Happy Wednesday and the good news is it's been lovely and dry for the last few days, so that made a nice change. Although there's a storm brewing in the Atlantic right now and headed towards Europe, it's called Kirk, and Kirk might decide to hit the UK in the next couple of days if it hasn't already.
We're using mind control to try and fluff Kirk off and dissipate it so it's nothing more than a gentle breeze, but mew guys know, we're only cats, so we can only do so much.
Oh, and just look at the sky at BBHQ on Sunday morning around 6.40am, such pretty colours!
It was stunning.
Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.
First up in the news
Smooch's Epic Catnap on The Shroom
Meanwhile, in another part of the house...
Melvyn Getting Ready To Model
Melvyn was in the window, getting psyched up to do this thing!!! MOL
Next up in the news
Fudge's Purrfect Purrch
What Are These Heathens Looking At?
Finally this week
Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
Melvyn is loving it!!!
In this week's video, Pandora and Fudge check out the catwalk first, and mew don't want to miss Melvyn's roll; it's epic!
Which one should he model next?
That's us done for today. We're sharing another Halloween Crafting with Cats post tomorrow, and Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book review. And if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:
The B Team's Selfie starring Parsley
Crafting with Cats Halloween ~ Part One
Crafting with Cats Halloween ~ Part Two