Monday 8 May 2023

Brain Training with Cats #69 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **CORONATION WORDSEARCH** **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To May 2009

 Brain Training with Professor Basil Coronation Banner ©BionicBasil®

Happy Holiday Monday guys

Welcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog, and this week I'm sharing an epic throwback from the end of May 2009. I loved this garden border and would hang out here all the time in the nice weather.

Brain Training with Cats #69 ©BionicBasil® Flashback with Basil to May 2009

This photo was taken just after the P.A. and Dad had landscaped the garden bed just off the main patio and created a mini henge or us to play in. In the last 14 years, the mini henge has changed dramatically. The stones are still there though we have more trees and lots of flowers have grown among the stones, so it's a bit more jungly instead of this lovely neat border. 

Coronation Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

It's time to get those little grey cells working.

Here's the answer key to our last puzzle sudoku #36

Answer Key Sudoku #36 Brain Training with Cats ©BionicBasil®

Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?

Basil's Easy Sudoku Puzzle #37 Brain Training with Cats ©BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only

Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle. 

The answer key will be on next week's post.

Coronation Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Here's this week's wurdsearch.
Coronation Wordsearch #82  ©BionicBasil® Brain Training with Cats

Just right-click to save and/or print the wurdsearch.

Coronation Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

And here's this week's jigsaw puzzle, featuring me of course! MOL

Brain Training with Cats #69 ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took me 11 mins 25 secs...  How did mew do?

Coronation Divider ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Don't forget that if mew haven't entered Smooch's Birthday Giveaway, there's still time until 5pm (GMT) today.

I hope mew enjoy today's puzzles and we'll be back on Wednesday with some more midweek news, do stop by if mew get a chance, until then...

Keep calm


Puzzle On

Epic purrs

Professor Basil 

Follow Us @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence &


  1. Love that photo! Hey, my brain is a slow learner.

  2. We like that coronation header! Hope you got to see all that royal and regal activity fpr the the new King. Long Live The King!

  3. That is a lovely photo and art, Basil.

  4. We want to have a henge too, Celestial Basil!

  5. Love your header.

    I'll be back to do the puzzle. We're on our boat right now.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches all around and a big hug to mom. ♥

  6. Oh that is a nice garden picture of you, Professor Basil!

  7. Nice flashback. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  8. Love the photo. Who's the winner of Smooch's giveaway?

  9. Basil, that looks like your Zen garden! Of course, no fursibs in sight :)

  10. Dear Basil, you look so relaxed in the Zen garden. The man who rubs my belly
    has just built me a portable fence so I can go out on the patio amongst the flower
    pots only when Lynn is still with me. It is only 2 days old and I'm just trying it
    out still. Precious


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