Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #41 featuring Spell Booked & BlogPaws Conference Update #41

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

Gosh it seems like fureffur since I was last here, and I do mean like fureffur! MOL 

While the P.A. was at BlogPaws she got to meet the amazingly talented Wanda Kruse at the Honour Flag table, as the P.A. is a bit of a glue and craft nut she was in her element and made a special flag just fur our precious Snowie and Humphrey, unfortunately she didn't have time to make a second one fur Posie, but there's always next year.

The P.A. went back on Saturday morning to video the entire Honour Flag Display, take a look,  it's amazing how many flags were there!

I must apologize fur the P.A.'s furry poor video skills, she'll be entering a training program shortly! MOL

Oh and the P.A. also got to meet the fabulous Christina Lee and her gorgeous K9, Bowie from the amazing blog/charity 


If mew haven't seen their blog before, go check it out as it's amazing what they do!

 And on that note I think it's time fur this weeks book, so let get to it...

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Image Amber's purrsonal copy

Spell Booked 

Retired Witches Mysteries Book I


Joyce & Jim Lavene

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb: 

Once upon a time in Wilmington, North Carolina, three witches ran a curio shop named Smuggler s Arcane. But as the years passed, their magical powers started to fade leaving them no choice but to conjure up a retirement package 

 *    *    *

I was so excited to get my mittens on this book a few months ago and finally I got to read it last week.  As mew can see by the cover there are four gorgeous kitties and that's what lured me into buying it, sadly the kitties hardly get a mention and have no bearing on the story whatsoeffur, they're just there fur the sake of being a token familiar to the other characters.

As mew can imagine, the lack of kitty action did displease me somewhat, as mew'd think they'd have much bigger roles, especially being the cover stars.  Seems like the crafty book marketing peeps were using the cover as a ploy to attract more cat readers, sneaky, but to be honest I won't be reading anymore in the series unless the cats get much bigger roles.

Offurall, I found the dialogue clunky and a little hard to read at times, the plot was good and there were a few red herrings, so while not one of my favourite books of late, it's still a good read but not a top pick, its definitely a 'when mew've finished your latest favourite, read this'  kind of book.

  • Paperback: 304 pages

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Spell Booked




Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and join us when we'll be here on Friday with the Pet Parade.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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Monday, 29 May 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update #3 and Colouring with Cats #30 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

Welcome to another Monday on the blog, and this week we've got a special post just fur mew.  As mew know the P.A. deserted us and flew off to sunny Myrtle Beach fur the BlogPaws Conference, well she got to go on rather a fabulous excursion with my epic bestie Herman's pawrents to a beautiful sculpture garden.

Brookgreen Gardens was just a hop, skip and a jump from the hotel and well worth a visit.  It was a beautiful, bright sunny day so the photo's are a little washed out, sorry about that, the P.A. only took her phone with her, but we're sure mew can get the gist of the beauty, serenity and scale of these magnificent sculptures and the gardens they reside in.

 So let's get our Om On and our Zen Harmonies flowing as I take mew through a pictorial tour of the gardens.

I'd like to say a furry special thank mew to Kimberley and Ray Koz fur taking the P.A. and her mum on such a beautiful outing and fur not leaving the P.A. stranded on the roadside with 200,000 Harley Bikers trying to buy a T-Shirt fur Dad! MOL MOL MOL  [BTW Dad loved the T-Shirts!]

*    *    *

If mew have missed any of the previous mandala's and feel the need to colour, here's the links:

All the mandala's featured are designed and made by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further adieu here's this weeks mandala.

FYI the P.A. made another special mandala fur furriends who recently departed fur the Rainbow Bridge; 

May they be frolicking in meadows of catnip and chasing flutterby's galore, though mew may be gone from this realm, mew will neffur be furgotten.

Just right click the image to save and print it... 

Coloured by the P.A.

 In memory of bestest furriends we have lost this month.


Dusty from DashKitten, Snowball from 15andmeowing, Dylan of Wendy's 3-D Cats, and Shaggy from Little Cat Feet blog... mew will be missed terribly!

Though mew have moved on to a new life, your memory will live on fur eternity with us...

Coloured using glitter & Metallic gel pens.

*    *   *

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to post it on our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your interpretation of today's mandala.

And if mew'd like to be a guest-colourist fur us, we'd love mew too, just let us know either in the comments box or email us at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Book One here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    *

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber is back with this weeks top book pick!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Sunday, 28 May 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update #2 and Sunday Selfies #146 Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday Salutations Pawesome Pals

Today our selfies post is a little different, it's featuring my 'not-clone' clone and the more I look at it the more I realize how much it doesn't look like me at all! MOL   Mew know Cuddle Clones said they remade it, I can tell mew 100% they DID NOT remake it at all, they lied, but hey ho, Cuddle Clones will neffer effur get any business from us again and the P.A. was going to have the entire B Team made - Bad Luck Cuddle Clones, mew should have done a better job.

Anyhoo, sorry fur the digression, today we have a series of BlogPaws pics to share, so we won't ruin it with any commentary, but as mew can see NCB [Not Clone Basil] really seemed to be enjoying himself tremendously, especially when he landed on the Meowijuana stand - nuff said! MOL

Even Erin Version 0.5 [above, bottom right] fell victim to the lure of the Meowijuana stand too, it would appear that Meowijuana is really Kryptonite fur kitties!!! MOL MOL 

The Cat Lounge was epic and the P.A. was lucky enough to get a couple of items from the stand on the Saturday, we'll feature those in another post with all the deets.

As mew can see there was so much happening, so much to see, so many furriends to meet and chat with, epically epic fun!

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of sun puddles and mega warmz and join us tomorrow if mew can when we have another Blogpaws post on Mandala's on Monday

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Friday, 26 May 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update and That's My Banana! Plus The Pet Parade Blog Hop #197 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr Friday greetings pawesome pals

The P.A. is finally back from Blogpaws in Myrtle Beach and we've been hearing all about her epically epic adventure.  She got to meet my supurr bestest buddy Herman from I was soooooo jealous, Herms dude so sorry I couldn't make it in purrson, next time fur sure! MOL

And the P.A. got to meet Herms Mom & Dad, they had a pawesome time, there's this story about the P.A.'s mum, a wild wheelchair expedition and some bikers - the P.A. is still laughing and laughing and laughing about it, in fact she's been laughing so much that I still can't understand what she was trying to tell me! MOL

She also got to meet Erin's Dad, Vivvy The Service Dogs' Mom, The Island Cats' Mom, Bear's MOM Momma Kat.  Kitties Blue Mom from Cat on My Head, Megan the pawesome Pet Detective, Chirpy Cats Mom, Stunning Keisha's Mom, Lola & Lexi's Mom. Brian's Dad from Brian's Home, Manna and Dexter's Mom & Dad from Playful Kitty, Valentines Mom from Noir Kitty Mews, Truffle & Brulee's Mom from Sweet Purrfections, Talent Hounds Mom etc... [links in side bar] well mew get the picture, we could go on and on and on, in fact she met so many totally fabulous peeps her head is still spinning - no not like 'The Exorcist'  but in a good way [MOL] and she was completely blown away at how amazingly wunderpurr effuryone was, she said, "Basil, it was such a pleasure and a real honour to meet so many fantastic peeps, I feel beyond blessed and I can't thank everyone enough, it was so amazing!" #BlogPawsRocks

Thank mew to effuryone who sent us toys, mew guys are just so pawesome and we hope mew managed to get some BionicBasil swag off the P.A. that we sent with her.   

Here's just a quick selection of the peeps that the P.A. swapped business cards with. 

Oh and we did get the most amazing swag bags, thank mew so much to all the sponsors 

Sadly the P.A. couldn't bring hardly anything home due to customs restrictions, and yes that went fur the bagged nip too, I did protest about it but the P.A. said, "Basil, there was no way that I was filling my case with bagged primo nip, customs would've pulled me for sure thinking that I was smuggling 10lbs of weed in my case!"

So she gave 95% of the stuff away just keeping a few toys, one of which was this:

We've neffur had a catnip banana before and Smoochie was furst to get his mittens on it much to Fudge's chagrin! MOL

So as mew can see the P.A. had a truly epically epic visit to Myrtle Beach, oh but mew'll neffur believe that she caught a cold on the way back and she's been snuffling and sneezing since her return - oh phooey! 

Before I go I'd just like to say, along with the P.A. a huge thank mew to all our pawesome pals fur making her trip so furry, furry special!  #PetBloggersAreAmazing

If mew missed anything during the last week or so, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

Pet Parade blog hop linky party is for all pets and animal lovers.
To see this weeks


just pop over to:

get the InLinkz code
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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. Host: @RascalandRocco  4. Co-host: Bionic Basil on Instagram  7. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
2. Host: Rascal and Rocco on instagram  5. Co-host: MK Clinton on Twitter   8. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  
3. Co-host: @BionicBasil  6. Co-host: MK Clinton on Instagram  9. Dash Kitten  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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