Friday, 20 October 2023

**FELINE FICTION FIX** Book Reviews with Amber at The Mewton-Clawson Library #253 featuring **Burt The Airport Cat** by Christine Henry PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Amber's Book Reviews Banner ©BionicBasil® October 2023

Hello meautiful library guests 


Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ 

Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today, and this week I've been in the library with Melvyn trying to teach him what happens on a daily basis.

Luckily I have the library mice who already know everything, so they've been helping Melvyn too as he grapples with the day-to-day running.

Amber's Book Reviews #253 ©BionicBasil® Amber in the Catservatory

Though Melvyn does seem to get rather distracted and a little preoccupied with the military vehicles, guns and ammo, and weapons books, and I often find him hidden away in the reading nook with a pile of books Celestial Basil would be delighted and rather proud that he's reading.

Just yesterday I discovered him pawing over a book filled with military trucks, and he had a notepad with him. His military vehicle wish list so far reads:

Oshkosh M1070 Truck

Alvis Saracen Purrsonel Carrier


MAN HX60 with Crane

And I'm sure he's added more since! MOL

Anyhoo let's look at this week's top book pick.

Part of The Mewton-Clawson Library ©BionicBasil®
Amber's Book Review Library Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®
Today the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. I may ___________________________, but I _____________________________.

2. I keep forgetting that _________________________.

3. This time of year, _________ is my favourite treat to enjoy.

4. _________ scares me more than _________.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. I may start the new Halloween Crafting with Cats project this afternoon (Thursday), but I will see how it goes, as I'm waiting for my coal delivery which could arrive at any moment, and I don't want to be mid-glueing/cutting/designing and then have to leave it.

2. I keep forgetting that - well I'll be honest, I keep forgetting lots of things at this point in my life! LOL  My menopause brain is not like my pre-menopause brain; that version was like a steel trap, and sadly the updated version is more like a wet sponge. But so it goes.

3. This time of year, hot chocolate is my favourite treat to enjoy. And if there's mini marshmallows, it's even better! LOL

4.   The world we now live in scares me more than now than at any other point in my life. Up until 2020, it was all ok, but since then it's been a constant downward spiral with those in charge profiteering off the misery of the masses. Will it change? I don't know, but I hope it will.

Amber's Book Reviews Divider ©BionicBasil® October 2023

Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!

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This week's top book pick is...

Amber's Book Reviews #253 Burt the Airport Cat  ©BionicBasil ® Burt The Airport Cat By Christine Henry
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy

 Burt The Airport Cat 


Christine Henry

       Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:      

Burt is a black cat about to embark on a family adventure. But at the airport, he is separated from his family and accidentally left behind to fend for himself. Burt is a curious cat by nature, and decides to take advantage of his new surroundings and explore the airport. He meets new friends, Valkyrie, Scout, and the Padre, and samples local cuisine as well. The kindness of his friends is remarkable and enduring. Will he ever reunite with his family? Join him on his quest to learn more.

Amber's Book Review Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®

**Firstly I have to let mew all know that I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review**

This week I had the purrleasure of reading "Burt The Airport Cat" written by Christine Henry, a book that is as charming as it is captivating. Burt, the lovable black feline protagonist, is described in detail, with his fluffy fur and enchanting green eyes, making him an irresistible character. The author filled the book with lovely hand-painted illustrations, which really bring the pages to life and enhances the rhyming story. We're taken on an adventure through the airport after Burt becomes separated from his furmily on a trip from Canada to England. When he escapes his carrier and then he becomes frightened and scarpers. There's a cast of really charming characters who befriend Burt. As they journey around and through the airport, Burt and his new furiends encounter several challenges that they overcome with teamwork and problem-solving skills, as Burt tries to reunite with his furmily. This book is a purrfect fit for anyone who loves cats, airports, or enjoys a heartwarming story. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a delightful read. It is a purrfect book for younger readers and would make a pawesome gift. More Burt books are planned, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Another Totally Top Paw Read!

Paperback: 34 pages
Amber's Book Review Library Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®
My Ratings Scale
Amber's Rating Scale Orange ©BionicBasil®
Amber's Book Reviews Divider ©BionicBasil® October 2023

Ratings of:

Burt The Airport Cat

Overall Enjoyment

Amber's Rating Scale ©BionicBasil® 5 Paws

Amber's Book Review Divider ©BionicBasil®

Other Fun Blog Hops to Join Today

Amber's Book Reviews Divider ©BionicBasil® October 2023

I'm off to prepare for next week's review, as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time!

I always look forward to your company as I share a specially paw-picked book just for my epic readers!

Don't forget if mew are looking for great books with cats, check out the Book Review page, just click the link here or at the top of the page, as that's the place to visit to get your feline fiction fix.

Until next week...

Keep calm and read more books


Amber's Book Reviews Divider ©BionicBasil® October 2023

Follow me at @BionicBasil® on Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 
Amber's Book Reviews Divider ©BionicBasil® October 2023
 graphics created with paid licence 


  1. You are such an adorable gal sweet Amber. Hey, those were interesting fill-in answers and a wonderful book review too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. The world IS scarier than it's ever been; I agree.
    Amber, I have over 700 books on my TBR list, and that's not all of the books in a series, just the first one.
    Would love to take a month off from everything, and just read, read, read.

  3. Everyone needs a hobby and it sounds like Melvyn has most certainly found his.

    Hot cocoa can be so soothing and the marshmallows are fun. They remind me of being a kid.

    It sounds like Burt went on quite the adventure. This might be a good book to give my foster grandson for his birthday next month.

  4. Can't wait to see the Halloween project. If only a cup of hot choc would help fix this world's ails. Probably would if every human would stop and drink a cup at exactly the same time.

  5. Amber, that sounds like a really good book, and it's nice to see more books for young people centered around cats! When I was a kid, the books were always about horses and dogs. Those are nice animals of course, but cats should be featured, too!

  6. Maybe you can get Melvyn interested in some mysteries. I love the photo of you Amber. And that looks like a cute book. I will have to get it for my great nieces. Thank you to the PA for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I have menopause brain too, I am constantly forgetting things. XO

  7. The world at large needs to take a deep breath and say ahhhh....ooommmm....and decide that all the violence and wickedness should be stopped...we can hope, right?!

  8. Amber, that is so nice of you to show Melvyn the ropes in the library. He definitely seems to gravitate to certain genres, doesn't he? ;-)

    That book sounds like a cute one. We will cehck it out based on your recommendation!

    We agree with the P.A. on her answer for #4. Sometimes it's hard not to lose hope and faith in humanity.

  9. That book sounds pawsome! I love Melvyn's military vehicle wish list! MOL

  10. What a beautiful girl you are Amber😻 Great book review! Granny is relieved that she passed menopauze. Those were the worsest years of her life, but tell your P.A. that when it's over, the memory will come back s l o w l y . Purromised😺 ad 4: It will change, this is the worst, but final stage of a brandnew world. Purromise this one too🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞


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