Thursday, 31 August 2017

Parsley's 5th Birthday ~ PAWTY TIME & GIVE-AWAY

glitter maker

Woo Hoo guys

Happy Birthday to me, sorry there's no Pet Peeves this week, we're having a pawty and give-away instead... and look, I even put my bestest tie on! MOL

Grab a Hat!

Get some cake!

The Nip Bar is OPEN

Have a drink! 

Help yourselves to nibbles!

Get some pudding!


*    *    *

Now onto the Give-Away

Furstly as I'm the one with the cash at our place, I've had to supply the goodies fur the give-away! MOL

There is 1 x surprise goodie bag up fur grabs with a supurr selection of stuff... mew know how epic they are!

And all mew need to do to enter is LEAVE A COMMENT below and we'll pick a winner out on next weeks Pet Peeves post!  

*    *    *

We hope mew all have a totally wild time, if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out.

Thanks so much fur coming

Luffs mew all loads

Parsley and The B Team

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Sunday, 27 August 2017

Supurr Cute & Cuddly on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Welcome to another supurr selfie selection, today we thought we'd show our supurr cute cuddly-ness.

So our theme today is:

Supurr Cute & Cuddly

How cuddly have mew been this week?

Here's wishing mew a fabulous Sunday, and we hope to see mew again on Tuesday fur Part VII of The Last Big Jolly

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Saturday, 26 August 2017

Crafting With Cats ~ Part V ~ How We Made A Kitty Observatory ~ Cativity Centre

Welcome to

Supurr Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks fur joining fur us fur Part V of our Crafting with Cats segment.  Mew know we have so much fun making all this stuff, and we hope mew enjoy seeing it and/or making it too! MOL

If mew'd like to see our previous CWC posts click here and see how we made Merlin's Wizard Hat. And if mew missed out on how to make our Supurr Hero's cape, click here. And fur the Magical Kitty lantern click here, plus the amazing Pom Pom Hammock click here.

**Purrlease Note**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design and we share them fur purrrsonal/home use only.

Copyright ©BionicBasil 

*     *     *

This week we're making this!

The Observatory Cativity Centre

So mew can really be the centre of your own universe! MOL

What We Used:

Timber and wood screws
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Fabric + wadding + lining 
Cord to hang planets, stars & hammock bed
Spheres for planets & sun
Non-toxic paint for planets
Glitter fur the sun & stars - gold & silver
Non-toxic glue
Paint - if mew want to paint it. [We used white gloss]
 Ribbon or trim
Optional flooring, we used some surplus laminate flooring

Optional cat/s fur snoopervising and general assistance

Are mew ready? Of course mew are...

Furstly let's make the cube  
We used 2" x 1" timber 
Mew will need 16 x identical lengths, ours are 20" 

Take four pieces of your timber and screw together to make the bottom square. Repeat fur the upper square. Attach the four uprights and then flip offur to attach the remanding square and mew should have something like this below.  

Next take your remaining 4 identical lengths to make the top pyramid. Mew will need to cut the ends at an angle so it sits flush on top of the cube and that the top joins together properly, see arrows.

Now mew can attach the pyramid to the cube, as mew can see we pre-drilled holes in the bottom of the pyramid, as Dad said that made it easier to attach.  

Now it should look like this below.

Wow that was easy and supurr quick too! MOL  But seriously take your time putting it together, remember measure twice and cut once.

So now we move on to the really fun part; decorating.

We painted ours in white gloss as the P.A. insisted it needed to white, but mew guys can paint it any colour mew like.

Aftur the furst coat of undercoat, Dad drilled the holes to hang the planets and stars from the pyramid, how many is entirely up to mew; we put 4 in each and also a single hole in the uprights to hang the hammock from, see arrows.

Finish the painting and it should look like this

[We must apologize fur the skewiff photo, we think the P.A. had a bottle of wine in the craft room with her... nuff said! MOL]

Now while that dries let's move on to your own purrsonal planetarium, we made 

10 x planets
6 x stars
1 x sun

We were incredibly lucky to find some paper mache spheres with a pre-made hole in at our local craft shop, but in hindsight mew could plastic Catmass baubles and repaint them.

We painted our spheres to kind of match the planets in our solar system, all went swimmingly well until the P.A. started to paint the earth, until see realized she'd painted it upside down! [Oops, too much wine! MOL] So we have an extra planet in our system called Catopia, it's only just been discovered through copious amounts of wine drinking. In fact its a miracle as no telescope was required whatsoeffur.

We did actually use a Catmass bauble fur the sun as we needed something bigger than the rest, we just cut the neck off it so it doesn't look like a bauble.  We applied a non-toxic glue and covered it with gold glitter.  Oh it's so shiny and twinkly!

Once your planets are dry mew can attach the cord.  We used white cord, and applied hot glue into the holes and stuffed the cord in with a straw.  Please make sure that if mew use the type of cord we did that mew put sellotape on the end to seal it tight, otherwise mew will neffur be able to push it through the holes on the frame.

Next we were also furry lucky to find some pre-cut 1" wooden stars on Amazon, we attached two together with a length of cord sandwiched between them and once dry covered them in the non-toxic glue and dipped them into silver glitter. 

Now let's move onto the bed.  We used some silver silk dupion that the P.A. had left offur from some curtains she made.  Cut your fabric 20" square and as silk isn't the most robust of fabrics we cut 2 x lining fabric squares to add extra strength.

We sandwiched a piece of wadding between the layers and stitched the wrong-sides together [inside out], leaving one edge open enough to turn right-side facing out.  Hand-stitch the last few inches and your hammock is ready.  Unfortunately at this point we think the P.A. had one glass too many and forgot to take some pics of construction - we have severely reprimanded her fur this and have since locked the wine away!

Get some more of the cord and attach it to the underside corners bed, we used hot glue fur this.

Attach the suns cord with hot glue under the top centre, then the planets and stars by poking cord through the holes in the pyramid and adjust lengths to suit and tie off, we did put a little bit of glue on the knots fur added security.

Attach hammock to the uprights and tie off.

Finally as some screws were still visible we added a 1" wide grosgrain ribbon trim top and bottom.  And if mew wanted a solid base like ours mew can add that too, but if mew don't want to, it wurks just fine without. 

So now mew should have something that looks like this:

How cool is that? Epically cool

What we really love about this pawesome cativity centre is that if mew get bored of planets, mew could hang:

 Fish = The Aquarium

Mice = The Nest

 Bees =  The Hive

Spiders = The Web 

Butterflies = The Cocoon

Tabbies of Troute Towne look away now

Burds = The Aviary

Or a combo of all the above

etc, etc....

and mew can remove the bed fur washing or even replace it if wears out. There are so many ways to dress this purrticular item and it'll last fur ages, fur future kitty generations too.

Smooch was furst to get his booty in it and as mew can see he wasn't going to share with anypurrdy not even me, and mew can see how miffed I was below! MOL

*    *    *

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our fifth Crafting With Cats post, we do hope mew liked it and feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics and ideas on our Facebook page at:

And if there's anything mew'd like us to make, leave a comment and we'll do our best.  

We'll be back on the morrow with our supurr Sunday Selfies!

Bestest crafty purrs

Basil & Co xox

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
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Friday, 25 August 2017

HRH Pandora Von Der Plume, Frog Watch & Sir Snowy's Calendar Update on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #210 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

 background image NextMars used under licence from 

Pawesome Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

So what's been happening this week I hear mew ask... well mew know that we asked on last Fridays post about anyone being interested in being part of Sir Snowy's 2018 Charity Kitty Calendar, well we had one interested - thank mew furry much ATCAD, so the P.A. asked in one of the kitty FB groups if it was ok to post there fur kitty models, admin said yes, so she posted on Wednesday teatime.

The P.A. thought that maybe about five or six would respond, do mew know how many comments with beautiful kitty pictures were on that thread 24 hours later?


Like OMC, how many, talk about an avalanche response it was beyond amazing, incredible and epically epic.  So anyhoo, Sir Snowy has more models that mew could effur imagine and is now deciding on making a calendar/coffee table book to feature all the new recruits, and if that wasn't fabulous enough, he also got 206 new followers in 27 minutes and the most beautiful comments effur on his twitter-feed.

We are beyond thrilled fur him   


And in other news Pandora decided to finally join in on #TiaraTuesday on Twitter and this is what she posted:

Who knew we had royalty among us.

  We think she needs to be in that show, Game of Thrones, she'd be purrfect! MOL

Queen of Cats

"I vould make a most excellent queen!" Pandora said in her odd little foreign accent. "Plus red looks fabulous on me dahlings!"

Alrighty then.... and moving on....

I decided to go on Frog Watch

I didn't have to wait long... Mr Froggy our foreign exchange student from The Resistance has made himself right at home! MOL

And it would appear we have found out who really caused the 'Catnip Cropper!'  

Although Fudge said, "Basil, I can't watch that little green dude 24/7!" 

I replied, "Try harder Fudge, that's our primo nip he's wrecking!" MOL

And finally last night we had four emails come through our contact form from someone called Sophie Morgan saying please call me and then a UK phone number - like seriously, mew think we're going to call mew after an email like that, so mew can get our phone number then spam the flip out of it or use it in some telephone scam - WE DON'T THINK SO SOPHIE!

And if mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal:

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back tomorrow with our monthly Crafting with Cats post and show mew how to make The Observatory and again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all an epically epic weekend and don't furget to add your links to the Pet Parade hop below!

Happy hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST Rascal and Rocco Pinterest  3. COHOST @Bionicbasil Twitter  5. COHOST @MK_Clinton Twitter  
2. HOST Rascal and Rocco Instagram  4. COHOST Bionic Basil Instagram  6. COHOST @MKClinton Instagram  

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