take selfies, and we said she should ask mew fur a few pointers as mew're the bestest supurr model effur! XOX

  4. What a beautiful selfie!!! Pandora really is quite a model... maybe there is a fashion contract out there that is worthy of her beauty, Channel or Dior?
    Toodle pips

    1. Thanks Erin, oh don't mention a fashion contract, we'll neffur hear the end of it if she gets one! MOL XOX

  5. Oh Pandora, I must say you are the most beautiful kitty every!

  6. That is a beautiful selfie portrait of the mysterious Pandora.

    1. Hiya guys, oh she becomes more mysterious effury day fur sure! XOX

  7. That is a beautious selfie sweet Pandora!

  8. Pandora...I was so excited to read you are legendary mystical Aethereal Magi! And this photo does do you justice!
    You are drop dead gorgeous!

    1. Oh Marv, mew are so sweet, Thank mew! And what about that pawesome revelation last week, who knew she was an Aethereal Magi - that news almost blew our fur off! MOL XOX

  9. Pandora, what a pawsome selfie ! Purrs

  10. Hi, Pandora! You know you almost made me swoon...I bet lots of other mancats will turn to mush too when they see you in all your glamorous beauty!

  11. Pandora, you are absolutely Stunning.

  12. Great selfie! Pandora is a beauty. XO

  13. Sorry we are late, we lost our internet and website for almost a whole day. We are back for the selfies now and its good to see you.

    I am working on the blog code now. It's not been a good week but its getting better every day.

    1. Oh no, that's no fun but we're so glad mew're back on the interwebs and its great to see mew too! XOX


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