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Showing posts sorted by date for query king basil. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday 9 September 2024


 Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday epic furiends

Welcome to Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:


Dear Dr. Basil, I hope this letter finds mew in good spirits (pun intended)! As mew know, Halloween is quickly approaching, and I am writing to mew in a state of distress and utter terror.

I, Pumpkin the Orange cat, am once again experiencing pre-Halloween anxiety, and I am absolutely scared fur-less of all the ghosts that seem to appear out of nowhere during this spooky season.

Have mew seen their spooky white sheets floating around? It's enough to make a cat's fur stand on end! I find myself constantly on edge, jumping at the slightest creak and hiding under the bed at the sound of anything remotely resembling a ghostly noise. I cannot bear the thought of those spooky, translucent creatures floating around and making eerie noises. The mere idea sends shivers down my spine and makes my fur stand on end. I simply cannot cope with the thought of facing these spectral visitors. Rumour has it that mew are an expert in feline psychology, and I desperately need your help to overcome this fear. I implore mew, dear Dr. Basil, to come to my aid and provide me with guidance on how to navigate through this bone-chilling time of year.

Please send me your expert advice so that I can stroll confidently through the pumpkin patch once again!

Yours most anxiously, but not furgetting the purrs and paw hugs,

Pumpkin the Orange Cat

This is my Expert Reply

(Notice how I use a calming blue text colour to soothe Pumpkin's frayed furry nerves)

Dear Pumpkin,

It warms my heart to receive your letter, my brave little feline furiend. I understand that Halloween can be a furry challenging time for some anipal furiends, but fear not, for I have devised a seven-step program to help mew overcome your ghostly anxieties.

Step 1: Visualize Courage
Close your eyes and imagine yourself strutting through a field of pumpkins with your head held high. Visualize yourself fearlessly facing any ghostly encounters that may come your way. Repeat this visualization daily to build up your mental strength.

Step 2: Ghastly Exposure
Gradually expose yourself to ghostly images in a controlled environment. I recommend starting with cute cartoon ghosts and gradually working your way up to more realistic depictions. Over time, mew'll find that the fear diminishes as familiarity grows.

Step 3: Pawsitive Affirmations
Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am fearless" and "I am the king of the pumpkin patch" to build up your confidence. Pawsitive self-talk can work wonders in reshaping your mindset.

Step 4: Pawsitive Reinforcement 
Whenever mew feel brave enough to confront something that scares mew, be sure to reward yourself with treats and praise. This will help mew associate bravery with pawsitive experiences.

Step 5: Play Therapy
Engage in playful activities that bring mew joy and distract mew from your fears. Channelling your energy into play, whether chasing a toy mouse or playing a spirited game of hide-and-seek, can significantly reduce anxiety.

Step 6: Embrace the Ridiculousness
Sometimes, facing your fears means embracing the absurdity of the situation. Try picturing those ghosts wearing silly hats or dancing to funny music. It might help lessen their scariness.

Step 7: Seek Comfort 
Don't be afraid to seek comfort from your humans whenever mew feel scared. Their presence and affection can work wonders in calming your nerves.

I have total faith in mew, Pumpkin. With determination and a dash of feline charm, mew'll be prancing through the pumpkin patch with newfound confidence in no time, and no ghost will be giving mew any bother ever again!

Wishing mew a purrfectly peaceful Halloween,

Dr. Basil

@ The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ Go slowly, tread lightly and take your time when facing any challenge ~ 

If mew can relate to this purroblem or feel that mew need any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil with your dilemma or email me directly, and I'll get back to mew.

Thank mew all for joining me today at The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic, and I'll be back soon with another open clinic and a brand new case study.

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr on

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ M.S. ~ M.A. 

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Friday 30 August 2024

Welcome To Friday Fluffers ~ Showcasing The Newest Photo Escapades From BBHQ in **DRAW ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS** **WHO POSED THE BEST?** Starring Fudge, Amber and Pandora - And no, Fudge is NOT a Girl, or Even French For That Matter!

Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers Banner ©BionicBasil® July 2023

Happy Friday Pawesome Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would never see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on Level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of ever being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

Today we're doing something a little different, read on to find out what Fudge came up with.

And as it's the last Friday of the month, today is also... 

Luckily, Pandora's effort fits the criteria! MOL

Some of mew may know that Fudge is really interested in all things arty, and the other day, he remembered that he used to share arty posts: 

Getting All Arty-Farty with The Artful Fudger

Click here to see King Basil's epic pawtrait. Anyhoo, he got to thinking after watching Titanic at the weekend; purrhaps a themed Friday Fluffers might be fun, so he asked Amber and Pandora if they were up for the challenge, which of course they were, but only if Fudge posed first! MOL

And first on the podium is Fudge in...

Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Fudge - Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Yep, he really understands the brief, posing to purrfection! MOL

Definitely 10 out of 10.

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Fudge - Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls 1

Seriously, he really just gets it.

This is a 15 out of 10 for sure! MOL

Next up is Amber in...

Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber - Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Good, but not as good as Fudge. We think this merits 9 out of 10.

A little too coquettish, purrhaps?!  

And finally, Pandora in...

 Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora - Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Pandora is just not feeling it on any level. 

Fudge showed her the poses, and she tried her best.

She's always been a little camera shy, so we'll give her 7 out of 10 for effort, however she does speak with a French accent so we've bumped her up to an 8.5 out of 10! MOL




We're also joining Friday fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs this week.

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to ___________________________.
2. The highlight of my summer was _________________________.
3. _________ is a fictional character I really relate to.
4. My interest in _________ began when _________.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to paint the fence black, and the summer house needs a coat of white. Here's hoping that the weather is conducive and that I will get inspired to tackle both jobs. Plus I need to order new spring bulbs as the wet weather earlier in the year rotted everything. And I was very naughty the other day and ordered a lot of new perennials online - OH DEAR! So that's another job on top of the 200 hundred or so already waiting in the queue!

2. The highlight of my summer was Cat Dad building the new deck over the Bank Holiday weekend; it's the little things, you know! LOL

3. _________ is a fictional character I really relate to. LOL, I've read thousands of books and never encountered a character I can relate to, but there's always the next book. 

4. My interest in sewing began when I was about four, and I would watch my grandmother make things on her manual Singer sewing machine. During my first foray on the Singer machine when no one was about, I ran over my finger with the needle, but a valuable lesson was learned: Keep your fingers out of the way of the needle! LOL


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friday with more funny photos. If mew want to see more of Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls, let us know and we'll curate a few more for next week.

Join us again tomorrow for Parsley's 12th Birthday Celebration and again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection.

In the meantime...
Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Sunday 14 July 2024

The B Team's Westbury White Horse Selfie on The Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art Blog Hop

Summer Sunday Selfies Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023.jpg

Furbulous Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection, and today we bipped back to Wilshire in the Time Travelling Telephone Box to get this furbulous photo!

The B Team's Westbury White Horse Selfie

The B Team's Westbury White Horse Selfie ©BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Obviously, we had to use a little wizardry and Photoshop ourselves bigger, as the size of the chalk horse is just astounding.* Mew would never have been able to see us!

Here's a little bit of info from BBHQ's Historical Travel Guide, Smooch:

Greetings to all the history aficionados and travel enthusiasts out there!

If mew're looking for a beautiful sight to see in Wiltshire, England, the Westbury White Horse is definitely worth checking out! It's a stunning chalk horse that was carved into the hillside of Westbury and is the oldest of its kind in the area dating back to the late 1600s. The horse measures an epic *180 feet long and 170 feet high, making it one of the largest hill figures in all of Britain. While nobody knows for certain where the horse came from, many believe that it was created to celebrate King George III's coronation in 1768. Originally outlined in yellow bricks, the horse was later replaced with white chalk in the early 1800s. Today, the Westbury White Horse continues to be a popular tourist attraction, and it's not hard to see why. Mew can spot it from miles around! A dedicated group of volunteers work hard to maintain the horse and keep it looking its best, and visitors are always welcome to hike up to it and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. If mew happen to be in the area, don't miss out on this amazing piece of history! It's sure to be an unforgettable experience.


Happy Trails


 BBHQ's Historical Travel Guide
Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

The B Team's Westbury White Horse Selfie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Vector Painting GFX + colour + White vignette.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 10 mins. 

Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Anyhoo, it's time for us to go snooze, as the weather has been awful, and no sunspots have been sighted for days! 

Smooch is prepping for lunch and has told the P.A. that today she's got to make a new cheesecake, as he found a pawesome recipe in one of his cookery books by Mary Berry. We're just hoping the P.A. has all the ingredients. Otherwise, Smooch is going to throw a bit of a hissy fit! MOL

We hope you have an epic day and that mew will join us again in the morning for more epic brain training and the answer to last time's sudoku puzzle.

In the meantime, don't forget to...

Summer Stay Fluffy  Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Link up coming later...

Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or