Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sunday Selfies #81

Sunday greetings pawesome furriends,

The photo oppurrtunities were a little better this week as we had some real good time outside, so I suppose that helped the P.A. stalk around the garden with the camera MOL
Parsley was the top model this week as the P.A. really struggles to get him to be compliant, yet he let her take many new pictures, which mew'll be seeing furry soon no doubt! 

Our theme today is:

Purple and Perky! 

Don't furget to join in the fabulous Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their pawesome blog:

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text Glitter Graphics 

Friday, 26 February 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 133 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou



Friday greetings supurr pawesome pals

And welcome to another Friday on the blog.  This week we've had a quite a bit of outside time as it's been sunny during the day but really cold again at night, but that's ok because we've all been parked in front of the wood-burner! MOL

While we've been outside we've been checking the progress of the spring bulbs, the daffs are coming along nicely, the crocus's are starting sprout, and the tulips are just peeking through.  There are others but we can't remember what they're called right now, we just know that a lot of new bulbs went in the ground, as over the years the birds have dug the old ones up!  Hopefully the P.A.'s hard work last autumn will yield a colourful result in the coming weeks, paws crossed.    

In other news, we furgot to mention last week that we opened a Zazzle store, so Bionic Basil is now at Zazzle  as we thought it would be fun to see our furry fizzogs [faces] on various stuff... at the moment we've got a cute selection of mouse mats for sale, with more designs on the way asap.   We're laughing about it because the P.A. is probably going to be the only one buying anything, so she will have seven of effurrying, so each kitty gets one day a week with their products - it's hilarious.  The P.A. will have use a different mouse mat each day, use a new coffee mug each day.... etc... otherwise there'll be a mutiny!!! MOL

And if mew missed anything on the blog this week, here's the catch-up links:

We'll be back on Sunday with a selection of mugshots chosen especially fur your enjoyment and hopefully next week we'll be airing the furst of our Pirate Q&A sessions, so mew'll get all the insider info on our bonkers pirate adventure  and all your questions will be answered.  Sorry it's taken a little longer than we anticipated to garner all the info and put the posts together with a selection of new graphics.

Here's wishing mew all a fabulous weekend

Bestest purrs and happy parading

Basil & Co xox

With our fabulous hosts Rascal & Rocco, and pawesome co-hosts Love is Being Owned By A Husky and Barking From The Bayou so don't furget to visit them and see what exciting stuff they've all been up to this week, we know mew won't be disappointed!

To see this weeks


just pop over to:

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Graphics 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Amber

Pawesome greetings wunderpurr furriends

Amber would really like to go inside, howeffur someone is being furry, furry thoughtless and ignoring her request.... hmmmmmm I wunder who that is???? MOL Mentioning no names - Smoochie!

It's been a little fresh again this week, although the days have been sunny, which has made a huge difference to the normally grey and oppressive skies that are usually in abundance this time of year.

All we can say is, Spring can't get here fast enough and it's being thoroughly thoughtless by taking too long!!

We hope mew all have a sunny spot, or puddle to snooze in today and we'll catch mew on The Pet Parade on the morrow.

Purrs and sweepy snoozes

Basil XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!"
And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wordless on Wednesday with Parsley Sauce

With supurr sleek house panther

Mew may be wundering about the 'sauce' bit - let me explain; when he furst came home from the rescue centre he was called Parson's as he has a slight white ring around his neck, but the P.A. didn't like that name much and really wanted to call him Magic or Midnight or Raven etc... anyhoo mew get the picture... so when he came home and she tried all the names she liked on him and after a few days decided none of them really suited him.

Herein lay the purroblem, as she really hoped one of the names would be right, so after conceding defeat and he was still called Parson's she suddenly had a brainwave to call him Parsley, not too different from his existing name but she liked it so much more, so Parson's became Parsley and offur time that morphed into Mr Sauce as in parsley sauce, and then much to Parsley's chagrin the P.A. plays a game with him; effuryday he is a different sauce.  So here is the last weeks list:

Thursday - Steak Sauce
Friday - Hot Fudge Sauce
Saturday - Sweet Chillie Sauce
Sunday - Mint Sauce
Monday -  Butterscotch Sauce
Tuesday - Hollandaise Sauce

and today he is, of course

Parsley Sauce

As mew can imagine the list is effur evolving, so if mew have any sauces mew'd like to share with us fur future reference in the Mr Sauce game, that would be terrifically pawesome! MOL 

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Sunday Selfies #80

Sunday greetings pawesome furriends,

The photo oppurrtunities were a little difficult and thin on the ground this week and it would seem that effurypurdy had the same idea, look away!  

So today our theme is:

Here's Not Looking At Mew! 

Don't furget to join in the fabulous Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their pawesome blog:

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text Glitter Graphics 

Friday, 19 February 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 132 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou



Friday greetings pawesome pals

Brrrrrrrr.... it's been a supurr frigid week and we all agree that it's time Spring came along and shoved Winter away.  Not that we've have any of the eveeeel white stuff yet, and to be honest we don't want any! 

In other news this week, the fire has been our constant companion throughout these bitterly cold days, and Smoochie went to the vets on Monday as he's been a little out of sorts of late.  The P.A. wundered whether it was because she had been away - again - and that he was just upset.  Well that's partly true, but the Smoochinator has been acting out, and he's been peeing in places that he shouldn't.

The P.A. has removed all items that have been, let's say fur want of a better wurd - Smoochinated from the house and cleaned them thoroughly with a speshal deodorizing cleaner, but has not returned anything into the house yet.  After scrubbing and sanitizing effurything repeatedly  she set up temporary feeding stations with crunchie's and water in the offending places, plus she installed the Feliway plug-ins around the house to soothe his maybe purrhaps frazzled nerves.  This seemed to wurk but after a week he decided to rebel and Smoochinated the P.A.'s laptop on the kitchen table, as mew can imagine, the P.A. was less than impressed with a pee dripping laptop and the new lake on the kitchen table.  All I'm going to say is, thank goodness it was not switched on at the time.

After more scrubbing, cleaning and sanitizing, both items, she has been pardon the pun, letting the laptop drip dry.  It was after this incident that she thought, big guns are needed to solve this situation... not literally I might add, figuratively in the form of the vet.

So off she trundled with him yesterday and after a thoroughly thorough examination, the vet concludes, that he is, as I always suspected a total heathen child! MOL  But seriously, there's nothing wrong with him physically [just mentally MOL] but seriously let's get serious now, he's fine, but he seems to have a developed a minor behavioural purroblem, which is not uncommon  at all, but can be somewhat difficult to address - unlike with our K9 furriends, they get their noses put in the offending pee and lo.... they learn not to do it.  This is not the case with us, we're far more complicated than that and herein lies the purroblem with tackling a matter such as this.

It would seem that the P.A. has done all the right things:

Removing items that were preferred pee points.

Cleaning and sanitizing the areas repeatedly.

Placing feeding stations in the affected areas.

Adding extra litter boxes.

Using Feliway to calm and sooth.

So now it's a case of waiting to see if we can break Smoochie's rather troublesome Smoochinating habit offur the next few weeks, and if any of mew have any sage advice to offur on this matter, we're all ears.

We're hoping that the laptop makes a full recovery as at this point in time, we are still waiting to hear if it's going to be ok - when the P.A. turned it on a couple of days after it was not well at all, in fact I took one look, shook my head and said, "It's done fur!"  That didn't go down too well I might add, so I promptly left the building! MOL

Well after that saga, I think it's times we share this weeks links just in case mew missed anything:

We'll be back on Sunday with our usual selfies round-up, so we hope mew can join us then.

Bestest purrs and happy parading

Basil & Co xox

With our fabulous hosts Rascal & Rocco, and pawesome co-hosts Love is Being Owned By A Husky and Barking From The Bayou so don't furget to visit them and see what exciting stuff they've all been up to this week, we know mew won't be disappointed!

To see this weeks


just pop over to:

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Graphics 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Angel Posie

Fabulous greetings wunderpurr pals

Today Angel Posie is joining us and being thoroughly thoughtless lazing in lilac!!!

The one thing that Posie excelled at was sweeping, she could sweep nearly the entire day away and she didn't care where she did it, the cooker top [off of course], the kitchen table, the sofa, the pouf, the sideboard, anywhere was fair game fur a snooze! MOL 

We hope mew are having a lazy day and keeping warm, the temperature has dropped here this week and it's pawsitively Baltic, howeffur we've assigned the P.A. to fire duty and have been basking in front of the wood-burner keeping our tootsies supurr toastie.

Here's to hot fur and snoozing by the fire

Purrs and kisses

Basil xox

glitter maker

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

glitter maker
And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Text 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Wordless on Wednesday with Snowie

with pawesome 'call centre opurrative'

glitter maker

[who likes to devote some of her spare time to helping kitties in need from her purrsonal home office]

Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Text