And that furiends furry sadly brings us to the end of the first Valentine's Crafting With Cats post, we do hope mew liked it
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Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
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Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com
How's your week going?
Last week we mentioned we may plant some seeds if it got a bit warmer, and it has remained relatively nice, so yesterday we got the sweet peas in a little pot of water to enliven them before sowing them, and we also sorted out the peppers too. In previous years, we have also sowed the pepper seeds too late, as apparently they need five months to crop, so we're well ahead of the game this year.
And we don't know about mew, but there are no tomatoes in the shops right now, so we may even start some of those early next month. We grow them every year, and this year we've got a new spot to try when it's warm enough outside to grow them on, so we'll let mew know how that's going later in the season.
This year the beans are going back in the raised beds in the courtyard, as it gets really hot there, and we may try the courgettes there too.
Are mew growing anything this year?
First up in the news
That's us done for today. Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:
The BBHQ Best Cat Blogs of 2023
Valentine's Crafting with Cats - The Love Shroom Double Decker Bed
In the meantime