Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Wordy on Wednesday on Tuesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #1

With Amber BBHQ'S Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Fantabulous greetings pawesome furiends

Today Amber has hijacked the blog as the newly appointed biblio-kitty, she said and I quote,

"Basil mew know how much time I spend in the library, I want the Wednesday book gig... or else!"

Well, what could I say to that, so my answer was thus,

"Amber no purroblem, mew can have the Wednesday slot while effur books are involved, and purrlease don't threaten me, mew know what I'm working on in the bunker!"

Obviously, I can't say out loud just now what I'm working on, but it's purretty cool - I'll share soon MOL

Anyhoo, here's our new Wednesday host Amber.

Hi Guy's *waves paw* like I'm soooooo excited that Basil let me have my own biblio gig on the blog, like this is the best thing since the catnip fish incident on Saturday! MOL

Sorry I'm rambling a bit, but I'm nervous and believe or not I'm quite shy too *blushes* that's why I spend a lot of time in the library with the books on the big comfy chair where it's just me, myself and I [plus nip tea and cookies, of course].   It's not that I'm antisocial it's just I like my own company, and I'm sure some of mew can relate to this. 

Oh and before I furget, Humphrey furry kindly said I could use The Humphry Scale too, but I did have to make a little modification which mew will see later.

Anyhoo, let's get started... Did I say I was soooo excited?!  So many books, so little time and today I have this Cozy Mystery fur mew.

Ghostly Paws

Mystic Notch Cozy Mystery Series Book 1


Ghostly Paws is a light and fun read. It stars Pandora who is part of a magical secret kitty organization which fights the evil in the world.   Pandora's hooman, is Wilhelmina Chance a former crime journalist who inherits a book store from her grandmother in the small town of Mystic Notch, and that's where it all begins; murder, mystery and magic.

Willa also has some unusual abilities of her own and with a great supporting cast, this makes fur an entertaining read. Obviously, I'm trying not to spoilerize anything fur mew!

The audio version is 5 hours and 58 mins long, or if mew are more of a 'real book' kitty the printed version is 305 pages.     

There are five titles in the series so far and I've read four, I'm waiting fur the P.A. to get me book five asap.  The series is a light, refreshing and fun journey, albeit a little tense in places but with just enough of effurything to make them a real delight to read.

The Amber Biblio Rating System:

Amber's Rating Scale Orange ©BionicBasil®

Don't wurry about the one paw rating, if I didn't like it I won't share it! MOL

Ratings of Ghostly Paws:

Plot Twists


Story Development

Ofurrall Enjoyment

 Well, I do hope mew liked my furst biblio gig and that mew'll join me next week fur another one.

And if mew've read any of The Mystic Notch series I'd love to know what mew thought.

Happy reading



P.S. Mew'll see why this post is a day early in the morning! MOL

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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Sunday Selfies #94 Meatloaf Mania

Sunday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we're doing that meat-loafing thing, apart from Smooch who thought we were doing the  FREESTYLE AKIMBO shoot this Sunday, sometimes I really, really wunder about him... [Well at least mew know the theme fur next week! MOL]

Our theme today is:


Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Glitter Graphics  www.glitter-graphics.com 

Friday, 27 May 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 146 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou



Friday greeting wunderpurr pals

After the decorating upheaval of last week, it's been rather nice to have a little peace this week.  Admittedly it's been cold the last few days but we did get an oppurtunity fur a bit of 'mill-wheel mayhem!'

Apart from Angel Posie who used to much preferred her soft pudding to rolling on a chiseled lump of stone fur a catnip high.  She figured that if she was meant to have catnip it would appear in her bed, and looking at Humphrey, I think the new spring growth may have been a little too much fur him, he looks like a space-cadet about to enter the green-zone fur sure... MOL

Fur those of mew who don't know about the mill-wheels, we have a few in the garden but the four that are on the edge of the lawn flower border have been planted with catmint fur many years now, as the P.A. got a bit ticked off with us when we repeatedly decimated the pot grown plants and the pots got damaged due to uncontrolled heathen behaviour.  So she decided that planting them in the centre of the mill-wheels gave us the purrfect platform to roll, frolic and chew the blazes out of the catmint.

As mew can see I was flat out and rather floofy [floo-fee] in my pic, but I did enjoy my snooze and thank goodness that there's more than one mill-wheel because I certainly wasn't sharing mine with the rest of the heathen hoard!

In other news quite a few of the bulbs that were planted way back when have finally popped up, so we'll let mew know how they progress and hopefully have some flower-tastic pictures to share.

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies with all of us

We'll be back tomorrow with another Saturday Special and again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so we hope mew can join us then.

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox
To see this weeks


just pop over to:

get the InLinkz code

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Thursday, 26 May 2016

Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop with Basil

Pawesome Purrsday greetings pals

Today I'm being supurr thankful fur having floofy [pronounced floo - fee] fur as it's been a wee bit chilly this week and my floofy fur has kept said chill away.

Mew may call me, Sir Basil Floof'a'lot  [but only fur today! MOL]

I hope mew are having a supurr floof day where-effur mew are, or better still that the sun is shining, and don't furget to join in Pepsi's Blog Hop below.


Basil xox

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Guys we are experiencing a few technical difficulties, and yes we know it's hard to believe! MOL

Yet the Linky code doesn't seem to be working purroperly, therefore the hop is not being displayed and we just noticed that it didn't wurk on last weeks hop either ??? [even though it was working at the time of posting???] So if mew want to join in this weeks hop, purrlease click on Pepsi's link above and join in there.

We are furry sorry fur any inconvenience this may have caused and know that we are doing all we can to rectify the matter ASAP, between Union enforced and regulated naps of course.

The Tech Team  
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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Glitter Graphics  www.glitter-graphics.com 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wordy on Wednesday with Humphrey ~ Review of Murder Past Due



Wednesday greetings supurr furiends

Today, as mew may have already surmised Humphrey is here sharing this week's top book pick.

We know many of mew are literary kitties and love a good yarn, purrdon the pun, and yes string, yarn, twine, cord and the like are all most marvellous time wasters but if mew have free time to spare Humphrey thinks mew may enjoy this novel.

Now as the P.A. has to go to work daily to meet our demanding demands, then be at our beck and call fur the remaining hours in the day, plus all the other jobs that need doing, she doesn't have time to sit and read, so she listens [as do we] to audiobooks while she toils - she calls it multi-tasking - she's listened to audiobooks since being a small fry and finds it most enjoyable.

Offur the years she's gone from spoken wurd cassettes to CD's and finally in 2009 to the Audible App, which she says is a truly terrific invention. She also has a Kindle with a gazillion books on, waiting to be read but unless we develop some cloning tech in the secret bunker they aren't going to be read anytime soon! MOL

So anyhoo, let's get back to Humphrey top book pick.

BBHQ Purrsonal Copy

Murder Past Due is the furst novel in the Cat in the Stacks series by Miranda James.

It features a supurr smart Maine coon kitty called Diesel who rather casually assists his hooman, Charlie Harris in the solving of murders.

While we won't ruin anything by 'spoilerizing' this novel fur mew, we can say it was fun to listen too, with great narration and a good set of plot twists to keep mew listening and entertained.  It's classed as a Cozy Mystery so it's basically a PG rating, thus if mew're looking fur a light read this is absolutely purrfect. 

The audio version is 8 hours 46 mins long, just in case mew're were wundering how many treat breaks and naps mew can fit in between chapters! MOL

And if mew've already read it or listened to it, what did mew think?

Just so mew don't get lost with Humphrey's ratings, he made a rather nifty little diagram which he calls: 

Rating Scale

Humphrey's Rating of Murder Past Due:

Plot Twists


Story Development

Offurall Enjoyment

The paw has spoken! MOL

What more do mew need than that, so we'll bid mew good morrow and wish mew happy reading or listening, or in fact napping with treats on the side with a splash of nip tea!



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Sunday, 22 May 2016

Sunday Selfies #93 Purredator Style

Sunday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we're doing that stalking thing, kind of like camouflage kitties

So our theme today is:


Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Glitter Graphics  www.glitter-graphics.com   Glitter Text www.picasion.com