Thursday, 10 May 2018

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #46 & Amber Ate The Catmint

Happy Purrsday guys

Welcome to another fab day on the blog.

How's your week been so far?  All totally fabulous I hope!

Sorry there's no wurdsearch again, as our normally well oiled machine is running a little behind schedule this week due to a monster snot attack on the P.A. - yes she has been severely reprimanded fur her abject selfish of catching a cold and was given a rather stern talking to fur being so slapdash this week!

But then our attention was quickly diverted by this discovery...

Amber started to sidle away with a rather guilty look on her face.

"Amber!" I said. "Is there something mew want to tell us?"

She sat down and looked at me.  "UMMMMMMM.... nope there's nothing I can think of right now!" she replied a hot flush turning her cheeks red.

"Are mew sure?" I pressed.

"Awwwww dammit Basil!" she snapped two seconds later. "I ate it, are mew happy now? Besides there were only a few baby shoots on that purrticular one and they were just so good and delectable yesterday that I couldn't help myself!"

I nodded. "Yes I did try a little of it too, and it was supurr sweet fur sure!"

Smooch piped in. "But she ate it all Basil!"

"Furget it Smooch, the P.A. has another few plants in readiness, so we'll just get another planted asap dude!" I answered. "Besides there's enough fur an army of cats growing around the garden right now!"

He nodded and gave Amber a rather withering glance and said...

And now...

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

Here's the answer key to last weeks puzzle  How did mew do? 

Are mew ready fur this weeks puzzle?

Just right click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off. 

Answer key will be on next weeks post.

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle, featuring a gorgeous butterfly from our garden.

It took me 7 mins 31 secs...  How did you do?

The amazing Eastside Cats thrashed my time again last week by nearly 2 minutes, those guys are truly EPIC!

Let's see how they do this week. 

Don't furget if the pictures are too small here, mew can make it bigger by clicking the right hand bottom square and it'll make it full screen sized.

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs


Jigsaw Puzzle  Soduko & word-search used under paid licence
Other graphics created/used under paid licence and


  1. It is awesome you have plants you can eat. All we ever hear is don't eat that.

    1. Hey guys, awwwww dudes, that's no fun at all, ask your hoomans if they can grow mew some special plants just fur K9's! XOX

  2. I sure hope the P.A. finds her all better soon, we'd all be thankful for that. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks Brian, she's getting better now and to be honest we're sick of her sneezing!!! MOL XOX

  3. Hmm, what the PA needs is a shot of nip to pick her up! Given the shortage, I wonder if Amber breathing on her will be just as effective?
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Hi Erin, oh no that's too hardcore fur the P.A., Amber breathing on her will be much gentler fur sure! MOL XOX

  4. guyz...amber iz guil tee til prooved inn o cent !!! rite amber :)

    wait....we think thiz iz bak werdz.....thanx again for de Sudoku
    and we iz off ta try de ~ ♥♥♥♥ bak in:

    1. MOL Dudes, Amber does what Amber wants, and we all have to tow the line, mew know how it is! Glad mew're enjoying the puzzles and 11.34 is purretty epic dudes, many congrats! WOOOO HOOOO! XOX

  5. 11:57...but in time enough not to be late for work! Gotta run.Amber leave some nip fur the others, OK?? MOL!

    1. Pipo, that's another epic time, hope we din't make the petcretary late fur wurk! Amber didn't leave us with any nip dude, she's a hogs-norton! MOL MOL XOX

  6. Another wonderful puzzle, my friend, although seriously, sometimes I think my purpose in life is to make everyone else's scores look good. I LOVE 'EM but I'm sure not good at 'em, at all. MOUSES!

    1. Dude, that's so not true, mew just need two screens, one with the finished picture and one to build the puzzle on - if I can't see the final picture I'm rubbish, like seriously really rubbish! MOL MOL XOX

  7. Ah Basil,
    We are quite aware of the concept of sneaky felines at our house. The Female Human keeps the best nip in the pantry and Alberto has now figured out how to get in there to steal it until the Human put it in a jar that he hasn't figured out how to open....yet.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

    1. Hey Tucker, oh my, not the best nip squirreled away, mew'll have to tell Alberto he needs to figure out how to open the jar, or we could just send mew a secret stash?! MOL XOX

  8. I started the puzzle this morning but got interrupted. When I got back it was over 11 minutes and I had only done a bit of it so I scrapped it. I just came back and did it it in 9m 12s. Nowhere near your time!
    At least Amber enjoyed the nip. Hope she leaves some for all of you next time. Hope the PA is soon de-snotted!

    1. Hi guys, that's just epic, many congrats on your time. The P.A. is finally snot-free - amen to that! MOL xox

  9. Mom covers the small catnip plants with an empty coke bottle cut in half it protects the young plants for pinch nipping pussy cats.😻😸🐾🐾

    1. Oh wow guys what a great idea, though too late to implement on that purrticular plant, but we'll defo use it in the future, thanks so much fur such a pawesome tip! XOX

  10. Mom wishes she had time to do the puzzles, as she loves them, and we wish we had some nip planted, but it is too early to get any going here. e sure understand Amber nibbling those nice new tender shoots. sounds as if you have plenty more. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    1. Hey guys, oh no we totally sympathize about the time thing, there's neffur enough is there? And its still too cold with mew to get the nip growing, dudes, mew so need to come on offur here and hang out a while so yours gets going, we've got purrlenty fur effuryone! MOL XOX

  11. I hope your P.A. is feeling better soon. Smoochie, you snooze you lose. Maybe Amber should have left some for everyone else but where's the fun in that? 😉

    1. Hi Edie, MOL that was hilarious, Smooch didn't find it funny though! MOL OOPS sorry Smooch but Edie's right, snoozer! MOL XOX

  12. Healing purrs for the PA, we hope she is better soon.

    1. Awwww thanks guys, the P.A. is only just Snot-Free and she sends many thanks fur the healing purrs, they helped tremendously! XOX

  13. 15 minutes 7 seconds- ugh! Don't feel bad Amber , you are a Cougar, you can do as you please. XO

    1. Fab time guys, really great job and MOL purrlease don't remind Amber about her Cougar status, she keeps flashing her Cougar Club Card at us like its the Holy Grail of being able to get away with anything! MOL MOL XOX


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