Friday 24 February 2017

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 184 ~ Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another pawesome Pet Parade

This week the lawn was unexpectedly mowed fur the furst time this year, and the mower guy had to avoid slipping into the crater aka what used to be the pond before Smoochie & Parsley depth-charged it!  The P.A. was not a happy camper when she saw the damage and has taken measures to ensure the froggies have a new home asap, so the builder chappy was called and arrived rather promptly, so now we have a new installation happening and the froggies are getting a rather lovely upgrade, and Parsley is paying! MOL

Ok, so many of mew will know I went to the vets at teatime yesterday for a little antibiotic shot.  That was all good, my pancreatitis is getting better and the results show a significant improvement, but I could have told them that as I feel so much better.  So now we have a little issue as the best way to deal with future flare-ups of pancreatitis - which hopefully will be non - and managing my kidney disease with the high fat low protein diet.

The P.A. is going to see her homeopath and find out if there's anything he can do to assist; he checks a fur sample on his magical machine to diagnose and provide a tailor-made treatment.  While this may seem a bit out-there, we can assure mew that Amber is a living testament, as when the P.A. furst took delivery of her at 7 months old [due to her previous peeps going to have her PTS due to the purchase of a new leather sofa - yep it's true!] the P.A. took her to the vets fur a check-up and discovered she had furry aggressive FIV and the vet said she probably wouldn't make 2 years old.

 Anyhoo the P.A. took a sample of her fur to her homeopath and he gave her some little white pills.  Amber took them no problem and then her fur was tested offur the next month or so and adjustments were made to the homeopathic medicine. 

Amber only had a couple of months treatment, she's 16 in October, so something wurked and now the P.A. is going to see if it will help me too.

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all a truly terrific weekend!

Happy Hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop linky party is for all pets and animal lovers.
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  1. I'm glad your frog friends are getting a new home, Basil! And I'm so glad you are getting better. As for the homeopath... it's kind of hard to poo-poo something that works, isn't it?

    1. Hi Summer, well I just hope the homeopathy helps me as I'm so tired of feeling poorly! XOX

  2. Hope they'll have something to help!

  3. Those froggies are going to love their new pond we know the vet where we go has a rescue that he runs (for unadoptable kitties with feline leukemia and or feline aids...) and its called Froggie's Pond!! Cool huh??!!

    Homeopathy is wonderful indeed! Petcretary uses it and she often can quell a cold after just a couple days compared to evfurryone else who sniffle and cough and so on for days on end...or she uses it to prevent one when she knows its 'making the rounds'. She uses some remedies for allergies and insect bites and once she saved the neighbour's dog from severe bee stings in her mouth. She also uses it for trauma management as in when you get severe bumps and bruises, or even surgical procedures.

    1. Hi Pipo & Minko, hopefully the froggies will enjoy their new abode, and how cool is the name of that rescue centre! The P.A. uses homeopathy all the time too, she swears by it and use of tissue salts as well, does your petcretary use those too? XOX

    2. No, she doesn't really, but she knows about them:)

    3. She does use quite a few herbal remedies as well, and medicinal mushrooms, and 'TCM'.

  4. Hey Lord of the clawed herbs, Basil, do they accept human hair samples too, might be worth looking into! Glad the froggies are going to be fine and upgraded! Parsley is such a cheeky chappy, best keep an eye on him in future! :D x

    1. Hi Aunty J, yes hooman samples too, if mew need the details just ask! XOX

  5. We're glad the froggies are getting a nice, new home and that YOU are feeling better.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Hiya Furkids, oh we so hope the froggies like it and I'm trying my bestest to feel better! XOX

  6. dood..we wish we hada homeopath//holostic vet heer coz we wood bee ther ina fast minit....we hope him can due sum way kewl stuff for ewe... N get yur pan cree azz two oh bay... N yur kid kneez two ~~~~ best fishes...N speekin oh fish; heerz two an european perch kinda week oh end ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    1. Hiya Tabbies & Miss Dai$y, oh I so hope I can't get fixed and stop getting these nasty flare-ups guys! XOX

  7. So glad you are feeling better. It's neat the PA can take your fur to get it tested.

  8. We always love your Pet Parade entry ... this one's got lots of sun along with lovely kitties! That's interesting about your experience with Amber and FIV. I admit I cling tight to what I know and hesitate to try something new. When we had to switch vets due to a move, the new vet thought we should try a supplement with Kitty to hopefully get her past hepatic lipidosis - after years of stability. I grudgingly agreed and after a couple weeks of the supplement, we lost control of the issue and she died a couple months later. It's entirely possible that the supplement was just a coincidence ... she was almost 16 and had diabetes in addition to hepatic lipidosis ... but that experience made me afraid of rocking the boat. I'm not saying this to discourage you ... Amber's experience is nothing short of miraculous and I hope Basil's is the same (as I expect it will be). I actually admire you for not clinging to tradition and what's known to you - which is what I meant to say by sharing my experience. I wish I had that courage.

    1. Hi Momma Kat & Bear, oh no I'm so sorry about Kitty, that must have been terrible fur mew, and I so understand your apprehension to explore alternatives aftur that experience. At the moment the vet has cost in excess of £1,600.00 so its wurth exploring a natural alternative to see if it can keep future flare ups at bay, the P.A. uses homeopathy fur herself all the time and she swears by it. XOX

  9. I love Amber's healing story, that is wonderful. I am sure your loving home helped too. I hope the homeopath helps you too Basil. XO

    1. Hiya 15 & Meowing gang, Amber is a beautiful kitty and the P.A. was so grateful that the homeopathy wurked. XOX

  10. How fun that you got to go out in the grass. Basil, Wally says he's interested in knowing what the homeopath says about your furs that may be able to help your pancreatitis. Wally hasn't had any flare-ups yet *knock wood* and we sure want to keep it that way. :)

    1. Hi Island Cats, I needed a bit of fresh air as I was getting a bit of cabin fever, I'll let mew know how I go with the homeopathy and if it's a goer, mew'll be furst to know! XOX

  11. I am glad your pancreatitis has improved and hope the homeopath can help you to not have more flare ups.
    The grass has grown here too, but it's too wet for the lawnmower.

    1. Thanks Flynn, I'm hoping too that it can't stem off future episodes! XOX

  12. We bet the froggies will love that new pond, Basil! And we are supurr glad you're feeling better and better. Paws crossed that the homeopathic remedies work well for you, pal. Hugs!

    1. Hi guys, the froggies are going to love their new home, 2 have been moved in already! XOX

  13. If it work for Amber, I hope something can be figured out for you, too!


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