Sunday 11 February 2024

The B Team's The B Team's Brat's Hill - Burnmoor Stone Circle Selfie on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop **PLUS** Smooch's UK Historical Travel Guide

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Furbulous Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection, this week we decided to bip up north into the wilds of Cumbria in the Time Travelling Telephone Box and visit the Burnmoor Stone Circles. 

The B Team's Brat's Hill - Burnmoor Stone Circle Selfie 

The B Team's Brat's HIll - Burnmoor Stone Circle Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Jumpin' juniper berries, what a place to visit! Cumbria is breathtaking, but our only advisory would be, don't go when there's snow, as mew'll probabaly get stuck! 

Mew know how much we love ancient standing stones and stone circles, see our previous trips to:

This week we had the purrleasure of visiting the Eskdale Moor/Burnmoor Stone Circles, and I must say it was a pawe-inspiring experience. This circle called Brat's Hill,and is one of five located in a peaceful and serene location, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery. As we walked up to the circle, we couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement at the ancient stones that stood before us.

The Brat's Hill Stone Circle is one of the largest in the group with a diameter of around 30 meters. The stones themselves house funerary cairns, and there are a total of 42 stones in the circle. The circle is estimated to be around 4000 years old, and it is believed to have been used for religious, burial or ceremonial purposes by the local Neolithic community.

As we stood in the center of the circle, we couldn't help but imagine the rituals and ceremonies that must have taken place here thousands of years ago. The landscape around the circle is breathtaking, with incredible vistas of the surrounding hills and valleys.

After visiting the stone circle, we also had the opportunity to explore some of the other local historical attractions. One of the highlights was the Hardknott Roman Fort, that dates back to the second century AD. The fort was built by the Romans to control the nearby mountain pass, and it is one of the best-preserved Roman forts in the UK.

Another must-see attraction is the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway, an absolutely wonderpurr narrow-gauge steam railway that runs through the stunning Eskdale Valley, it's like a mini Hogwarts train. The railway dates back to the 19th century and offers pawesome views of the surrounding countryside, coastline and ancient woodlands on it's 7 mile trip.

And not forgetting Muncaster castle, which has meautiful gardens and a bird of prey sanctuary. Plus there's a 12th century chruch and graveyard to see within the grounds. They have tours of the inside too, which is filled with ancestral pawtraits and heirlooms from bygone days, what a place! 

Our visit to the Brat's Hill Stone Circle and the surrounding area was a truly unforgettable experience. The combination of ancient history and breathtaking scenery made for a purrfect day out.



The BBHQ Historical Travel Guide

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

The B Team's Brat's HIll - Burnmoor Stone Circle Selfie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art  Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Pointillism 1 + colour changes to exposure and contrast.

We also turned the original picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 11 mins 31 secs. 

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Anyhoo we're off to snooze while Smooch takes care of lunch, as it's been a bit fresh since Thursday, when we had some sleet and a dab of snow. The fire is stoked up, and totally tropical, just how Amber and the rest of us like it, so we're staying there, and we'll watch a movie this afternoon.

Do drop by tomorrow as we're back with our usual Cats Have Purroblems Too segment, and Princess the pampered kitty has got PTSD due to... well, come and find out for yourselves in the morning! MOL

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to always...

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Banner ©BionicBasil® Stay Fluffy

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Banner ©BionicBasil® Bunting

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Banner ©BionicBasil® Bunting

Graphics created with paid licence & 


  1. That is such a terrific place for a group Ussie and y'all really nailed it. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Ooh, Cumbia does sound like a neato place to visit, kitties!
    That is a fabulous stone circle, and the artwork is lovely.
    Thanks for the puzzle.

  3. Thank you for sharing yet another beautiful place in your part of the world. I'd love to tour that castle and ride the railway round trip.

  4. That is super amazing, mew guys! The stone circle is epic, but it sounds like the surrounding area is full of lots of other cool and important sights. XO

  5. That looks a lovely place to visit. I have never been to Cumbria.The art is lovely.

  6. That looks most atmeowspheric - but cold!

  7. It looks like ev-furry thing is comin' up tulips fur-om yer header. Purrty.

  8. Looks like a great place. The art is lovely!

  9. Wow, fabulous place and the B-Team looks grand there! The art effect is nice and colorful, too!

  10. Nice selfie and beautiful art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  11. Wow one amazing place to visit and the size of the big stone super xxšŸ˜½šŸˆ‍⬛šŸ¾šŸŖØ

  12. This looks an astonishing place and there is so much to see and do! Those stones almost feel old just looking at them!


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