Showing posts with label white cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white cat. Show all posts

Monday 16 August 2021

Welcome To 8 Things About... And Today It's All About Angel Snowie **Plus** TOP SECRET BONUS INTEL

 8 Things About The B Team Banner 10 cats, questions, about, cat life

WOO HOO pawesome furiends

So what's this 8 Things About??! we hear mew ask. Well, fabulous furiends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about...

Snowie departed for the Rainbow Bridge in April of 2017 but that doesn't mean she isn't still a part of The B Team, she left a great big paw-print on our hearts.

8 Things About Angel Snowie

1. Snowie arrived at BBHQ in the Spring of 2000, in fact on the same day that Posie arrived. When the P.A. went to the rescue to see Posie for the furst time, she asked if there were any more cats on-site and was told that the only other resident was a pure white cat who was called Sushi. Sushi was approximately 7/8 months old and had found herself on the street after the couple she had been adopted by as a kitten decided to break up, and she found herself homeless. The P.A. saw the lovely white kitty in the indoor enclosure and said, "I'll take her too!" 

white cat, beautiful cat in the garden, garden, cat

2. Snowie loved to be in the garden, and before we had the fence put up around 2004 Snowie would go and sit in the conifer hedge on the other side of the drive. She had one purrticular spot and aftur a while mew could see the little hole/nest she'd made and she'd stay in there for hours.

white cat, cute cat, nesting cat

3. She also loved to make a nest in the cushions on the back of the sofa, and depending on how she felt depended on which sofa she nested.

white cat, beautiful cat, cat in the sunshine

4. As she was pure white, in the summer she had to wear sunscreen on her ears and nose. And the P.A. used to have to be really quick applying it as Snowie really didn't enjoy it. And back in the day, there were no specific sun creams for cats, so the P.A. used to have buy an SPF 50 made for babies which was for sensitive skin and had the least amount of chemicals in. How times have changed as far as ingredients go.

white cat sitting in a pod chair, cute cat, office cat

5. Snowie loved to be brushed and had really thick fur. Her favourite grooming implement was the yellow pet mit and she would sit in front of the little bench next to the radiator in the kitchen and let the P.A. brush her for ages! MOL

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Snowie

6. Snowie was also a keen burd-watcher, and on occasion, more than we'd like to admit did in fact catch quite a few.  Although the older she got the less this happened.

white cat on a fence, beautiful white cat, white cat,

7. She reminded us of a fluffy white cloud, this pic above is one of our all-time favs. Snowie had the most beautiful golden eyes, they were like shining citrines, they were absolutely luminous in real life. 

beautiful white cat in a basket, cat in a basket, gorgeous cat

8. Snowie was a bit of a basket case, in the fact that she loved getting in baskets. This was a hampurr which the P.A. put a fluffy cushion in for her and she loved it. Although the lid fell down one time and she wasn't impressed, we think that incident ruined her love affair with this purrticular basket. But there were many more baskets in her future.


While Snowie was a very friendly, affable kitty who got along with everypawdy, there was one rule that she lived by and that was:

The 3 Pat Rule

Mew could brush her for ages but try and pat her more than 3 times in any one instance always resulted in a swipe. And if anyone visited the house, they were always warned to adhere to the 3 pat rule, although several went for 4 and learned the hard way, Snowie took no prisoners! MOL

The P.A. said that Snowie had the cutest voice/meow; it sounded like she was saying MEHHHHH.

We do miss the white princess, and it's funny a lot of people thought she was boy because her name was Snowie. Although we never associated that name with being male, it's interesting to note how others perceive name genders.

Adopt Don't Shop ©BionicBasil®


If mew missed any of our previous '8 Things About' posts, here are the links so far:

And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Angel Snowie, we do hope mew enjoyed getting to know her a bit more, and we'll be back on Wednesday so do join us then as we're sharing a post all about catnip.

Pawesome purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on Instacat

 graphics created with paid licence 

Thursday 7 July 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Snowie and Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Greetings pawesome pals

Today Snowie is with us sharing much gratitude fur soft fluffy beanbag beds and cardboard boxes that fit just right!

As it's been raining fur most of the month, which in all honesty is a complete travesty - Where are mew British Summer? [If mew've seen it, can mew point it towards Sweepy Ville purrlease!]  So this means that we've been spending more time inside and that's where a nice-comfy-pile-of-softness is always an epic bonus.

Snowie really enjoys the floo-fy poo-fy beanbag! MOL  In fact she's almost like a chameleon when snoozing on it, and sometimes when the P.A. can't find her and I say, 

"Did mew check the beanbag?"

"Ahhhhh, I found her!" is the usual response.

Cardboard boxes are another favourite in our house, but I think they are a favourite in effury household with cats.  Best fun effur!

I've asked the P.A. if we can have a 'Crafting with Cats' segment as we've always got lot's of boxes plus other stuff in the creativity lab and she does make some really fun things when she has the time.  So she's been pondering that fur a quite a while, and whether to do videos or photo's - that is the question... So we'll keep mew posted on that.

Here's hoping that mew all have a lovely day and find a supurr snuggly spot

Wishing mew all a day of much happies

Bestest purrs

Basil XOX

Don't furget to join in

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence and
Glitter Graphics