WOO HOO pawesome furiends
So what's this 8 Things About??! we hear mew ask. Well, fabulous furiends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about...

8 Things About Parsley
1. Parsley arrived at BBHQ in September 2014, he was from the same rescue as the rest of us. His start in life is unknown until a kind lady began to feed in him in one of the Nottingham suburbs called Carlton. She lived in a block of flats near a busy crossroads and she wanted to keep him but the flat she rented didn't allow pets, so sadly she called the rescue and they came and got him. At the rescue, they named him Parson as he had a feint white ring around his neck, it was guesstimated he was approximately 2 years old at this point. The P.A. originally wanted to call him Merlin or Magic etc, but after a few weeks none of those names seemed to suit him, and one day she decided to try Parsley and so another clawed herb was added to The B Team! MOL
2. He loves the crystal room and can often be found lurking among the giant amethysts and at times climbing the larger ones, so he definitely has an affinity with the more spiritual side of things.
3. Parsley is one of the kindest and most gentle cats we've ever known (*except for one time, see bonus intel) and given his size, which is nearly 7kg or 15.5lbs he's a big cat. Though he never instigates any bother or tries to use his size to dominate, he's more of a lover than a fighter.
4. He also enjoys his own company and will often just hang out in the BBHQ office, secretly snoopervising the P.A. while she writes the blog.
5. Parsley is also a keen nature lover and adores being in the garden or going on a little field excursion next door. He especially likes it when the field has been baled and he can climb them, a better vantage point for spotting bunnies or other wildlife.
6. He's also an expert catnapper and adores to get snuggled in bed. He usually snoozes on a pillow next to the P.A. and dad every night and if anyone wakes up to get a drink in the night, he escorts the humans to the kitchen and back.
7. Parsley was also in the ameowzing book
Black Cats Tell All, written by Layla Morgan-Wilde to highlight the beauty and pawsitivity of black cats as they are still the least adopted from rescues and shelters. Which we find completely absurd, as we think black cats are epically epic, they are mini panfurs and who doesn't want a panfur?
8. He also has a little white star on his chest, although a lot of the time mew can't see it as his collar hides it. Mew can just see it poking out from under the
pumpkin collar.
Parsley really hates having his back nails clipped, it's definitely mission impawsible! MOL
He also didn't like one of the male vets at our local practice, the P.A. says she's never seen him so aggressive ever, he went a bit berserk as he took an instant dislike to the man. Luckily that vet has now left the practice and there's no issue with any of the other vets.
Isn't it strange how a soft as blobs cat can have such a fierce reaction to someone when they've never shown any aggression before. Obviously, that vet dudes aura was well out of whack for Parsley to react so out of character. And the moral of the story is, always trust your instincts.
**Don't furget to stop by next Tuesday, the 31st of August as it's Parsley's 9th birthday and in true BBHQ tradition we'll be having an epic pawty and giveaway.**
If mew missed any of our previous '8 Things About' posts, here are the links so far:
And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Parsley, we do hope mew enjoyed getting to know him a bit more, and we'll be back on Wednesday so do join us then as we've got another fabulous
What's in the Box post to share.
Pawesome purrs
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on Instacat graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com
That was really interesting, we enjoyed learning about you sweet Parsley!
ReplyDeleteParsley! You are quite the wonderful kitty! Mysterious and sweet at the sa me time...well except for that one vet, LOL!
ReplyDeleteYears ago, Minko attacked a chair that came in the house from petcretary's parents...no idea why. He hadn't even ever met 'Oma'! (Though she had been here and loved on all the previous kitties that were here.) He almost tore that chair to bits. He bit, scratched and yowled at it...complete with a bottle brush tail, and raised hackles.
Parsley, the kitties and I enjoyed learning more about you! What a sleek panther boy you are!
ReplyDeleteWe enjoyed learning more about you, Parlsey ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteI loved learning more about you, Parsley!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to learn more about you, Parsley. I wonder why you took such an instant dislike to that vet. There was obviously something about him that wasn't right!
ReplyDeleteYou're a handsome mancat and very large too. It's good that you're so mellow. Well except the the back nails need trimming.
ReplyDeleteHave a purrfect day and week. Scritches all around and my best to your wonderful mom. ♥
Nice to learn more about Parsley. He is so handsome. I love the photo of him with the amethyst. XO
ReplyDeleteParsley has a star?!? COOL!
ReplyDeleteParsley it is really wonderful to get to know you a bit better. You are one fine and handsome house panfur. Our Rumpy went crazy with the new vet and I was not there due to Covid and he was never anything but a lump of purr before. We love our balls of fluff but cats are apex predators and when they say NO they can really say NO!!!!!!!!!!